Well-Known Member
Gotcha, man...she's a pretty one, good luck!
thanks but i was thinking of tying some weights on to her or something to try it out
Gotcha, man...she's a pretty one, good luck!
thanks but i was thinking of tying some weights on to her or something to try it out you've only got a 6.5 foot ceiling? Bummer!
I would be super careful trying to weight her now if that's what you are going to do. I'm sure you know it's better to train/tie down when the stems are younger and more pliable.
Hell, I dunno dude. If it were me, I would just try to hang the cfl's vertically once you are so high you can't raise the existing light fixture anymore. Since you lollypopped, you shouldn't have to worry too much about the bottom part of the plant...just concentrate the lights around the tops. Much better option than considering chopping her or even worse moving your grow room to a place with higher ceilings.
Hopefully she will stop at around 6' like mine did, and you won't have to watch her bend over once she hits the ceiling.
I'm almost wondering if you put the lights to the side NOW if that would make her want to grow wider in lieu of taller? Like have the light concentrated towards the top, but just not above the I making sense?
heres my bloom nutesyea bro i know what ya talking bout loli was planing on doing that but i hope she aint gonna grow taller then 41/2 feet bro . lol
heres my bloom nutes
yea its cool though bro im going to send more bulbs instead to cover the nutes and shipping of the stork bro. if thats cool with you or are you cool with the 5 of them and i really need to sell them man seriously lol. minus yours i got a few left and when sammy is ready for his then i will be down a few of themi wish we wouldhave talked about that b4 i sent the stork yourway, he would of been carying a heavier load...
thanks but i was thinking of tying some weights on to her or something to try it out
anyone else have any guesses or what ?
It is really impossible to tell what your yeild is going to be because of hundreds of factors. Your plant looks very nice though. Sativas will strech super hard sometimes, but are usually always pretty tall anyway. Imagine in a few months what your plant will look like. If there are pistils all over your plant now, in the next few months or so it should start packing on some good weight!
few months hell nah im 35 days in 12/12 and almost 3 weeks in since it showed sex bro , thats 5 weeks total into flowering i say about another month max
should have topped it and tried lst, my guess maybe 100-150 grams, but you need to get the lights as close as possible and mix the light with both cool and warm light, it will make for higher quality buds
Looks like yield will be light (maybe an oz) and as much as 8 weeks away
I agree keep tying it down or it will grow beyond your available height, and get that light closer - if posible.
Looks like yield will be light (maybe an oz) and as much as 8 weeks away
This is what I was trying to tell you.
Wtf?you're about 5 weeks into flowering?You got problems.