Sotomayor Refuses to Renounce 'Wise Latina' Word


Active Member

not worth it. in the future if you want to reply to someone's comment you should read what they say.


Active Member
i made a comment of no more than 4 sentences, complete with proper pauses and no run-ons.
maybe you were just throwing out a generalized random comment. i assumed you were responding to my post.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
wow what melodramatic grandstanding.

if someone white would have highlighted their heritage it would be no big deal.
if some irish dude was being nominated and made a crack about being a 'fighting irishman'
i doubt there would be pissing and moaning. seriously leave mlk out of this please its so asinine and really silly.
my post is appropriate i will let it stand:hump:


Active Member
if by 'appropriate' you mean 'completely missing the point', then you are correct sir.


Well-Known Member
First of all...wasn't her comment from a speech given to dramatically motivate them to fight for justice? Not some verbal resumé.

As for her stance on the 2nd amendment - it's a whole other issue. She cannot and will not abolish the right to bear arms all by herself. Her presence and positions are easily mitigated by Roberts, Scalia, and other consesrvative judges. Are you saying that we shouldn't have checks and balances on the highest of all courts?
This is true! We cannot have robotic justices with no political ideology...the best we can hope for is balance.

Mental Illness!!!!:shock:, well you see...I guess I'll let JRH72582 take this...

You probably actually believe that I am mentally ill because I don't think like you - exactly like you. So why is your opinion - and only your opinion - the correct one? I like Sotomayor. Get over it. I'm not saying you have to like her. I couldn't give a fuck about you and your damn youtube-based theories. If you want to engage in debate, that's fine. But if you want to call people who disagree with you mentally ill, then fuck off. That's poisonous anti-intellectualism. You think it's okay to completely shut off inquiry into a matter because YOU say so. How fucking narcissistic is that? Do you ever leave open the possibility that you could be wrong sometimes? It's a serious question.
Thanks dude.

Anyone with half a brain cell can see right past her. Did you watch any of her hearings where she didn't answer questions with a straight answer.
She did not answer these question because they are likely to be ruled on in upcoming cases...she did not try to dodge the questions...this is normal!

If you don't like political threads, why did you click on one? This seems more the thread you'll enjoy. :mrgreen:bongsmilie

What's up with the finger dude? Most of what I said was a monologue. The only thing I specifically mentioned that was incorrect (that you said) was that the SC is higher than that of the state of Pennsylvania. WTF?
What now you get sensitive? Passive aggressive! Are you a chick?

I'll go with Robert Bork
Oh my you did not just go there!!!!!

Kennedy is and has always been a person of the lowest standards. Read Bork's actual record and Kennedy seems to be trippin on acid. Kennedy knew full well no one would.....
Person of lowest standards (compared to what/who?...)...trippin on acid...are you campaigning for or against? Sounds like a man of the people to me!!!!!

Martin Luther King is spinning in his grave :sad:



Active Member
i am spot on ,your examples were vague at best .none said they were better because of there heritage
it was a single example and it was painfully direct and simple. if you cant understand it then its out of my hands. good luck with that.

anyway lets take her statement in context. that means in its entirety and not chopped by foxnews:

topic of speech:
Raising the Bar: Latino and Latina Presence in the Judiciary and the Struggle for Representation."

widely whored quote:
I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.

so she suggested that a latino person would be better to assess the latino presence and representation in the judicial system. ZOMG RACIST!!!111ONEONE

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
PVS i am white i lived the first three months of my life in aldama mexico where we farmed illegally for a mexican doctor . don't stereo type me because of the color of my skin,she grew up latina ,i started my life mexican


Well-Known Member
PVS i am white i lived the first three months of my life in aldama mexico where we farmed illegally for a mexican doctor . don't stereo type me because of the color of my skin,she grew up latina ,i started my life mexican
Was that a typo? The first 3 mos of my life had about no effect on my future.



