I foliar spray all the time ... if you have good enough ventilation the drop will be gone in like 5-10 minutes everytime ...
I use a 400 watt HPS that is 10" away from my plants ... never seen one burn
I use high power 125 CFLs ... not the small spiral kind ... and i spray my mommas and veg plants all the time
just because you cant do it with out fucking your plants up doesnt mean i cant
take your insults elsewhere
Oh shut up you tart. Fair enough, if you can get away with it, go for it. I've also got mine 10inch away and got CFLs as sidelighting [well, they are envirolights]
My HID is more than 400 though.
It's just common sense tells me not to get water on the leaves when the lights are on, as it'll burn....
think about nature.... when does the dew form....
Nevermind though, it's appears alot of people do what you do...
I'm just old skool, i stick by certain rules and never go wrong... and with something like growing weed, doing it right every time aint easy... well, for most people, as there are so many variables.