SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush


Well-Known Member
hot as fuck inland in the high 90's. makes it foggy as hell here at my place.... for half the day... just waiting forthat pungy aroma to flow threw the house.....eeeeeeeee :hump: in about 25 mim... oh and besides that im exited like a kid in the candy store.... some of the stuff i orderdfor hunting might be here 2day...the trail camera,and my thinsalate hunting boots....

its warm here... just raining and shitty out... it rarely gets foggy.. but damn, when it does, its THICK.. like cant see the street in your front yard thick.. usually only will last till around 10 or 11 in the morning tho... couldnt imagine it on a daily basis or anything like that...

its always exciting when you get new shit in the mail... new toys are the best... opening that package up.. pulling out whatever you ordered.. taking pics.. all that stuff.. i dont think that ever gets old... hope you get your stuff today... you going out and using it if you do?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
its warm here... just raining and shitty out... it rarely gets foggy.. but damn, when it does, its THICK.. like cant see the street in your front yard thick.. usually only will last till around 10 or 11 in the morning tho... couldnt imagine it on a daily basis or anything like that...

its always exciting when you get new shit in the mail... new toys are the best... opening that package up.. pulling out whatever you ordered.. taking pics.. all that stuff.. i dont think that ever gets old... hope you get your stuff today... you going out and using it if you do?
ya im getting ready to go and pick up 2 salt licks i put in a spot thats getting no action. and when my trail cam gets in i'll take and put out the salt licks and put my camera up.:hump:


Well-Known Member
hell ya.. should be a decent afternoon for ya.. damn... venison sounds GOOD right now... a nice big pepper crusted venison filet, some caramlized chipolini onions and cimini mushrooms, and a nice rich red wine hunter sauce.... my mouth is watering like a damn dogs now...


Well-Known Member
hell ya.. should be a decent afternoon for ya.. damn... venison sounds GOOD right now... a nice big pepper crusted venison filet, some caramlized chipolini onions and cimini mushrooms, and a nice rich red wine hunter sauce.... my mouth is watering like a damn dogs now...
Whats up sampson....Shit sounds like alot of work to get that ready....You ever eat buffalo? IDK if that counts as venison....

glad to see the hydro is coming together....Did you see the link to the heath robinson grow that Gypsy posted yesterday? Wow that shit is nice....


Well-Known Member
Whats up sampson....Shit sounds like alot of work to get that ready....You ever eat buffalo? IDK if that counts as venison....

glad to see the hydro is coming together....Did you see the link to the heath robinson grow that Gypsy posted yesterday? Wow that shit is nice....
its not much to get around really.. im actually a chef anyways.. so at least for me it doesnt seem like much work... it just sounds really fancy.. and yes.. i love buffalo... a big buffalo burger or buffalo ribs hit the spot everytime.. im into more "game" type meats than your standard beef, chicken, and pork... and i eat the weird shit from them.. nothing is better than goose liver.. a big fat piece of seared foie gras.. or some raw, maybe seared rare, piece of yellowfin tuna... duck breast... sweetbreads (patuitary glands from baby calves... not bread that is sweet).. all that weird shit.. its all good to me.. :)

yea things are coming along nicely.. i cant wait to take pics tomorrow and post them for the weekly update... i didnt check out the link... do you have it?? how far into it (i imagine its a journal) is the good shit to read?? or is it a start to finish good read??
you seem like you know what your doing, and quite the grower.. ive got some questions. im trying to grow some high quality medical bud, but am also trying to get the highest yield from each plant. im not sure what method i should use either.. from what ive been reading hydroponics seems pretty good and easy.. i guess i jus need some1 with experience, to answer these questions i got. ive got a pretty big unfinished basement that im planning to turn into a grow op. the sea of green sounds good too but i was wondering if you could do that with hydroponics? do you know much about aeroponics? like i said im lookin to grow some dank quality, and quantity.. could you help me out?


