Why are my plants flowering early and what should I do about it?


These indicas are being grown outside and it is only July 21st. However, I'm seeing pre-flowering on almost all of them. This seems way too early to me (aren't they supposed to flower in the fall?) and I was hoping I could keep them in veg growth longer so that they would be bigger.

A few questions:
1) Does this type of flowering seem too early for mid-summer? What am I doing wrong?

2) Can I keep feeding these guys Nitrogen heavy fertilizers or do I need to switch to the "bloom" fertilizers soon?

3) I heard flowering only goes for 4-6 weeks which would mean they would be ready to harvest much earlier than I was planning. Based on where they are now, any general idea how long I should expect before they are ready to harvest?

4) If they look like this now, will the plant stop growing bigger?

Thanks so much!



Well-Known Member
i would be happy about this, you get to smoke your shit sooner.

you did nothing wrong, your plants are getting about 12 hours of darkness naturally and started flowering

more like 8 weeks

no the plant keeps growing through most of the flower stage


Well-Known Member
These indicas are being grown outside and it is only July 21st. However, I'm seeing pre-flowering on almost all of them. This seems way too early to me (aren't they supposed to flower in the fall?) and I was hoping I could keep them in veg growth longer so that they would be bigger.

A few questions:
1) Does this type of flowering seem too early for mid-summer? What am I doing wrong?

2) Can I keep feeding these guys Nitrogen heavy fertilizers or do I need to switch to the "bloom" fertilizers soon?

3) I heard flowering only goes for 4-6 weeks which would mean they would be ready to harvest much earlier than I was planning. Based on where they are now, any general idea how long I should expect before they are ready to harvest?

4) If they look like this now, will the plant stop growing bigger?

Thanks so much!
if you are growing an indica dominate strain then you are about on schedual. im not sure where you are in the world but if you are in cali or the west coast period your are on schedual. flowering now will give you an early to late september harvest. give it one more good dose of veg fert to help with the stretching and then switch to bloom nutes...as far as size dont be suprised if your plant doubles sometimes triples in size over the next few weeks


Well-Known Member
you might had gottin some autoflowerin strain in with your seeds..
but its all good....enjoy.....:peace:


Well-Known Member
These indicas are being grown outside and it is only July 21st. However, I'm seeing pre-flowering on almost all of them. This seems way too early to me (aren't they supposed to flower in the fall?) and I was hoping I could keep them in veg growth longer so that they would be bigger.

A few questions:
1) Does this type of flowering seem too early for mid-summer? What am I doing wrong?

2) Can I keep feeding these guys Nitrogen heavy fertilizers or do I need to switch to the "bloom" fertilizers soon?

3) I heard flowering only goes for 4-6 weeks which would mean they would be ready to harvest much earlier than I was planning. Based on where they are now, any general idea how long I should expect before they are ready to harvest?

4) If they look like this now, will the plant stop growing bigger?

Thanks so much!

1) your plant isnt flowering.. all you are seeing are preflowers... after a while in veg plants will start to show sex without actually beginning to flower... usually this takes about 4+ weeks of soild veg... so what you are seeing will not only tell you if the plant is a male or female prior to flowering, but is very normal and nothing to worry about and your doing nothing wrong..

2) since your plant isnt flowering you can keep feeding it veg nutes... you probably wont need flowering nutes for at least a month/month and a half or so.. maybe longer...

3) flowering takes anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks.. some strains can get done a little faster.. and some strains will take longer... im going to guess you wont be ready to harvest until october/november.. thats about the standard for outdoors..

4) no, your plant wont stop growing... even into the first few weeks of flowering you are going to get growth... maybe mid september or so growth will taper off.. but timing for outdoors isnt as easy to dictate as it is with indoors.. so the timings ive said are not 100% accurate or set in stone.. just a guide line for the most part...


Thanks for all the info.

I do have one plant that is flowering I think (see pic attached). If I am going to keep giving veg nutes to these guys in preflower, will that harm the one that is flowering? (it is on the same drip line). If not, I was thinking I would just handwater in the one flowering plant with bloom nutes as an addition to what it is getting through the line. But I don't want to stunt the flowering in any way.

Thanks for all your help. this is huge.


Active Member
jifunze - my outdoors girls look just like yours. I was coming on here looking for some info on it. This thread is perfect. How tall are your ladies overall ?

For the next few weeks, I am going to keep giving it veg nutes to help it grow. Then I will do the switch to bloom. That's my plan anyway. Open to hear if thats a bad idea or not. I am interested to see what you do, or what others think. So, I'm subscribed.


Active Member
Any updates? My girls are flowering early. Started indoors mid March. Put them out on my balcony mid May. They get 4 hours of direct sunlight. I've started giving them nitrogen through FloraMicro. Will they revert in time to flower late summer?
