Conspiracy Maybe??

Did you know that there is a cure for aids?

That's more the pharm companies lookin the other way but if the government can tell farmers what crops to grow I'm sure they have a little bit of control with the drugs thanks to the FDA.

But France found the cure several years ago. Canada recently picked it up. America will lose money so they continue giving us painkillers and shit.
did you know theres a cure for most cancers and its quite simple. You take microscopic parts of iron and other magenttic metals inject them into the tumor site, then going through machine kinda of like an MRI but its an electromagnet machine. which then cooks the tumor at such a high temprature that it disintegrate into nothing, and 100% of no spreading. Was in a popular machanics about a year ago. We have had this technology for along as time and they said thre not planning to use it till 2014. what a crock of shit.


the US attacked iraq because saddam threatened with WMD's Which did not exist n bushes stupid ass had to beleive a country that couldent afford thier own military or an airforce.

Yeah I get the WMD thing... I just don't really see how 9/11 led to invasion of Iraq...nor do I see why those two were lumped together. They are almost entirely unrelated.
With the electromagtetic machine they can pinpoint to the size of a grain of rice. I will try to find the article online and link it. I know what your saying about cooking the patients insides to death but I dont think it can be worse than chemo/rad which fuckes up the whole body.


New Member
Let me explain something to all of you... :lol:

20 misinformed people in agreement doesn't actually make them informed.


look man i just wanted to tell the OP that

9/11 was 100% an inside job

if you take a look at all the facts, and all the events surrounding that day, and the government explanation for it, (this can also be done with the 07/07 bombings in london, which was the 9/11 style event overseas)

anyway if you look at everything you begin to see impossibilities

not impracticalitys, but straight physics violating explanations from the government

i have many pieces of evidence i can discuss at length, but for now i shall provide a list of things that can be used to show 9/11 was caused by our own government

operation northwoods

building 7

larry silverstiens ownership / his "pull it" order"

the famous INFLAMMABLE passport

Norad standing down

Exercises being done by the military of the SAME event at the SAME time of a terrorist attack, that consisted of the VERY event the government was doing an exercise of. (this was also the case with 07/07 bombings)

Steel structures have never, not once, collapsed due to fire before or since

the buildings come come down at free fall speed, around 11 floors a second, that doesnt happen by a building burning down

the debris from, just days afterwards, was shipped overseas and destroyed (with bodies still remaining in the debris)

Pools of molten iron in the basement of the WTC buildings (this is a cause of thermite)

nano-thermite particles and flakes found at ground 0

perfectly straight line cut support beams, with a perfect 45 degree angle

need i say more?

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
look man i just wanted to tell the OP that

9/11 was 100% an inside job

if you take a look at all the facts, and all the events surrounding that day, and the government explanation for it, (this can also be done with the 07/07 bombings in london, which was the 9/11 style event overseas)

anyway if you look at everything you begin to see impossibilities

not impracticalitys, but straight physics violating explanations from the government

i have many pieces of evidence i can discuss at length, but for now i shall provide a list of things that can be used to show 9/11 was caused by our own government

operation northwoods

building 7

larry silverstiens ownership / his "pull it" order"

the famous INFLAMMABLE passport

Norad standing down

Exercises being done by the military of the SAME event at the SAME time of a terrorist attack, that consisted of the VERY event the government was doing an exercise of. (this was also the case with 07/07 bombings)

Steel structures have never, not once, collapsed due to fire before or since

the buildings come come down at free fall speed, around 11 floors a second, that doesnt happen by a building burning down

the debris from, just days afterwards, was shipped overseas and destroyed (with bodies still remaining in the debris)

Pools of molten iron in the basement of the WTC buildings (this is a cause of thermite)

nano-thermite particles and flakes found at ground 0

perfectly straight line cut support beams, with a perfect 45 degree angle

need i say more?
Yes.This is evrything im trying 2 explain but am 2 baked 2 say anything.
You put it in perspective


Well-Known Member
look man i just wanted to tell the OP that

9/11 was 100% an inside job

if you take a look at all the facts, and all the events surrounding that day, and the government explanation for it, (this can also be done with the 07/07 bombings in london, which was the 9/11 style event overseas)

anyway if you look at everything you begin to see impossibilities

not impracticalitys, but straight physics violating explanations from the government

i have many pieces of evidence i can discuss at length, but for now i shall provide a list of things that can be used to show 9/11 was caused by our own government

operation northwoods

building 7

larry silverstiens ownership / his "pull it" order"

the famous INFLAMMABLE passport

Norad standing down

Exercises being done by the military of the SAME event at the SAME time of a terrorist attack, that consisted of the VERY event the government was doing an exercise of. (this was also the case with 07/07 bombings)

Steel structures have never, not once, collapsed due to fire before or since

the buildings come come down at free fall speed, around 11 floors a second, that doesnt happen by a building burning down

the debris from, just days afterwards, was shipped overseas and destroyed (with bodies still remaining in the debris)

Pools of molten iron in the basement of the WTC buildings (this is a cause of thermite)

nano-thermite particles and flakes found at ground 0

perfectly straight line cut support beams, with a perfect 45 degree angle

need i say more?
OK Tom Delonge i get it.
i still blame terrorists
but <3 saddam



Don't worry he's crackin' down on the CIA and the government conspiracies! Nothing will happen now!

... except for terrorists.

Why don't we ever see foreign video from Iraq explaining that there is no Osama and that the USA made it up?

The only thing that IS weird is the fact that with the Pentagon "incident" there was no remaining plane, and where in the fuck did the 10,000 gallons of Jet-A fuel go and spill? Even if they were on empty they would still have at LEAST 500 gallons. Have you ever seen 30 gallons of water spill? Yeah, huge. Think of 500 gallons of oily, non evaporating, refined diesel spilling all over after the wings and tanks burst open. Fire won't burn it up that quickly either.

Best part was that the ONLY security camera that had the best angle of what happened "never was released nor recovered". Was on the top of some decently high office building. Lol they got VCR jacked by the government.


Well-Known Member
IDC what happened, something exploded, and it looked awesome, sooo yea thats my opinion haha
feel bad for the people, but atleast they went out in a fiery flame of glory?

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Um they burned alive some of which were so scared cuz they were above the flames with no way 2 get out started to jump and these are people jumping from what used to be the 2nd tallest buolding in the states 85-like 100ish floors splattering all over pavement and buildings