Well-Known Member
you seem like you know what your doing, and quite the grower.. ive got some questions. im trying to grow some high quality medical bud, but am also trying to get the highest yield from each plant. im not sure what method i should use either.. from what ive been reading hydroponics seems pretty good and easy.. i guess i jus need some1 with experience, to answer these questions i got. ive got a pretty big unfinished basement that im planning to turn into a grow op. the sea of green sounds good too but i was wondering if you could do that with hydroponics? do you know much about aeroponics? like i said im lookin to grow some dank quality, and quantity.. could you help me out?
first welcome to RIU.. glad to have you on board...

now i will try to answer your question as best i can without going to in depth since your still trying to decide which way to go...

there are some pros and cons with whatever you choose.. ill try to cover both for both ways (hydro/soil)

hydroponics, at least for this, will cover anything but soil growing.. the nice thing about hydro growing is that both growth rate and yield are typically higher than that of soil.. this is because the availability of the nutes.. since you add the nutes to the water, everytime the roots get hit with the water/nute solution they are getting readily absorbable nutes... basically they get as much water and nutes as they can use... this means faster growth and larger yields in the end...

there are also a lot of hydro growing mediums that can be re-used... so you only need to purchase them once... and replace when/if needed...

there are a couple "down sides" to hydro.... first is cost.. it does cost more to get a good hydro system up and going... you'll spend more on the system than you would if you were getting dirt and pots....

second is the little room for error... hydro is great once you get things down, but it is very much less forgiving than soil.. and there is more to take into account.. your biggest concerns are going to be the EC/PPM of the nute solution and water you are using, the PH of the solution, how much/often your plants need sprayed/flooded, res temp, and where you are going to get the water and how to dispose of it...

ec = electrical conductivity ppm = parts per million... both tell you the strength of the solution.. which is vital.. to strong and your plants die from burn, which sits on MUCH faster in hydro... to weak and your plants grow slow from lack of nutes... so you'll want an ec/ppm meter

you also have to look at the water you are using.. the ppm of it needs to be low so you know that the content of the solution is what you add in it.. and not what the water company does.. this could mean you might need a water filtration system..

the ph, whether in soil or hydro, is important because if its too high or too low different nutes can/will get lock out and become unavailable to your plants.. this means you'll need a PPM meter and some sort of ph up/ph down to keep a steady PH...

if your res temps get to high it can cook the roots, cause root rot, and kill your plants.. you may need an aqua chiller to keep your res temps low enough (high 60's to low 70's) if your basement wont keep it cool enough..

and lastly is just how you are going to replace water in your res.. it can be a pain trying to lug water around, so having a readily available water source is great.. not to mention a place to dump waste water when its done..

now for soil...

soil is my favorite... it definatly gives the buds more depth to their flavor... its more forgiving when it comes to nute burn and such... since the nutes have to be broke down in the soil before they become available to the plant grow can be/is slower, but that gives you a buffer zone incase you over feed.. once you know what you are looking for when it comes to nute burn or deficiencies you will have more time to fix the problem with soil than you will with hydro... plus the pots are moveable where ever you want.. although some hydro systems, like mine, have sites you can setup where you want, they still have to be attached to the main res (unless its individual DWC setups.. thats another story tho) to work.. this means once they are placed, its usually permanent home.. with soil you dont have those limitations...

the problem with soil growing is its messy and inconvienent most of the time.. making soil mixes and filling up pots is messy... the run off from the pots is messy... and besides the mess, when you are done you still need a place to dump the dirt... this can cause a problem after a while... and even tho growth is slower, i dont consider that a problem.. but it is a down side...

now as i said, soil is my favorite.. but as you can see i switched to hydro.. and honestly, if i would have known how well it would have turned out, i would have started with it.. the initial cost is more.. and the learning curve is much higher.. i mean you REALLY need to do some homework so you know what your doing going into it to be successful.. but if you can manage to get it together and make it work the results are much much more satisfying than soil.. as far as speed and yield.. potentcy of the buds will be what they are no matter what.. but you can get more and get there faster with hydro..

aeroponics are good, but are a little harder than ebb and flow setups to learn.. with aero growing the roots are suspended and get sprayed with the nute solution by sprayers... this means you have to adjust the sprayer strength so the roots dont get overly sprayed, but not under sprayed too.. too much spraying and its like over watering in soil.. under spraying and the roots dry out.. this can be a problem for new growers, but it isnt impossible to do.. just takes some time and patience.. i think thats the key to hydro growing all together.. its all about the little minor tweaks and details... once you get them locked in tho your results will speak for themselves...

as far as sea of green it is very possible to use a hydro system to do it... aero gardens like this one are perfect for that style of grow.. they fit many plants into a single setup.. which is what you want for SOG growing.. but its really up to what you want to do... remember the smaller the plants the smaller the final buds will be.. and the more plants you have the more trimming you will have to do.. its easier to trim large buds than small ones.. or at least i personally like trimming larger ones than smaller ones...

in closing ill say this... soil is easier to learn but has a longer cycle.. hydro, although takes more time and money to get running perfect, once it does, is amazing to see... just depends on the depth of your wallet and amount of time you want to put in it... this is just a generalzation tho..

i hope this helped.. anything you want further clarification on feel free to ask..


Well-Known Member
today is thursday.. that means new pictures... i took some height and width pics with a ruler so you can get a better idea of the actual size of the girls themselves... the ruler, as you'll see is on the rim of the pot.. so you might add an inch to height.. but otherwise its as accurate as it can be.. so without further delay... some cinemax porn... not as good as the hard core flowering porn i know we all like to see... but its at least something to touch yourself too... bongsmilie

first up are the blueberries...

at 2 weeks
at 3 weeks

at 2 weeks
at 3 weeks

2 weeks
3 weeks

2 weeks
3 weeks

OG kush
2 weeks (just supercropped it again..)
3 weeks

and the remaing sprouts that didnt fry...

strawberry cough
transplant day
week 1

giga bud
transplant day
week 1

blue hash
transplant day
week 1

ok.. i think thats it.. still waiting for the new clones to root or the sprouts that im still hoping take end up taking.. but i dont think that will happen.. all except 1 super lemon haze.. i think the power kush, tundra, and widow are all fubar...

and remember.. the week 3 pics of the larger plants are 3 weeks from when i got the water chiller installed... prior to that there was almost NO growth in them at all, and were very very very very very very very very very close to death and came back to what you see.. the week 1 pics of the sprouts are 7 days from being put into the hydro system...

also if you notice and chewed up leaves in any of the pics its from little gnats.. i dont have many of them at all... its by no means in infestation or outbreak or anything.. and i just started to treat for them.. i just didnt want to spray the plants with anything until i knew they were healthy enough to take it...

anyways.. enjoy :)

**EDIT** i keep trying to post larger pics in the post to look at.. i open the image in a new tab... click copy image.. and paste.. and still end up with links.. unless im missing something i dont know what im not doing right.. any one shed some light... oh and.. i know clicking all those links will get old.. BUT FUCKING DO IT ANYWAYS!! IT TOOK ME A LOT OF WORK TO GET THEM THERE!! LOL bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
thanks brotha.. they are getting there for sure... i think its BB#1 i counted 16 tops on so far... BB#2, from when i supercropped it, actually ended up splitting into 2 main stalks.. almost like i topped her.. but she has about the same amount of tops.. BB#3 i think has 13 or 14 tops.. the whiteshark is just sick.. she's got it going on EVERYWHERE.. and the og kush has at least 15... not to mention the amount of growth those sprouts have done in 7 days.. and there were very very few roots actually popping out.. i honestly thought i was going to fry them all... guess not..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
thanks brotha.. they are getting there for sure... i think its BB#1 i counted 16 tops on so far... BB#2, from when i supercropped it, actually ended up splitting into 2 main stalks.. almost like i topped her.. but she has about the same amount of tops.. BB#3 i think has 13 or 14 tops.. the whiteshark is just sick.. she's got it going on EVERYWHERE.. and the og kush has at least 15... not to mention the amount of growth those sprouts have done in 7 days.. and there were very very few roots actually popping out.. i honestly thought i was going to fry them all... guess not..
well i spoke just a bit to soon on the last two seedlings. woke up to balls on one of them the other i don'tno notlooking good... one more night will tellme for sure. oh she may look just like this one.. she was a big bud also... i never toped orany thing... and she was 22 days in flower.



Well-Known Member
well i spoke just a bit to soon on the last two seedlings. woke up to balls on one of them the other i don'tno notlooking good... one more night will tellme for sure. oh she may look just like this one.. she was a big bud also... i never toped orany thing... and she was 22 days in flower.
i bet she'll be close to that... she really is a bush.. i had to move which site they were in so she'd have enough room.. i think it will be PACKED in there during flowering.. if the girls keep up what they are doing... and if the babies end up anything similar to the older girls... damn.. i dont think ill have any space at all...

nice buddys sammy

thanks brotha


Well-Known Member
thanks brotha.. they are getting there for sure... i think its BB#1 i counted 16 tops on so far... BB#2, from when i supercropped it, actually ended up splitting into 2 main stalks.. almost like i topped her.. but she has about the same amount of tops.. BB#3 i think has 13 or 14 tops.. the whiteshark is just sick.. she's got it going on EVERYWHERE.. and the og kush has at least 15... not to mention the amount of growth those sprouts have done in 7 days.. and there were very very few roots actually popping out.. i honestly thought i was going to fry them all... guess not..

Nice pics bud. I love how compact the flouros make your plants. The blueberrys are fattening out. I'm taking clones of my blueberry today....just topping them...I need to get enough stock built up for this up coming crop.

What do you think plant numbers should be for a single 1000w. I was going to go with 15. In the link I posted from gypsy....he had 80 something single tops under a 600. I was curious on your opinion.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i bet she'll be close to that... she really is a bush.. i had to move which site they were in so she'd have enough room.. i think it will be PACKED in there during flowering.. if the girls keep up what they are doing... and if the babies end up anything similar to the older girls... damn.. i dont think ill have any space at all...

thanks brotha
thats a good thing as long as the light penatrates threw the plant,and i thing you are doing that just fine.. doing the roof on the green house right now..its going to be 12 ft taperd down to10 going to top the 2 tallest plants again 2day..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Nice pics bud. I love how compact the flouros make your plants. The blueberrys are fattening out. I'm taking clones of my blueberry today....just topping them...I need to get enough stock built up for this up coming crop.

What do you think plant numbers should be for a single 1000w. I was going to go with 15. In the link I posted from gypsy....he had 80 something single tops under a 600. I was curious on your opinion.
my 2nd grow 6 plants under one 1000wtt hps 7 ft tallplants 5 oz each dry....:hump:


Well-Known Member
my 2nd grow 6 plants under one 1000wtt hps 7 ft tallplants 5 oz each dry....:hump:
Damn....I have alot to shoot for....Im pretty far behind that. I also know nothing about my plant strain....I think it is a little plant by genetics after watching the new clones I picked up. They have grown 2x as fast.

How long do you veg for indoor....heighth wise?
damn.. thanks for all the info and help. i think im gunna go with hydro, i like that its quicker and better quality buds. you say its harder to learn and more "homework" do you know of any books or websites that go in depth with each cyce and ph levels and all of that stuff that i would need to know? like i said thanks alot for helpin me out!
damn these plants jus look bomb.. im really new to this whole "growing thing".. these plants look like they will yield a shit load. im guessing thats super cropping them? could you explain that a little? how much would you say these plants would yield after harvest and dried? those still got some time to grow, and there already lookin big.. and so thick, cant wait to see what those look like with some nice buds on em.. not trying to bug you too bad man, i know youve got other people to reply to and shit.. im just super interested in this shit.. i live in Michigan and with the new medical marijuana laws, im trying to get my shit started here within the 6 months.. and i still have a lot of homework and shit i got to learn.. thanks alot man.. i jus joined this yesterday not knowing there was anything like this out there on the net.. like it alot. if you know of any websites or books out there that educate about everything you need to know about hydroponics and aeroponics please let me know! like i said b4 thanks alot!