met my first real life (other) rollitupper last night


Well-Known Member
Bunch of paranoid skitzos on this message board. My buddy and I talk about growing together all the time infront of co-workers! Have been doing so for 3+ grows.


Well-Known Member
mystic clown will run up on you 4 deep with 1 strap and when his boy gets slapped thats when they take off runnin lol


Well-Known Member

No this cat is GANGSTA..
Gangsta what!?!?!

Too funny nice clip.

Just a little of my two cents on be a gangsta. Just understand that people are products of their environment. IF you live in the hood 9/10 timers you are going to be hood. If you live in the burbs then you are going to dress like people in the burbs. Its life

Largest/Worst Gang. United State Federal Government.


Active Member

No this cat is GANGSTA..
the only purpose of this vid is to show that there has been at least one occurence in history that invovled a white man beating a black man. Not sure why i'm saying this cuz i'm half white. Oh i'm also baked.


Well-Known Member
t@int your not funny. so I made a home made bong? so what? I was fucking bored dude and I got all the bud in the world to test shit out so I said why not make a bong. If im not gangster why do people call me tupac? Im a white guy and they call me Pac now you know how much respect I must get if they call me tupac. I don't have to continue to prove stuff to people who dont want to even fucking listen. Waste of time man.
lmao... wow... this is a classic post, in a classic thread.


Well-Known Member
the only purpose of this vid is to show that there has been at least one occurence in history that invovled a white man beating a black man. Not sure why i'm saying this cuz i'm half white. Oh i'm also baked.


Well-Known Member
People call you Tupac and you take it as a compliment?
If people called me Tupac, they'd better be prepared to fight me.


Well-Known Member
aha touche. LOL i saw that fight too! the anouncer is screaming "ROCKY IS HERE!" why? i don't remember rocky beating up a dude in a minute 50. wrong sport too.
Cause Rocky was always considered the "Underdog"

Heypurpdaddy, I was thinking of posting that vid, but you beat me to it!

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
seriously guys, take it easy! mystic just sent me his latest vid, and i'm worried. i think he'll pack his mini van full o thugs n bitches, and then kill us all. don't forget to ask mom for the keys! this would be after he stole our weed, and then sold it back to us, stole it again, sold it back, and so on. he's that gangster!