

Well-Known Member
You only want the soil to be damp at this stage, put some cling film over the top to stop evaporation, if its damp it will stay that way for a while. Dont need to be watering reguarly yet.


The soil shouldn't hurt the seedlings, but next time germ them in the wet paper towel method, it only takes 2-3 days and it's very effective.
ok figured it out all three germed in paper towel and put directly in foxfarm organic ocean farm soil. one got started a day befor the other two so im hoping for the best here we start at day one im running a 400w mh and due to some earlyer advise i covered with plastic wrap and mesh to not kill the babys 3, seven quart pots 3 fem easyryder seeds and a stealth closet grow tell me what you think so far! everyone please feel free to post pictures of your easyryder or autoflowering plants so i know what i can expect



ok figured it out all three germed in paper towel and put directly in foxfarm organic ocean farm soil. one got started a day befor the other two so im hoping for the best here we start at day one im running a 400w mh and due to some earlyer advise i covered with plastic wrap and mesh to not kill the babys 3, seven quart pots 3 fem easyryder seeds and a stealth closet grow tell me what you think so far! everyone please feel free to post pictures of your easyryder or autoflowering plants so i know what i can expect
Looks great so far, watch those nutes and your fert, make sure you don't over power your loves and burn them.

Also next grow start them in little cups first because since it's in a big pot from seedling the root won't be as strong as it could be, meaning not grown to full potential but it's not a HUGE problem, overall it looks good!
i had asked that before and the bag of soil said its ready to plant i really dont want to lose these they are my only autoflowering i ordered the more i wait the crazyer im going to get if i can figure out how to get the chemicals to turn one of these to a hermaphrodite so i can breed some fem seeds


i had asked that before and the bag of soil said its ready to plant i really dont want to lose these they are my only autoflowering i ordered the more i wait the crazyer im going to get if i can figure out how to get the chemicals to turn one of these to a hermaphrodite so i can breed some fem seeds
My friend, patience is what you must have when growing, or you'll get no where.
the one that was poking thru all bent over is standing straight up the other two werent doing anything so i dug in the pots and found them they didnt look any diffrent from when i put them in so i soaked them in a cup of water for half an hour then moved them to small cups of peet moss


420, You're moving way to fast, our plants don't grow over night. Give them time! More time, more bud. You can never emphasize patience enough when growing.


Yeah man, when I first germed my seeds everyday I checked them...I was so sad when none were opened, then the 3rd day they all split! I was like whoo! Since then I just give everything a few days before I check. Nature does wonders in a few days time.
had one world of seeds strawberry blue germinating and it popped so that one is going to go in the aerogarden for now and transplant to soil after it grows for a while still no update on the two i probobly killed
the one seedling that broke thru the ground looks like its dying the leaves growing out the middle seem to be green and ok but the pod leaves one of them is dead and the other is yellowish the other 2 easyryders ive pretty much given up on but any advise that would save the one that i have left please let me know so i dont have to wait an extra month to smoke my own green
i just ordered 10 ganja dwarf seeds and the order comes with 20 free seeds (most likely bap right?) anyone have thoughts on getting free seeds they cant be any good right?
the strawberry blue got moved into my grow box and i am now germing a ch9 california also waiting on more to come in mail i get some pics up in a few days i surrounded all of the area aroung the aerogarden sponge with peatmoss and the soil i had before is underneath the peat moss