Conspiracy Maybe??

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
So i was thinking alot about WTC latly and was at ground zero not 2 long ago and the conspiracists that hand out booklets about 9/11 possibly be a conspiracy and after days of reading up ive come to a conclusion that terrorists didnt cause 9/11 but rather government spies that were disquised as terriorists were hired by the government for a suicide mission.Which would give false reason to continue the war for oil.
Anyone else have thoughts on this dont bash me.But i would like to see everyones opinions!:confused:


Well-Known Member
I see the point being that Muslims are very religious. To a point we can't understand. If one of their "superiors" told them to blow up the president with a suicide belt for "Alah", they don't hesitate. We are raping their country right now. Taliban are constantly throwing bullets at our soldiers. I think it's little barbaric useless loss of life. But over their religion rules. I'm surprised they didn't do something crazier, earlier. And if it was the government, well we wont find out until 60 years later through an unclassified document 5 people know about.


Well-Known Member
i dont think our gove. massacured our own people like that..i know our goverment is all fucked up and shit but still...i just caint see it...

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
i dont think our gove. massacured our own people like that..i know our goverment is all fucked up and shit but still...i just caint see it...
because the U.S. will fall apart without oil.Our country revolves around it.Maybe the goernment would try something this drastic

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Yea and it sucks because everyone is riding the governments dick and would never beleive a bunch of stoners or conspiracists that we all know whats up so we cant prove it


Well-Known Member
i dont think our gove. massacured our own people like that..i know our goverment is all fucked up and shit but still...i just caint see it...
Did you know that there is a cure for aids?

That's more the pharm companies lookin the other way but if the government can tell farmers what crops to grow I'm sure they have a little bit of control with the drugs thanks to the FDA.

But France found the cure several years ago. Canada recently picked it up. America will lose money so they continue giving us painkillers and shit.


Well-Known Member
Did you know that there is a cure for aids?

That's more the pharm companies lookin the other way but if the government can tell farmers what crops to grow I'm sure they have a little bit of control with the drugs thanks to the FDA.

But France found the cure several years ago. Canada recently picked it up. America will lose money so they continue giving us painkillers and shit.
yea and its made from Magic Johnsons jesus like blood


imo...I don't think government involvement in 9/11 is relevant this far into the future. It happened. Whether it was the government or the taliban who caused it, I'm pretty divided. However, 9/11 changed this country in ways NOTHING else could. It was a blow to our sense of freedom that was unlike anything else that could've happened regardless of who caused it.

I do not understand, though, why we invaded iraq...if the taliban were the ones who caused 9/11. Its almost like whoever was the intelligence op behind 9/11 threw a dart at a map and said, THOSE GUYS THERE! they did it! Because Iraq really had nothing to do with 9/11 in the first place. So when you look at it like that, government involvement seems likely, considering that we were so quick to start a war, invading Iraq quickly turned from a war on terror to a war on oil no doubt.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
imo...I don't think government involvement in 9/11 is relevant this far into the future. It happened. Whether it was the government or the taliban who caused it, I'm pretty divided. However, 9/11 changed this country in ways NOTHING else could. It was a blow to our sense of freedom that was unlike anything else that could've happened regardless of who caused it.

I do not understand, though, why we invaded iraq...if the taliban were the ones who caused 9/11. Its almost like whoever was the intelligence op behind 9/11 threw a dart at a map and said, THOSE GUYS THERE! they did it! Because Iraq really had nothing to do with 9/11 in the first place. So when you look at it like that, government involvement seems likely, considering that we were so quick to start a war, invading Iraq quickly turned from a war on terror to a war on oil no doubt.
the US attacked iraq because saddam threatened with WMD's Which did not exist n bushes stupid ass had to beleive a country that couldent afford thier own military or an airforce.