Spots on leaves.... not sure


Active Member
Hi, this is my first grow, and I'm just about to change from veg growth ( been vegging for ~4 weeks) to flowering.

I've been noticing little spots on the leaves for the last week or so, and also the stems for the leaves with spots have began to turn a reddish-brown colour.

Does anyone know what this could be caused by?


Active Member
Thanks, I've looked through several threads, some with really good pictures, but it doesn't match up very well to any of them.

This morning there was dew on the top of the leaves of the plants, I think I overwatered it. Could it be something to do with spots of water interacting with the leaf tissue?


Active Member
Hard to tell from the pics but are the spots yellow?. Could be a small amount of nute burn.
Yeah the spots are yellow. They appeared before I added any nutrients, could they get nute burn from repotting into the same type of soil?

I added a bit of nutes because I was worried it was a deficiency, but I'm holding off now since I don't want to give them too much at once, and I'm not sure what it is.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the spots are yellow. They appeared before I added any nutrients, could they get nute burn from repotting into the same type of soil?

I added a bit of nutes because I was worried it was a deficiency, but I'm holding off now since I don't want to give them too much at once, and I'm not sure what it is.
Check this out see if it helps Hard to tell by your pics but could be nute burn jsut from nutes in the soil or could be that there water spots are burning your plants while the light is on.


Active Member
I hope it's only water spots. I had considered it before, even nute burn I can deal with. Was so scared of it being fungus or mold, but those all looked darker in the pics.

I'll keep a close eye on them .