Pablo's Balcony Bagweed Bush


Well-Known Member
Been getting advice and posting here for about 4 months as a result of this plant. Figured it was time. I'm not gonna lie - it's for purely selfish reasons. I'm gonna have some more questions along the way, and I'd rather not keep making individual posts everytime I'm looking for help.

First grow. Socal. Started last week of February. Germ'd 1 seed and planted it in miracle gro potting soil w/3 months of nutes. Transferred to a 3 gallon pot after about a month or so. Topped it once at about 1.5 months, and again just shy of 3 months maybe (I cut multiple tops that time - about 4). I don't have a ph meter and have never checked the ph. I use tap water that's been sitting out for a couple of days. I've been spraying it with neem oil occasionally. I know a few folks don't like it, but it seems to work, and I actually like the smell. Kind of like citrus.

At 3 months I started adding 1/4 strength all purpose miracle gro, and bumped it up to 1/2 strength shortly thereafter. When that ran out (it had been around for years), I started adding miracle gro fish emulsion (5-1-1), full strength, about every other watering. Once during that cycle I used some Orchid Bloom Booster (11-35-15), but wasn't impressed with the results. Maybe I didn't give it a chance. I was worried about the yellowing leaves, and thought it needed more nitrogen - hence the fish emulsion.

Preflowers showed up around June 24, just after summer solstice. It's got plenty of preflowers on it now. I always think I've been giving it plenty of water, but I've never watered enough to see it flow out the bottom. That's been bugging me, so today I removed the stupid false bottom from it, punched some holes in the bottom, and poured a couple of gallons of water in it and voila, it ran right out the bottom. I was worried perhaps the holes were plugged up and maybe root rot was setting in.

I've still got yellowing leaves and it's bothering me. There's a local store where I live that sells the FoxFarm products. I guess I'll go pick up some proper nutes, but I don't want them selling me a bunch of stuff I don't need.

I've recently received my medical card, but still a little nervous about having it on my balcony. So far, it's not visible from below. From what I've read here, it will get significantly bigger if everything goes right.

Full disclosure: I frequently have the door that separates my balcony from my living room open. Actually, it's always open when I'm home except when I close it at night. It's summer, it's hot, and I like having the door open. Anyway, there's been plenty of times when I don't close the door, thereby blocking all the light from my living room from spilling out onto the balcony, until an hour or so after it's gotten dark. So, I may end up with a friggin' hermi. Also, there's a flood light attached to the side of my balcony, on the bottom, that sheds light onto the walkway underneath.

Note to self: Start a journal much earlier to avoid writing a novel that most people don't have the time or patience to read. If you made it this far, you are definitely not high enough. Cheers!


Old Coot

Well-Known Member
She is healthy as hell I would say. With the drain unplugged I bet she takes another leap of growth as it drys out. Kudos on the long veg and what appears will be a healthy and tasty crop. You might switch to 0-10-10 fish ferts and molasses. Maybe water with a two liter of carbonated water to get extra oxygen to the roots.


Well-Known Member
She is healthy as hell I would say. With the drain unplugged I bet she takes another leap of growth as it drys out. Kudos on the long veg and what appears will be a healthy and tasty crop. You might switch to 0-10-10 fish ferts and molasses. Maybe water with a two liter of carbonated water to get extra oxygen to the roots.
Hey Old Coot, thanks for the compliment and advice. I agree that it's probably time to start feeding a bit more P nutes. But, I'm not sure about cutting out N altogether. My understanding is the plant will need nitrogen to feed the leaves for quite awhile still, which in turn will feed my potential buds. I'm guessing I've got at least 2 - 3 months before harvest, and it will need some nitrogen during that period. What are your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Here's the bloom nutes I used as well as the fish emulsion. I think miracle gro is trying to corner the marijuana cultivation market. If you notice, that fish is obviously stoned. That can't be an accident.

Off topic: Walter Cronkite just died at age 92. Sad news. "And that's the way it is".


Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Here's the bloom nutes I used as well as the fish emulsion. I think miracle gro is trying to corner the marijuana cultivation market. If you notice, that fish is obviously stoned. That can't be an accident.

Off topic: Walter Cronkite just died at age
92. Sad news. "And that's the way it is".
Sure cant argue with your results thus far....I use wormcastings and the occassional used coffee grounds for N boost.
Nice thing about worm castings is it simply will not burn your plants and of course used coffee grounds are free.
As I understand it, once flower has started your soil should have enough N left to get her to the finish line if you arent root bound. Maybe just top dress the soil so that when you water you get a little N in the mix.


