Boy Girl or too soon to tell


Well-Known Member
Here is a clear FOR SURE female preflower from one of my plants.....Looks different than that picture the OP posted.

I agree that is spot on no doubt, but I have seen folks that say that can tell the sex before the pistils apear. I'm not very good at that one as I usually see them at the point that your picture shows. So I just posted to maybe see if there were some more advanced growers that could make a pre-pistil call on this one. I totally respect where you are coming from. Thanks


Active Member
If you take a picture of the whole plant, that can help too. Males tend to be more robust than females, more branching and stems and less leaves. A lot of times if your growing the same strain the males will have fatter stalks and grow a tad faster. Also they tend to show before the females.

Anywho, hope yours is female, there is definitely a good chance that it is.... just don't like telling people they got a female for sure when there's no white pistils.


Well-Known Member
If you take a picture of the whole plant, that can help too. Males tend to be more robust than females, more branching and stems and less leaves. A lot of times if your growing the same strain the males will have fatter stalks and grow a tad faster. Also they tend to show before the females.

Anywho, hope yours is female, there is definitely a good chance that it is.... just don't like telling people they got a female for sure when there's no white pistils.

Not sure if this helps, but here ya go. The one on the right (shorter one) is the plant from the OP.



Well-Known Member
the other 3 are kind of short and lanky with very short internode stem growth. At this point I'm contimplating cutting them, but the possiblity of hash tells me NO


Active Member
is there a specific option on a camera to get that kinda close up shot? anytime i try to get a shot up close it is just blury


Well-Known Member
is there a specific option on a camera to get that kinda close up shot? anytime i try to get a shot up close it is just blury

It's just macro mode. You'll know you have it if you see a flower on the LCD screen. Maybe a button on your camera will show that. Hope that helps. Shit this small is hard to get a good picture of for sure.

[EDIT] also I took several (like 5) to get the one I posted. It can be trciky unless you are good with a camera.


Active Member
yeah i have the macro option i will go back out and try again. i have 3 growing atm that all started showing sex few days ago think all 3 are female. hopefuly i can get some pictures


Well-Known Member
yeah i have the macro option i will go back out and try again. i have 3 growing atm that all started showing sex few days ago think all 3 are female. hopefuly i can get some pictures

macro will allow you to get about 3 inches away and the camera will adjust the aperture to get the shot. From there I used MS paint and use the rectangle select tool to just get the part I wanted, then I copy/paste to a new image and save. Good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
well these are the ones that can be made out.

Looks good man, but are you having some plant issues too? Some of those leaves look slightly burnt, or something.

The pictures look like they are in focus, and that you could also get even closer with your camera for better shots at the internodes.


Active Member
yeah its been a constant battle of not knowing for sure whats wrong and trying to treat issues. they will loook great for a cupple days then it all turns around for alittle. to be honest for alittlebit i was hopen they mighta been males so i could cut and start my bubbleponics :-). i went the MG soil route and it screwed me lol. At this time i feel have a PH problem buy wont really know untill i spend the cash on a new meter. my multi meter i feel doesnt do anything ph wise.


Active Member
If you don't got a pH meter, the best thing to do would be to use half distilled and half spring water mixed together in every watering as well as throw some dolomite lime down around your plants and water it in. The key is you have to use new gallon jugs of water, not ones that have been sitting open for a few days. The pH changes once the distilled hits air and gets carbon atoms mixed in with it. I believe the pH drops when distilled water is left open. Spring has a pH of 7 (Zephyrhills anyway) so mixing that with distilled at 50/50 gets me at a pH around 6.2-6.6