Active Member
PVS i am white i lived the first three months of my life in aldama mexico where we farmed illegally for a mexican doctor . don't stereo type me because of the color of my skin,she grew up latina ,i started my life mexican
i didn't stereotype anyone.

also, anecdotal evidence FOR THE WIN


Well-Known Member
I mean more in line with not being overturned in superior courts above.... Soto has a 60% overturn rate.... that is NOT an indication she needs to be bumped up beyond judicial reproach..... does it (be honest)??
Here is some snippits that explain better why I think that the overturn rate is not important:

She has many others, but these were the ones that dealt with the constitution.

And since almost every case (at this level) that one side loses gets sent to the Supreme court and they pick the ones that may be able to be overturned due to being unconstitutional. When they choose not to review a case, they agree with the decision.

So really she had 4 of over 1000 cases overturned. so about a 99.6% agreement rate with the high court.

If you look at just the hardest to judge cases that had been sent (6), they over-turned her 4 times.

And since the supreme court overturns about 75% of the cases it sees the average 'success' rate of judges who have their cases seen in the supreme court is 25%. So she is still above average.

You have to love numbers.
here you go...;)

That's a nice bit of twisty truth. While the courts may (quite obviously) overturn cases, the numbers pertain to all lower judges. Soptomayer has a very high Overturn rate PER Judge. There's a big difference in that little twist.

The fact that cases are overturned is not supposed to be a goal.
Was it twisted or untwisted?

I was trying to find a historical judge by judge overturn rate, but couldn't. I wish I worked for Gallup or something where i could just have people pull the numbers. I think that would be most telling. I would bet that most judges would only have 1 case seen, but that is purely guessing. So it would have to be people with cases seen by supreme court over 5 times to get a decent statistical analysis.

The world may never know......
Good point...hey CrackerJax how about a citation to the "60% of her cases overturned"...and at what level....this sounds REALLY unlikely

And please no links to youtube or Fox News!



Well-Known Member
so she suggested that a latino person would be better to assess the latino presence and representation in the judicial system. ZOMG RACIST!!!111ONEONE
Thank you for proving she's another racist asshat. Only latinos know latino problems? So only white people understand white problems?
As long as there are idiots like her in power the emphasis will fall on race and sex issues instead of class issues.


New Member
With Judge Sonia Sotomayor already facing questions over her 60 percent reversal rate, the Supreme Court could dump another problem into her lap next month if, as many legal analysts predict, the court overturns one of her rulings upholding a race-based employment decision.

Three of the five majority opinions written by Judge Sotomayor for the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals and reviewed by the Supreme Court were reversed, providing a potent line of attack raised by opponents Tuesday after President Obama announced he will nominate the 54-year-old Hispanic woman to the high court.

"Her high reversal rate alone should be enough for us to pause and take a good look at her record. Frankly, it is the Senates duty to do so," said Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America.

That was an article from last month, and yes, in case you weren't paying attention, the Supreme court REVERSED her decision on that upcoming case. That makes 4 out of 6 MAJOR reversals. lawdy.....she is unfit for the Supreme Court.


Well-Known Member
With Judge Sonia Sotomayor already facing questions over her 60 percent reversal rate I did my own 2 minutes of research on this...cuz it smelled like...well you know, and the first hit I get seems pretty rational:

So here is the whole article...I included the intro/conclusion as it sums it up without the details...some of the conclusion, I believe, Hanimmal already stated...

"One of the major critiques being launched at judge Sonia Sotomayor involves the Supreme Court's reversal of three of her appellate court decisions. The Washington Times trumpeted the charge with an ambitious headline: "Sotomayor reversed 60% by high court." And Fox News' Major Garrett asked pointed questions about the matter to spokesman Robert Gibbs during Tuesday's briefing. The charge is one of several being held up by conservatives as evidence that Sotomayor stands far outside the judicial mainstream. But a little bit of context greatly dilutes its effectiveness. Indeed, if anything, it makes Sotomayor a picture of mainstream jurisprudence.[...]

