iBlaze Dro's ---CFL G13 Thai Super Skunk Grow


Active Member
try it lol
you know the steps on how to do it ?
like cuttin leave tips of and splicing the bottom and what not?

iBlaze DrO

Well-Known Member
only one was short imma take pics but i dont know if you can see em perkin up through the bag.
pics comming tonight

iBlaze DrO

Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
Ok ok I see. Umm never seen the plastic bag method hope it works for you bro. I got a haze sprout :clap:. I can't wait till they all sprout and I can get on my way to cultivating my mother plants.



Well-Known Member
Thank you thank you. So I was thinking while looking at your pics. I see that your plants are in a rubbermaid with soil in it? What about drainage?


iBlaze DrO

Well-Known Member
yo quick update guys.
everything is still good
clones looking good and now playing the waiting games for The Church and Silver Star to pop


Well-Known Member
Looking good, although whats up with the browning leaves? And also are you planning on having the clones/mothers/and new sprouts all in the rubbermaid? Thats gonna be a tight fit....



Well-Known Member
Subbing this one, man. I'm contemplating it for a PC Grow. I've already done a a sativa heavy in one and I'm real curious about this one. I hear it's got chocolate taste to it.

I'm also following that cloning method, as I seem to be a cloning moron..

iBlaze DrO

Well-Known Member
Looking good, although whats up with the browning leaves? And also are you planning on having the clones/mothers/and new sprouts all in the rubbermaid? Thats gonna be a tight fit....

i believe the browning leaves were from the heat stress earlier. and i do not plan to grow all of them in the rubbermaid only the two thai skunk.


Active Member
looks good homie hope everything come together wellll
how long ago did the the church an silver star get planted man?