how to determine sex? when to transplant?


UPDATE on my plant. I was wondering how old does the plant need to be to start showing its sex? There are small stick like looking things, that look like this : ( ) coming in at 3rd, 4th, and 5th internode. Plant is still around 3 weeks or so though. I keep it under 24 hrs of light which is part sunlight durind day and cfl at night. I just have it in the open. I figure that is the best way for ventilation. I'm not worried about it being hidden away until its time to flower, but by then it needs to be boxed up for a 12/12 light cycle with the night side being completely dark anyway. Also when should I transplant? I plan to transplant to a bigger 5 gallon container when I construct my new grow room when my plant is ready to flower. Here is a link to my most current grow journal :



This is a more realistic picture since this plant is a month old, about a week ahead of mine. Those small little sticks is what my plant also has on 3rd, 4th, and 5th nodes.
(my camera doesn't have close/clear enough zoom) to show my sticks.



Well-Known Member
those are the beginning of new branch growth, not preflowers. preflowers grow in between the new branch growth and the stamen. you won't notice preflowers until the plant is about 4-6 weeks old, or the first week after switching to 12/12. your pot looks fine for now but I would transplant in a few weeks


Well-Known Member
oh i didn't notice it was in a dixie cup lol, your plant looks big enough to transplant into the 5 gallon pot, just make sure to bury it all the way up to its first set of leaves. It looks old enough to start feeding grow nutes too.


oh i didn't notice it was in a dixie cup lol, your plant looks big enough to transplant into the 5 gallon pot, just make sure to bury it all the way up to its first set of leaves. It looks old enough to start feeding grow nutes too.
The first set of leaves being the cotyledon leaves? They are starting to yellow a liitle and curl now. I want to use this fertilizer:

I've used it before and it worked great.


Well-Known Member
yeah bury it up to the cotyldons, even deeper if you want. Remember that every part of the stalk that is under the soil will begin to grow roots, and more roots = more bud