Well-Known Member
Having issues posting pics. I'll try again. I've heard of using the worm castings, but not the coffee grounds. Interesting. I brew one cup every morning so I could just toss the spent grounds on top of my soil. But I definitely need to get to the store and purchase some decent bloom nutes. I'm not sure if the Orchid Bloom stuff is gonna give me the results the plant deserves.



Well-Known Member
Beautiful plant pablo

You could easily get another 2-3' of growth by transplanting into a bigger container. IMO
Thanks Green Cross. Yep, you're probably right about going with a bigger container. Unfortunately, it's already bigger than I anticipated and/or want. That's what happens when you do your research after you get in over your head.:wall:


plan on it getting taller and wider yeah. also your bloom nutes are kinda high in the n. depo man. im sure you could use it to bloom but it may encourage taller plants that are leafier. if you can try and get something with 5 or less nitrogen count. but anyway good shit so far.


Well-Known Member
plan on it getting taller and wider yeah. also your bloom nutes are kinda high in the n. depo man. im sure you could use it to bloom but it may encourage taller plants that are leafier. if you can try and get something with 5 or less nitrogen count. but anyway good shit so far.
Yeah, I'm just learning on this plant. After giving it the fish emulsion, followed by a mini-flush, this thing took off. I know I need to get proper bloom stuff, but this plant is about the healthiest it's ever been. Here's a couple more pics. The 2nd pic is from this evening, around sunset. It's at 4 1/2 feet now. It's taken over my balcony. (along with the tomato plant).



Well-Known Member
I just picked up FoxFarm's Big Bloom. Per the instructions, I added 1/2 cup to a gallon of water and gave my plant lunch. Now I sit back and see what happens over the next few days.

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
I just picked up FoxFarm's Big Bloom. Per the instructions, I added 1/2 cup to a gallon of water and gave my plant lunch. Now I sit back and see what happens over the next few days.
Jeez man, she is healthy as hell now! LOL just dont over feed her bubba!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks again Old Coot! I wanted to make sure she had plenty of nitrogen and green leaves to last through the flowering process. Hopefully the bloom nutes I just picked up will be all I need until harvest. I'm gonna pick up some molasses as well.

Hopefully the FoxFarm people are right about the feeding schedule. I was kinda surprised that it said to use 1/2 a cup per gallon for the first feeding. The pessimist in me was thinking that was intended to force folks to buy it more often, rather than actually benefit the plant.

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Thanks again Old Coot! I wanted to make sure she had plenty of nitrogen and green leaves to last through the flowering process. Hopefully the bloom nutes I just picked up will be all I need until harvest. I'm gonna pick up some molasses as well.

Hopefully the FoxFarm people are right about the feeding schedule. I was kinda surprised that it said to use 1/2 a cup per gallon for the first feeding. The pessimist in me was thinking that was intended to force folks to buy it more often, rather than actually benefit the plant.
I know what you mean. Every time I hit up the local grow shop I cringe at the thought of how much money I could pour on my plants. Im trying to stay totally organic.. as in CHEAP! The whole idea for me is to get my herb at nearly no cost.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean. Every time I hit up the local grow shop I cringe at the thought of how much money I could pour on my plants. Im trying to stay totally organic.. as in CHEAP!

Yeah, I was surprised that I had to cough up $15.00 for the fox farm bloom nutes. It could've been a hell of a lot more, tho. I don't mind paying the money that's needed to give me the results I want. But I'd rather not pay for overpriced b.s. that has no basis in science - other than what everyone already knows about.

The young, white, skinny, sullen, indifferent, most likely stoned young gentleman at the hydro store told me that I didn't need the tiger bloom. (They were out of it at the time anyway). I'm hoping he knows what he's talking about. I think it's fine. If I see a N deficiency, I can always give it a boost of fish emulsion.

Here's some pics from the day after doing the feeding. And of my other girl trying to stay cool on the hardwood.



Well-Known Member
Here's some more pics from this evening. There was a thread earlier about the feeding schedule for FoxFarm Nutes. I've been using the Big Bloom recently. Any reason why I shouldn't just go by the schedule on the back of the bottle?

By the way, this is not one of those threads where you need an invitation to post in. Cheers.

