help! flowering under 18/6 veg cycle, 1 grow room, 1 1 grow light.


Well-Known Member
need some advice. I need to start a 12/12 cycle on a few plants and clones i have, but i only have 1 grow room and 1 1000 watt HPS grow light, and i have another crop under the light in veg. can anyone give me some suggestions on how could i do the 12/12 cycle under the same crop doing 18/6? i was thinking about just after 12 hours in the light cover the plants that i am going to flower with garbage bags, or anything else that will shield from light, and just put them in a corner of my grow room And uncover and put back with other crops after the 12 hrs dark. Can anyone help me out with this, has anyone ever done something like this beafore that could give me some pointers or suggestions? any and all comments welcomed.


need some advice. I need to start a 12/12 cycle on a few plants and clones i have, but i only have 1 grow room and 1 1000 watt HPS grow light, and i have another crop under the light in veg. can anyone give me some suggestions on how could i do the 12/12 cycle under the same crop doing 18/6? i was thinking about just after 12 hours in the light cover the plants that i am going to flower with garbage bags, or anything else that will shield from light, and just put them in a corner of my grow room And uncover and put back with other crops after the 12 hrs dark. Can anyone help me out with this, has anyone ever done something like this beafore that could give me some pointers or suggestions? any and all comments welcomed.
get more lights or just start flowering them all how big are the others in veg ?

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
there is no way other than to do what dotmans said....or to make it into 2 separate grow HAVE to separate them


Well-Known Member
their is only 1 room with 1 light, and their is no other way i can get another light. and the plants i have in a 18/6 veg is a new crop only like 2 weeks old, so you guy can see my delima:confused:, and i have no choice but to put my big plants in that room with the ones vegging. this is my 1 and only optio is to put them in the same room, under the same light. Any suggestions???? i relly need some help on this one.


Well-Known Member
If you cant afford to get another nice light just buy some fluorescent bulbs and move your new plants into another room until they are ready to flower.
their is only 1 room with 1 light, and their is no other way i can get another light. and the plants i have in a 18/6 veg is a new crop only like 2 weeks old, so you guy can see my delima<IMG class=inlineimg title=Confused border=0 alt="" src="" smilieid="10">, and i have no choice but to put my big plants in that room with the ones vegging. this is my 1 and only optio is to put them in the same room, under the same light. Any suggestions???? i relly need some help on this one.
yea use black buckt if possible, r build plywood semi contraption to cover and block off section of room, r move plants somewhere else for dark, best would be use cfl for veg planas in separate room if not availble build plywood cupboard for em in back of room light leak proof

Dr. Conrad

Active Member
You can put the vegging ones in a Homebox S or maybe even XS. It's light proof so it cant stay in the room. Just get 4x 68 Watt CFL in there with a 6 inchin inline exaust fan.:joint:


Well-Known Member
new room or put everything on 12/12.
the thing is i cannot make, or buy a homebox, or put anything in a new room, only 1 light, 1 room and i cannot get another lgiht right now. i need to put my flowering crop with the newly started 2 week old crop that is already on 18/6 cycle. I am just going to do this ands can anyone tell me if this would be alright for a month till the flowering plants are going to get pulled.
When they are finished with the 12 hrs light put them on the outside of the grow room, that is seperated by thick plastic sheets i nailed up to use as walls. And when i put on outside of plastic "wall" cover each plant with garbage bag or 2, and when finished with the 12 hr dark put back in room with the light. Can anyone give me some input on this please??? this is really the only thing i can do for now, i have no building materals, no money right now to get anything, or anything. So the only way i can do this right now, can anyone tell me if this would be cool.


Active Member
i wouldnt cover a plant with a plastic bag, try to find cardboard boxes big enough for your plants and put a towel over it. Or move all your vegging plants outside and start flowering


Active Member
dont fucking do that... garbage bags over the flowering ones...

start them ALL 12/12 get some little sog sticks from the ones in veg now. and then get decent plants from the ones in flowering now.

or get a diff room


Active Member
Just take the flowering ones out of the grow room and put them into a cabinet that wont let light in. Maybe a fish tank stand with a door on the front or something similiar. After 12 hours put them back in the grow room.