Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
You missed it TC... no edge at all...

Actually.. that was one of my best discussions with anyone..

it never got out of line.. and we actually reached a consensus...

I had a really good time...:lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you guys enjoyed! Maybe I was just getting tired of reading, lol.

So do you ever sleep?

HA, I'll catch ya latta man, I'm off to work.

Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Yea i saw that bad thought it was a clone you put in there..Been TRYING to pay attention man with all this drama in my life..But damn thats badass..and no ididnt nootice you did everyone of them! Awesom man.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Purp! i was just messing wit ya..:lol:

And TC...

No.. I don't... not much anyways... not in the Summer time...

I'll make up for it come winter...:lol:

Which by the way, it has already snowed twice in the hills since the 21st of June...:lol: winter's coming...:hump:
(strain: big bang ) hay ya man i got 2 little babys well they not babys now they 20 inch but anyway at the moment i got 1 150w hps grow lamp and 3 cfl lights and a floro under them to get light under them its doing the job for now bud iv got a 400w hm lamp on the way im just wondering when this 400w lamp comes will i have to stil have to run the 150 w to or will the 400w be ok for the 2 plants pm soon as poss


Well-Known Member
seein as it dumps soo much out ur way u sled..??? imma buy a 800RMK from my buddy this winter idothink

+ = some goodtimes
strain: big bang. hay man i got 2 little babys. well they not babys now they 20 inch (looking good) but anyway at the moment i got 1 150w hps grow lamp and 3 cfl lights ive also got a floro under them to get the light to the fegie. its doing the job for now but iv got a 400w hm lamp on the way. would i be able to start the budding with these lights untill my 400w hm lamp comes and will i have to stil have to run the 150 w to or will the 400w be ok for the 2 plants advice or critics welcome thanks not to be rood but could you please hurry on comments cause i really need to start flowering these babys many thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hey Gypsy Let first start of by saying thank you for all of your information on growing that you have shared with me and every 1. This is my first time posting in your journal but I have been researching all your post ON SOG grows. I am getting ready to start my SOG 2night I am taking my clones from my dutch passion BB. I will be using a 4x8 table with 2400 watts and co2 injection. My first question of many that I hope you answer is it ok that my clones are different sizes? I have about 20 clones that if I take will be over 12" but I would say that the other 60 are between 4" and 8". Do you know anything about dutch passion BB and weather or not it is a good sog strain? I will get some pics of my mother for you and the clones I take 2night. I just wanted to say hello and thankyou and hope that you will be able to follow my second grow but 1st grow that I am aiming for pounds =)

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
Hey guys do these budz look crazy, like there's something wrong, looks like seeds but there isn't any seeds in those little sacks


Well-Known Member
Hey guys do these budz look crazy, like there's something wrong, looks like seeds but there isn't any seeds in those little sacks

Man My heavy duty fruitie did that same shit... I flushed for a day and started about 75 to 100 PPM's less and used overdrive. Hope this help. GB may have some good imput here...

Hey GB just stoped by to say hey and see how things are going..
Started my tree grow today with a mother I had...Tied her down good got 1 1000 HPS trackin over top..I'll post some pics..
Semper Fi

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
Hey hemlock thankx for the help. i just started the ripen phase from general hydroponics feeding chart witch is about 30% less nutes. But what do you mean by used overdrive and shes in a 5 gal bubble bucket so should i give her just plain water for a day to flush


Well-Known Member
Hey hemlock thankx for the help. i just started the ripen phase from general hydroponics feeding chart witch is about 30% less nutes. But what do you mean by used overdrive and shes in a 5 gal bubble bucket so should i give her just plain water for a day to flush
YEah I would flush with plain R/O water PH'd at5.8-5.9 for a day maybe a little H2O2 1 oz per 5 gallons of water.
The pics you have up show your flowering? How far along into 12/12 are u?

See the white hair on the left side of the pic,,, thats what we need everywhere


Well-Known Member
(strain: big bang ) hay ya man i got 2 little babys well they not babys now they 20 inch but anyway at the moment i got 1 150w hps grow lamp and 3 cfl lights and a floro under them to get light under them its doing the job for now bud iv got a 400w hm lamp on the way im just wondering when this 400w lamp comes will i have to stil have to run the 150 w to or will the 400w be ok for the 2 plants pm soon as poss
Please use paragraphs next time......:lol:

(strain: big bang )
I assume this is the strain you are growing???

hay ya man i got 2 little babys well they not babys now they 20 inch

but anyway at the moment i got 1 150w hps grow lamp and 3 cfl lights and a floro under them to get light under them

its doing the job for now bud iv got a 400w hm lamp on the way
ok is turning into good...

im just wondering when this 400w lamp comes will i have to stil have to run the 150 w to
Ah so you do have a question...

or will the 400w be ok for the 2 plants
It really depends on the size of the plants..

In SOG you could prolly fit 36 lollipops under a 400...

MBlaze on the other hand uses 2400watts on a single plant...

A 400 should be ok for 2 medium sized plants... if they are trained properly...

pm soon as poss
Being nice will go a long ways to assure "quality service"...

But either way I can only read and post when I am online...;-)

LOL, as long as thats your mission.. its pretty much guaranteed.
Dude.. the only guarantee is that I can fuck it all up in no time...:lol:

Everything else is up in the air until harvest day..

Believe me, I know how to fuck thing up real fast..:lol:

But thanks for the vote of confidence...:clap:

seein as it dumps soo much out ur way u sled..??? imma buy a 800RMK from my buddy this winter idothink

+ = some goodtimes
I used to before I busted my leg...

About 7k miles a year...

Hadn't owned a car at all in almost 10 years in the Bush...

Just skiffs, sleds and quads...:lol:


and that is a nice sled... very mission specific, but top notch...

What kind of riding would it be used for?

strain: big bang. hay man i got 2 little babys. well they not babys now they 20 inch (looking good) but anyway at the moment i got 1 150w hps grow lamp and 3 cfl lights ive also got a floro under them to get the light to the fegie. its doing the job for now but iv got a 400w hm lamp on the way. would i be able to start the budding with these lights untill my 400w hm lamp comes and will i have to stil have to run the 150 w to or will the 400w be ok for the 2 plants advice or critics welcome thanks not to be rood but could you please hurry on comments cause i really need to start flowering these babys many thanks.
Not to be rude?

Please dude...

At least say good morning or something..:lol:

I am more than willing to help..

But you gotta use paragraphs..

and you gotta be patient..

I cannot respond to you if I am not online...

and on top of all that this is my journal, in the journal section...

not some Q&A thread...

I'll be glad to help... but you gotta play nice... :razz:

Flower with the 400w... use the 150w as side lighting if you want... I wouldn't... but it's up to you...

So uh...

Best of luck... and if you ever feel like hanging out... remember to be courteous...

Everyone likes nice...:clap: