Don't be like this guy

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Maybe the 1st rule is what got him caught. If she knew what was going on dont you think she would have called him 1st.
Or the dumb bitch was so high on H out of paranoia she called the law.

..never mind after thinking about it with that many plants I think with the smell the whole Block new what was going on and now have no good connection.


New Member
Girls always bring trouble man.
The facts
No-1 When young they try to look older.
No-2 When old they try to look younger.
No-3 They wear fake hair.
No-4 They try to look taller.
No-5 They try to look smaller.
No-6 They try to make their boobs look bigger.
No-7 They try to make their skin look darker.
No-8 They try to make their nails look longer.
No-9 They are either coming ''on'' or coming ''off'' ''we can feck 365 days a year'' they cant.
No-10 When the cops come if it does,nt work out , she will stand smoking a joint on the other side of the road when you go out in cuff's, she will flick that roach as your head goes in the police car door, and she will look you square in the eye and say, ''IT was fecking me that made the call.
chicks are trouble in a break up, trust me i know, aint no fool like an old fool.

lmao@ the police in full hazmat suits
it is not that serious but insanely hilarious.

sucks to be that dude. make wiser decisions guys. lol


Well-Known Member
I still cant believe people do that for real.
I always thought that drug only existed in the movies.

Ive never met anyone who said "hey want to shoot up?"
one time a friend of a friend was gonna ride with us somewhere and actually asked, 'is it cool if i bring some H?'... needless to say he didnt ride with us.

i can even understand how someone can start smoking crack via snorting coke. but what would compel someone to try heroin?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
one time a friend of a friend was gonna ride with us somewhere and actually asked, 'is it cool if i bring some H?'... needless to say he didnt ride with us.

i can even understand how someone can start smoking crack via snorting coke. but what would compel someone to try heroin?
agreed. i don't think there is a single positive thing to say about it. it'll pretty much ruin your life, as has been shown over and over and over and over and over. you know you'll get addiced, messed up, lose your job and family and all that lot.

so unless your a completely down and out bum, and it's really what you wanna do??? then as said, i really can't understand why anyone would even think twice let alone go along with the idea


Active Member
Those chemicals suits certainly add to the mellow drama!!

Over 'here' the police just pile out black bags, like meh. At least they have common sence!

American Propagandaaaaaaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
agreed. i don't think there is a single positive thing to say about it. it'll pretty much ruin your life, as has been shown over and over and over and over and over. you know you'll get addiced, messed up, lose your job and family and all that lot.

so unless your a completely down and out bum, and it's really what you wanna do??? then as said, i really can't understand why anyone would even think twice let alone go along with the idea
for realsies. like i said, i can relate to the crackheads...i did coke for years and when my nose stopped working it was quit or smoke crack. i quit thankfully(almost 4 yrs!!!!!!!!!!). but about jumping in head first.

all the cool kids my age shoot smack!:hump:


Active Member
When it comes to Heroin I think most people would start due to poor education, ie not knowing the genuine dangers of it. That is the reason nobody in this discussion takes it, They KNOW how bad it is for you.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to Heroin I think most people would start due to poor education, ie not knowing the genuine dangers of it. That is the reason nobody in this discussion takes it, They KNOW how bad it is for you.
but are there really people out there that dont know that shit kills you?

hell, i would think poor people in the hood would know better of it that people who are better off because they have seen it first hand.

i just remembered i had a kid try to sell me heroin at a rave once! i was shocked and appauled. who wants that at a rave?


Well-Known Member
That dude probably wants to bitch slap her ass. He was probably fixing to get robbed she dettered that but calling police bad move. The police officer said he was arrested for possesion. But the news reported facing drug manufacturing charges wonder what it actually is. My guess manufacturing.


New Member
I still cant believe people do that for real.
I always thought that drug only existed in the movies.

Ive never met anyone who said "hey want to shoot up?"
apperantly you've never been to Pa. whole fucking state is polluted with H junkies and hep c.....fucking scarey man....:shock::shock:


Well-Known Member
Sucks to be that guy. Thats a risk you take though. It's either get robbed and murdered, lol, or call the police. In which case they rob you, throw you in prison, and you get murdered there. lol What a choice. What would you guys do in this situation?