Taken as a whole, the decisions suggest that, if anything, Sotomayor is of a similar judicial philosophy to the justice she is poised to replace. The numbers, moreover, make her appear decidedly non-controversial. In an eleven-year career, she issued 380 opinions. Five were appealed to the Supreme Court and only three were reversed. According to SCOTUSblog, a 60 percent reversal rate is actually lower than the overall Supreme Court reversal rate for the past five years. In 2008, for example, the Court reversed 75.3 percent of the cases it considered.
Indeed, one of the darlings of judicial conservatives, Justice Samuel Alito, also had a share of his opinions dismissed or overruled by the Court before he himself was appointed to that bench"

Stop watching FOX NEWS!!!!!



New Member
Okay, let's use a bit of logic and actual CORRECT statistical analysis, shall we?

Never forget that a good defense of something bad will seem plausible, if it's truly a good defense. It's all in the wording my friend.

Your article from the left leaning Huffington (and that's fine) already confirms my foundational point....which you "thought" smelled. It did give me a bit of credit (she does have a 60% overturn rate).

Okay, the real meat of the defense is that 60% of the cases before the Supreme Court get overturned anyways. But THAT 60% is not the same as Soto's 60% son. The Supreme courts 60% is for ALL cases before them, from MANY lower court judges. But Soto hits the high water mark of 60% overturn ALL BY HERSELF!! They lead you to believe that the Supreme Court % is an is not. Soto's is the average and that is a HORRENDOUS number to have and be considered for the Supreme Court.
It's a statistical trick they are spinning in the defense.

It's also WHY they were overturned. Stuff does get overturned for all sorts of TECHNICAL reasons, but not with SOTO. It's her insistence of injecting her bias into her rulings which get her overturned, time and again.
Now this seems all a bit abstract, but let me tell you this, I would MUCH rather have Alito hear my case than Sotomayor. It's that simple. This is STRICTLY stacking the bench to weaken the Constitution, which is a "progressive" goal....Obama.

Soto disregards the Constitution.....period. The fact that Obama picked her gives me another reason not to like his administration. He doesn't really care about the Constitution, just stack the bench with as "progressive" a candidate that he can get away with.

Statistics are a very easy way to mislead the casual reader......

Dolce Vita

Active Member
Okay, let's use a bit of logic and actual CORRECT statistical analysis, shall we?

Never forget that a good defense of something bad will seem plausible, if it's truly a good defense. It's all in the wording my friend.

Your article from the left leaning Huffington (and that's fine) already confirms my foundational point....which you "thought" smelled. It did give me a bit of credit (she does have a 60% overturn rate).

Okay, the real meat of the defense is that 60% of the cases before the Supreme Court get overturned anyways. But THAT 60% is not the same as Soto's 60% son. The Supreme courts 60% is for ALL cases before them, from MANY lower court judges. But Soto hits the high water mark of 60% overturn ALL BY HERSELF!! They lead you to believe that the Supreme Court % is an is not. Soto's is the average and that is a HORRENDOUS number to have and be considered for the Supreme Court.
It's a statistical trick they are spinning in the defense.

It's also WHY they were overturned. Stuff does get overturned for all sorts of TECHNICAL reasons, but not with SOTO. It's her insistence of injecting her bias into her rulings which get her overturned, time and again.
Now this seems all a bit abstract, but let me tell you this, I would MUCH rather have Alito hear my case than Sotomayor. It's that simple. This is STRICTLY stacking the bench to weaken the Constitution, which is a "progressive" goal....Obama.

Soto disregards the Constitution.....period. The fact that Obama picked her gives me another reason not to like his administration. He doesn't really care about the Constitution, just stack the bench with as "progressive" a candidate that he can get away with.

Statistics are a very easy way to mislead the casual reader......
42.73 % of all statistics are made up on the spot. :hump: