Conspiracy Maybe??


New Member
Read my post above you... :lol:

but yes, Zeitgeist is a fake.... even without Cornell. :wink:

Conspiracy theories are not difficult to spin given hindsight. Zeitgeist falls into that category... a canard has been pulled and the author is laughing all the way to the bank.


Well-Known Member
The first one is a joke.... chalk one up for your gullibility... hey no contradiction there either...:wink:
Agreed - saying that
"despite technology increases, man basically is still a superstitious animal and is most easily misled by any story, no matter how outrageous, if it is constructed with points ppl wish to believe 'at the time"."
then following it up with "Are you aware that the press corps has been told that if they EVER want to get another question for their employers asked, they will NOT talk about the birth certificate. Hmmmm, gosh, why would that be? Cause its a fake?" is a hilarious joke. Have you started the first leg of you right-wing comedy tour yet? Lemme know when I can buy tickets. :lol: :clap:


New Member
Ahhh, so you haven't heard that... i'm not surprised. i don't think you look too hard at anything which upsets your slant.

I have no slant, only a truth detector. Obama and his birth certificate has my detector sounding off.....something is definitely not right and his refusal to end the controversy implicates him further.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, so you haven't heard that... i'm not surprised. i don't think you look too hard at anything which upsets your slant.

I have no slant, only a truth detector. Obama and his birth certificate has my detector sounding off.....something is definitely not right and his refusal to end the controversy implicates him further.
Most excellent. :lol: :clap:
I just found out about the moon landing videos being erased, as well ...plays well into your opportunistic gullibility theory.
Thanks for the heads-up. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I've had jobs ate restaurants where they want to see your birth certificate, but you can get into the highest office in the land(and be a senator before that) all without being a citizen. I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, back away from the wall with humor....shuffle off now....
What wall are you speaking of? Now you're just being nonsensical.
You're the one cracking jokes about Obama not being born in America, but claiming people who think Sept. 11th was an inside job are crazy.
They're both equally ridiculous claims. And there's actually way more proof regarding the Sept. 11th claim than there is regarding the Obama was born in Kenya claim.
You, my misinformed friend, can do the shuffling off. ;)


New Member
Yes, I do believe actual planes driven by terrorists hit the towers...unannounced, and without warning.

So now that you know my position, you can slant your response...? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Check out this video from youtube.

Everything in this world isn't what it seems. Prime example today I had a vernors, a Michigan original ginger ale. I found some things on the label that were particularly interesting. One being that it's no longer ginger ale, it's ginger soda. Also vernors was famous for letting their ginger age for 4 years, now it just says the barrels are aged 4 years.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
but look at all the clues
we needed oil badly but couldnt invade a country for it without a reason
so the government hired i guess death rowees to do this
disquised by terrorists with government issued passports
hijacked a plane and flew it into the biggest corpral building in the world wich at the time thier vaults of gold were being emptied and carried away to somewhere safe
This would give the president privilage to declare war on the middle-east (i.e. to get oil.)
y wouldent the US government sacrifice 4 thousand american lives for a ton of oil?
Ever hear of the ball
the government left holes in this operation which made conspiracists like me have certainty that they did it


Well-Known Member
Who even really cares. Not like anyone will ever know. Besides this world is full of pussy democratics. You should see my ex-employeer this dude was NUTS! He goes to conventions to over throw the government. I have a feeling they are going to act someday soon.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I didn't realize he was using his right to write ceremonial rites. My bad.
It's all right. I believe we all have the right to write about various ceremonial rites. Maybe not Scottish rytes, per se ...but we should all write about rites when presented with the opportunity. Right? :lol: