Try some "Miracle Spring Water" It really works!!


Well-Known Member

Miracle Spring Water!!

I got some last week, today I fed a multitude of stoners with only 5 joints and 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I later returned home to find a check for $24,000 in my pants and a half ounce of the finest cannabis.

The windows of heaven truly are opening up.



Well-Known Member
praise jeebus and pass the biscuits!

i figured this was as good a spot as any other....when someone says, 'jesus h. christ'....what does the 'h' stand for?


Well-Known Member
actually the H comes from something called a Christogram, which is basically an acronym consisting of 3 letters. with the Greek translation of JHC which appeared on the tunic of priests of the Roman church. People basically just add the H there. It is there, and it isn't there. It is not a middle name :peace: :joint:

well, they don't just "add" it. The first three letters of Jesus' name translated in Greek are YES which, depending on when and where translated, could be turned in to JHC, or even JHS depending on the time period. Just had to edit my facts a little..


Well-Known Member
actually the H comes from something called a Christogram, which is basically an acronym consisting of 3 letters. with the Greek translation of JHC which appeared on the tunic of priests of the Roman church. People basically just add the H there. It is there, and it isn't there. It is not a middle name :peace: :joint:

well, they don't just "add" it. The first three letters of Jesus' name translated in Greek are YES which, depending on when and where translated, could be turned in to JHC, or even JHS depending on the time period. Just had to edit my facts a little..
way to spoil our fun, debbie downer.:cry:

i still say horatio has the best ring to it.


Well-Known Member
Is this water that's been blessed by a preacher/doucher? Why not just bathe in holy water? Isn't that supped to be the pee of christ? :lol:

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
This water works even better, and not because a Hindu is praying over it, but because it contains large amounts of urine and feces! :spew:
