Kicked Out Of Weed Club Today. Who Was Really At Fault?


Well-Known Member
I was in sacramento today going to a different club for the first time other than the apparently kind of ghetto place Im going to now. I could see all the goodies in the back from the waiting room. They looked like way more of a selection than the small club I usually go to. So I really wanted in this place but have to go through a verification process first where the club registers you as a patient and calls your clinic where you got your recommend.
I waited for my clinic to call back for about a half hour but no call. Then decided to go consume some of my friends meds that he had just bought from there and come back to see if I was to get the OK. The weed we smoked was called blue dream (blueberry x haze) and I had just picked 2 blue dream clones from marconi and my friend happened to buy some at this place. Very stony weed because apparantly I was oblivious to the fact how stoned I had gotten in that short trip. I called my clinic to ask why I hadnt been verified and they told me they had completed the verification. So Im walking in through an apparantly flimsy door because one of the staff noted that I had slammed the door rudely when I left the time before. And during the time I was waiting I had asked to use the restroom and the guy pointed me to a door and said it was on the right, no big deal. But after the conversation with my clinic I went back there and was very stoned and had to piss really bad. Walked up on the place, walk in thier unsecured door past the glass and oblivious to proper procedure in that situation , walk into the unsecured door and go in the bathroom and relieve myself. But when I came out this girl was standing there with my patient info and I toatally forgot to read the rules and sign my name at the bottom. There was an armed security guard there too and they told me there was nothing they could do for me and told me to leave and go to another dispensary. Which sucks. I really wanted to see what they had. I hope they didnt ban me for that. And when it all was happening all I could feel was the effects of the strong weed. So who do you blame? I guess I should be more aware of where Im at at certain moments but thats really it was a bit of high grade marijuana. I was so used to marconi I just didnt realize that other stores are ran differently. But was there anything that club could have done better? I take medications that control anxiety and panic attacks and I pretty much felt like I had committed a serious offense.


Well-Known Member
Eh, no so much your fault, they failed to guide there customer so its there fault.

Sorry not trying to thread jack or anything but how do you like living in sacramento? Im thinkin about moving out there..ha


Well-Known Member
I live about 45 minutes north of sac. One of the shittiest places to get a job. Relatively cheap though. Yuba city/marysville.


Well-Known Member
they obviously had a communication problem or there wouldnt of been one the question really is do u want to deal with them after them being so rude???


Well-Known Member
I was pretty shaken up by it. But something tells me they were probly doing the norm and maby they would have treated me like any other person. And they have to run a pretty tight operation when your selling mj meds but were they really rude? I guess thier system is kind of nonconducive to the average stoner who maby has over medicated themselves. It was pretty confusing but dodnt you think she should have looked over my form and had seen that I didnt sign the rules. She could have given that back to me.


Well-Known Member
They have to be really strict regarding rules at big dispensaries....they are worried about robberies, or giving the DEA any reason to mess with them. Most of the clubs I have been to won't let you talk on your cell phone becuase they think you are trying to orchestrate a robbery...

anyway, don't worry about it. It's no big deal.


Well-Known Member
if that clubs going to he lame though, just check and find more in sac. that's what I did and I really liked the clubs I found. I went to Doctor's Orders off Raley Blvd and really liked their clone and med selection and same with ATA off Cap City freeway. I couldn't see those clubs getting all anal over nothing. but like you said, they probably were just acting on protocol so just gotta keep attention and know whats up.
cheers :peace:


Well-Known Member
Normally weed doesnt incapacitate me the way that blue dream did. Man I dont think Ive ever smoked haze.


Well-Known Member
I was in sacramento today going to a different club for the first time other than the apparently kind of ghetto place Im going to now. I could see all the goodies in the back from the waiting room. They looked like way more of a selection than the small club I usually go to. So I really wanted in this place but have to go through a verification process first where the club registers you as a patient and calls your clinic where you got your recommend.
I waited for my clinic to call back for about a half hour but no call. Then decided to go consume some of my friends meds that he had just bought from there and come back to see if I was to get the OK. The weed we smoked was called blue dream (blueberry x haze) and I had just picked 2 blue dream clones from marconi and my friend happened to buy some at this place. Very stony weed because apparantly I was oblivious to the fact how stoned I had gotten in that short trip. I called my clinic to ask why I hadnt been verified and they told me they had completed the verification. So Im walking in through an apparantly flimsy door because one of the staff noted that I had slammed the door rudely when I left the time before. And during the time I was waiting I had asked to use the restroom and the guy pointed me to a door and said it was on the right, no big deal. But after the conversation with my clinic I went back there and was very stoned and had to piss really bad. Walked up on the place, walk in thier unsecured door past the glass and oblivious to proper procedure in that situation , walk into the unsecured door and go in the bathroom and relieve myself. But when I came out this girl was standing there with my patient info and I toatally forgot to read the rules and sign my name at the bottom. There was an armed security guard there too and they told me there was nothing they could do for me and told me to leave and go to another dispensary. Which sucks. I really wanted to see what they had. I hope they didnt ban me for that. And when it all was happening all I could feel was the effects of the strong weed. So who do you blame? I guess I should be more aware of where Im at at certain moments but thats really it was a bit of high grade marijuana. I was so used to marconi I just didnt realize that other stores are ran differently. But was there anything that club could have done better? I take medications that control anxiety and panic attacks and I pretty much felt like I had committed a serious offense.
I live near sac,what club did you go to?


Well-Known Member
I was at the sacramento holistic healing center on 10th.

Basically they kicked me out because I apparantly slammed the door on the way out, forgot to read the rules and sign them (which she should have noted right away and made sure I read them) and forgot to ask to use the restroom because I assumed it wasnt a big deal to do so. (its why my dad always says never assume anything) But really they should have had that door locked so nothing like that could happen.


Every clinic has different rules and regulations for safety or whatever reason. But come on... you're buying something still illegal so wouldn't you at least have that in the back of your mind telling you to "be as respectful and careful as possible"?


Well-Known Member
Every clinic has different rules and regulations for safety or whatever reason. But come on... you're buying something still illegal so wouldn't you at least have that in the back of your mind telling you to "be as respectful and careful as possible"?
Tell that to the people callin me up at 3 AM wanting to buy a nicklebag.....