How do you run a wire from your breaker box to where u want the outlet?
From three posts up on this page. Case in point. This is the kinda stuff i'm talkin about! You say you bought this. From which junk dealer and in which decade? Looks like somethin Ben Franklin might have worked with, and you've got it sittin on a piece of cardboard? Can you really not see the fire hazard? Scrap that shit bro, and go " buy " a new system from a reputable supplier. I'm serious, before you do harm to yourself or someone else, throw that shit away!!!! Don't give it to someone else. Don't sell it. Throw it away. WTF?
I think the only thing anyone who has read your post came away with is "Wow, that riznoob1000 guy is a real asshole."
Vic and the other experienced people here have supplied invaluable information to anyone who has needed or requested it. Their focus has always been offering advice with safety being paramount. Your contributions to this thread have done nothing but expose your own inability to participate in a forum discussion in a mature way.
Granted, there are obvious safety issue when doing any DIY project, whether it's electrical or otherwise, and it isn't the responsibility of those offering guidance to be responsible for some else's stupidity. If someone posted a question about a setup that seemed dangerous, I highly doubt anyone here would remain silent.
Also, electricity has been stigmatized as this unwieldy, unpredictable element that is just waiting at every corner to break out of the junction box and set your whole world aflame. This isn't so. If treated with respect and handled properly, wiring certain things is actually safer than mowing your lawn...
Get a grip dude and worry about your own shit instead of pissing on your neighbors' parade.
How do you run a wire from your breaker box to where u want the outlet?
sorry to interrupt I have got another electrical question:
these cfl lights at 2 and 4 pin where you get the fittings for them,I can see they sell only the lights.
if i have a climate controler that can handle 15amp and i need to run a co2 reg. and a ac or heater and 3 fans on it what do i need to make it work
alright i have a question for yeah. just want to make a very clean movable ceiling that has light fixtures probably 5 er 8 fixed in place, then 5 er 8 more that are on expendable flexible metal tubes to hang down below the canopy. the movable lights i know how to do, but i am unsure of the wiring required to safely put the 5 or 8 fixed lights on the ceiling itself. i plan on wiring all of the lights to a central box and then running a grounded (three prong) cable from the box to a surge protector and then the do i do all of this and not burn the house down???? haha, thanks Bricktown, have a good one
So, is it possible to take a 4 or <a 6 strip extension cord and hook it right to the cable, where used to be a light socet-planning this to do in my shed, where are no boxas and shit-can this be done??planning on runnning 6-8 cfls and later also a 70 watt hps+
2 pc fans, and on big oscilating fan.
if i buy a Super Quiet PowerMax 4400 Watt Portable Gas Generator how long would you say it will run constant since im trying to figure out how much gas im gonna need. Im trying to run 2 600 watt hps hortilux bulbs and one of those air conditoners that isnt in the window since my room dosnt have any windows. my electric bill has been over $400 trying to keep shit cool. any help is appreciated. thanks.
I have a question. I live in an older house (built in the 50's) and the wiring is kinda screwy. It seems like the kitchen (and appliances), garage, and entire upstairs (including the bedrooms) are all on the same line. There is not a fuse box in the basement - it has a breaker box. Now in the winter, because of everything on the same line, we can only run two of the radiator looking electric heaters, on low, and if one gets turned up or someone uses the microwave it trips the breaker. So my question is - based on this - can you give me a rough idea of how many 400w HPS lights I will be able to run on this circuit?