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Active Member
if i normally turn my plants lights off around midnight and suddenly wanted to leave them on all night for one night, would that be bad for it?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
normally people are asking if it's ok to turn them offff for an extra day? :D

if it's flowering, i wouldn't, if it's just vegging away, then it shouldn't really hurt it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, why do you want to leave the light on all night for just one night?
without wanting to sound mean, the only reason i could think of is if he was having a gathering at his house and wanted to show them off at some point, but that seems daft, so yeah, i don't get it either


Active Member
Keep the lighting pattern as regular as possible. Anytime a sudden change in their schedual occurs you stress the plant. In the end this could leave them susceptible to disease, prone to hermy, stunt growth, etc. My rule of thumb is to use 24 hrs of light for the first 2 weeks of a seedling or cutting, then go to 18 hours of light for the veging period, then down to 12 hours of light during flowering. That is the ONLY times my lights ever change.
Keep the lighting pattern as regular as possible. Anytime a sudden change in their schedual occurs you stress the plant. In the end this could leave them susceptible to disease, prone to hermy, stunt growth, etc. My rule of thumb is to use 24 hrs of light for the first 2 weeks of a seedling or cutting, then go to 18 hours of light for the veging period, then down to 12 hours of light during flowering. That is the ONLY times my lights ever change.
i also believe in 24/0 for the first 2 weeks from seed, i do 2weeks 24/0 then 3weeks 18/6 then watever 12/12

i believe 24/0 for the first 2 weeks helps keep nodes tight and the plants end up nice n bushy whilst flowering, :peace:kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
i do 18/6 for a week for root growth then i do 24/0 for a few weeks then before i start to think of flowering i do 18/6 again and then 12/12
havnt heard of that method, but if it works for u then great, everyone has diff little methods with good results, i cant wait for my harvest its looking great and getting realy close, sorry had to get that outa my system lol


Well-Known Member
my first grow i was trying to ween my plants into 12/12 by subtracting an hour of light every few days to mimic nature, i found out that its unnecessary but i still like to mess around with my light schedule to see how things work out
my first grow i was trying to ween my plants into 12/12 by subtracting an hour of light every few days to mimic nature, i found out that its unnecessary but i still like to mess around with my light schedule to see how things work out
same here with my first fiew, this time im gunna cut my 12/12 light a fiew hrs, this is serposed to force the plant 2 have 1 last effort to produce more tricks, cant harm i surpose?? ever tried this m8?


Well-Known Member
naw never done it before. other than the 24 hrs of dark before harvest i never gave them less than 12 hours