Whats Killing Her?


Active Member
Hello. So all but the last picture are from 1 of my plants. It started a cupple days ago on the lower fan leaf but now its working its way up taken the plant over.

What could be causing this problem aside from me listing my set up and everything?

Will answer any questions.
I am aware of some problems im haven atm.
Room Temps are always a battle. got a new fan comming in the mail for better ventilation.

(last picture) is just a random of my attempt at doing LST on at the time my least healthiest plant. it actualy kinda looks like its doing better then the rest now. to think it was just about dead when i started the LST



Active Member

What soil are you using and have you used nutes yet?
It may be a mag def but not 100% sure, hopefully an expert comes along.
How often do you water too?

She does look soory for herself but not dying


Active Member

What soil are you using and have you used nutes yet?
It may be a mag def but not 100% sure, hopefully an expert comes along.
How often do you water too?

She does look soory for herself but not dying
That plant is in MG Organic Potting soil.
No Nutes, think the Organic from MG is a pre fed soil?
i have not been watering them alot at all lately. 1-2 times aweek. i have a moisture reader i been usen.
i read that it was good to let them dry out so the roots stretch? so i been letting them do so before watering. i was over waterning when they where alot smaller. sense then they have all shown alot of improvement
Hopefully some Pros take interest :-)


Active Member
It does look like a nute deff, have you checked out the faq's in the problems forum?
Doubt it would be heat related


Active Member
ill give alittle more info hopen for answers :-).
They are 41 days old more or less. first 2 weeks 24/7 lights, now 19/5
They all started in MG Potting Soil. Transplanted into there final homes and there in MG Organic Potting soil now. Besides 2 of them 1 Still MG Potting Soil. Other MG Potting Soil w/ 30% perlite.(LST Plant)
100watt Equivalent CFL's Amount changes but about 8 at any time. Depending on temps and what kinda day it is. i remove or add lights.
Ventilation Bathroom Ceiling Fan (Sucks) have a 250cfm fan in the mail to replace this.
Induction. Hallow door. cut the bottom 2x3 outa it then cut a square hole 1/3 the way up the door. threw a computer fan on there with a Outside style Dryer Vent to stop light from coming in on there Off hours.
From the outside of the door looks normal.
When New fan comes in maybe the Induction will change also.
Temps stay around 87-95 atm. i know there high. constant battle. Humidity stays around 35-50%


Active Member
yeah i took alook at that. only one that i thought looked really close was the pH Fluctuation.
Not sure how to adjust that yet if that is the problem. im huge on fixing the wrong problem and maken more problems


Active Member
anyone think it could be a PH problem? and how would i go about adjusting that?

Oh and just a Old picture of my Other plant before transplanted and started LST. and stopped over watering



Active Member
It has spread to the rest of my plants. The main plant shown in the picture has gotten alot worse, and seems to be spreading alot faster. I need a serious remedy for this fast.If this is a PH Fluctuation how do i fix it? I read a bunch of articles and I am still kinda unsure what causes this problem. If it is even the problem. Urgent. Thank you


Active Member
on a side note. there are 3 differant types of soils here MG Organic in 3 pots MG potting soil 70/30 perlite in 1 and MG potting soil in the last


Well-Known Member
start using distilled or RO water immediatly until u can start checking runoff of ur ph ...and ur tap water.. maybe ur tap water is sititng at 8.5 on the way to high side? who knows.. .. u need to be able to check or have the means to.

once u know ur ph u can start trouble shooting. if ur tap is high.. then u need to simply pick up some ph down.. start filling a contanire full of tap water letting it sit out, and than adding ph down by the capful until desired ph is reached.. once its sat for a day, chlorine is gone.. this is just how i do mine.

there aint nothing wrong with MG products.. they can substain a plant almost thru flower all the way from veg.. common problem uve had ..or admitted to is overwatering..which aint good, but if u can get a more fine tuned water schedule , where they dont have wet feet, and ur ph under control ull be fine..


Active Member
i can check my ph and its sitting at 8.0 i have checked my water before and after letting it sit for 48 hours and its around 6.5. i have always watered them with water thats sat for a day at least
what is this product ph down? where would i find that? or brand name


Well-Known Member
doesnt matter on the brand ph down from a hydroponic supplier, maybe a fish store *doubtful thou) or the net...

i dont quite catch wut u mean..ur ph sits at 8...but ur tap water is 6.5 after sitting out? doesnt make sense..but if its been at 8 and thats been ur water for them, then that combined with soggy soil conditions may be your predominant problem..


Well-Known Member
start using distilled or RO water immediatly until u can start checking runoff of ur ph ...and ur tap water.. maybe ur tap water is sititng at 8.5 on the way to high side? who knows.. .. u need to be able to check or have the means to.

once u know ur ph u can start trouble shooting. if ur tap is high.. then u need to simply pick up some ph down.. start filling a contanire full of tap water letting it sit out, and than adding ph down by the capful until desired ph is reached.. once its sat for a day, chlorine is gone.. this is just how i do mine.

there aint nothing wrong with MG products.. they can substain a plant almost thru flower all the way from veg.. common problem uve had ..or admitted to is overwatering..which aint good, but if u can get a more fine tuned water schedule , where they dont have wet feet, and ur ph under control ull be fine..

RO is great, but distilled will not make your plants happy at all.

MG can, never said that but they SUCK, especially for noobs.

Tons of threads can back me up on BOTH.

you need to ph test bad, if you do use tap water let is set open for 24-36 hrs for all the chlorine n shit to evap, then see if the ph is good or no.

Im not going to argue, research distilled water and see for yourself and for MG well there is a debate, but no debate that there is MUCH better out there.

take care yall
Im soo baked


Well-Known Member
i can check my ph and its sitting at 8.0 i have checked my water before and after letting it sit for 48 hours and its around 6.5. i have always watered them with water thats sat for a day at least
what is this product ph down? where would i find that? or brand name
Ph is down because of the evap minerals and added chemicals, this means your water is better bascially.

let your soil dry completely before watering them again you prob have a ph issue going on.

Do NOT flush it with fresh tap water, that's probably going to cause a huge problem....

I think they will pull through tho, I was stupid and mixed undiluted nutes before adding them to water and 2 of the 3 plants made it ok and 1 had to goto the er and is coming out today.


If it's ph related you'll want to either flush the soil, or add either some baking soda or vinegar depending on which way you want the ph to go. I'd recommend flushing it over adding anything unless you know what you're doing. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
If it's ph related you'll want to either flush the soil, or add either some baking soda or vinegar depending on which way you want the ph to go. I'd recommend flushing it over adding anything unless you know what you're doing. Good luck!
To do a soil flush let the water sit out for 24-48hrs, dont do all that to it. Dont add any nutes


Foolieo, your first post in this thread, the last picture is the one I'll be referring to. Is that thermometer 90 degrees fahrenheit? Seems a bit hot in there, might just be adding to your problems.


Active Member
yeah my temps are very high. im sure it is one of the problems. i keep upgraden my ventilation and intake but its a never ending battle. i just 10 minutes ago added a 6inch 250cfm inline duct fan for intake to try to get some cooler air in there better. i might also order the same fan for ventilation.