Sensi Seeds Jack Herer - Soil - 400w MH/HPS


Well-Known Member
sounds like a nice grow.can we see a pic of the whole grow set up.
Here is a bit more details of my closet that I posted in another forum:

These are the dimensions of my closet:

3.2 ft wide x 6 ft long x 8 ft tall about 150 Cubic ft.

My previous setup included a 400W switchable ballast with a diamond style reflector. I had a lousy 75 CFM fan hooked up, but it was during winter so the temps didnt get that high. The temps rose to about 10 - 15 degrees with the lights on, making the temps between 75 - 88.

My new setup includes the same 400W switchable ballast, but with a cool tube. I also have a fan that is 400 CFM that pulls all that heat through some insulated 6 inch ducting to the attic where its hooked up to a vent to go outside. Odor management will be implemented later on.

Yea I know that I have a lot of "bends" in my ducting, but that hole was already there because of an exhaust fan I had. The airflow is amazing, and it only raises the temp between 1 - 5 degrees compared to 10 - 15 degrees! I can place my hand up to the cool tube and it just feels like a CFL. I also like this closet because in case of anything that happens, I can take everything down in less than an hour and it will looks like a standard closet ;)
The reason I stuck with some thick insulated ducting was to minimize any heat. Even with the bends in my ducting air flow is still very good and the temperatures only raise about 1 - 5 degrees in 100+ weather outside.



Well-Known Member
which white widow u growin? ..looks like a good start for some healthy plants
It was from GHS. I had a hermie WW during my last grow because of stress and pollinated another GHS WW. I saved some of those seeds and decided to grow one. Unfortunately the seedling died 2 weeks in.


Well-Known Member
Room Temperature: 78 - 83 Degrees
Humidity: 52%

Same as before...pure distilled water.

Jack Herer
Day 5 since sprouting.

They are still doing great and growing good. It seems that their 'initial' seedling stretch is over...time for some lush vegetation soon :D

Power Kush
Day 2 since sprouting.

She is still growing can see her in the picture. She is the one on the top right.

Thanks for all the kind comments.



Well-Known Member
Looking good! I planted some seeds a few days ago most likely the same day you germed yours and my seedlings are way behind yours. So far lately all of the seedlings I put in my clone/seedling area under a 4 tube t5 fixture grows untill about how big they are now then stop growing, turn yellow and die. So Im really going to be cautious putting these new seeds in there. I hope these seedlings start to grow but they look pretty green but the first leaves are really small about the same size as the cotyledon. But if they stop growing Im going to need to find a new area to germ these seeds.


Well-Known Member
Room Temperature: 73 - 83 Degrees
Humidity: 66%

The cool tube is about 8 - 10 inches from the tops, and no heat whatsoever...well I'm feels like a CFL :joint:

I am using plain distilled water until the 5th of August, then I will start a very low dosage of Grow Big and Big Bloom.

Jack Herer
Day 8 since sprouting.

One of the seedlings has some deformation on their razor leaves, but I am really not to worried about it for now since this is sometimes common. Jack #7 pictured on the lower left hand side of the pics is the slowest to grow. Most of the seedlings have some very faint yellow "blotches" but they are doing very well and growing fast. They are growing much faster than my previous White Widow grow...

Power Kush
Day 5 since sprouting.

She is on the top left and is growing nice and healthy. Razor leaves on her are fatter than the Jack, but thats a given because of the genetics...I can't wait to see some true leaves on her.


RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
Awsome start Messycan!
I'm gonna stay tuned for this one, Jack Herer is one of my favourite smokes (In Amsterdam), I hope to give it a grow in the future, when I have more experience with indoor growing!
Good luck dude!

RedEyeJedi 8)


Well-Known Member
Got the seeds in 4 days from my incoming notice from Dr. Chronic. Thats 4 orders that Ive made, 2 arrived 3 days from dispatch and 2 arrived 4 days after. I have 5 seeds being imbibed. Still really shakey about how the seedlings are going to do under my t5's. Like I said all my seeds that ive planted lately have nosuccess. Your seeds are way ahead of my practice seeds and we pretty much planted on the same day.
Im getting 10 deep 3" seedling containers at the hydro store monday and Im thinking of spending money on a heating mat but really, is that necessary? If it will improve my germination rate and seedling growth than it could be worth it but I really dont think that that is why Im not having the best of luck with seeds. My clones always root and become healthy vigorous plants.
I imbibe my seeds in 6.0 ph water untill they sink, put them between 2 paper towles and keep them thouroughly moist between 2 saucers until a quarter inch taproot becomes visable then into my aerated mix organic soil in containers buried a half inch deep. They usually emerge within 24 hrs and do everything a new healthy seedling does. I feed them 6.2 tap water until the true leaves start to grow and it can use a small dose of fertilizer but lately I cant seem to make it to that stage.
I'll be disinfecting my seedling/clone area before the seedlings go in. I'll buy a fogger and make sure there are absolutely no pests even though I got a full bottle of azatrol. Anyone got a good method besides maby pinesol or bleach? Nither of those sound good. I literally have not deep cleaned that space since I started using it. Dont really know what to use as a cleaner. I know bleach leaves behind residues.

Sorry messycan I hope Im not hijacking your thread.


Well-Known Member
Got the seeds in 4 days from my incoming notice from Dr. Chronic. Thats 4 orders that Ive made, 2 arrived 3 days from dispatch and 2 arrived 4 days after. I have 5 seeds being imbibed. Still really shakey about how the seedlings are going to do under my t5's. Like I said all my seeds that ive planted lately have nosuccess. Your seeds are way ahead of my practice seeds and we pretty much planted on the same day.
Im getting 10 deep 3" seedling containers at the hydro store monday and Im thinking of spending money on a heating mat but really, is that necessary? If it will improve my germination rate and seedling growth than it could be worth it but I really dont think that that is why Im not having the best of luck with seeds. My clones always root and become healthy vigorous plants.
I imbibe my seeds in 6.0 ph water untill they sink, put them between 2 paper towles and keep them thouroughly moist between 2 saucers until a quarter inch taproot becomes visable then into my aerated mix organic soil in containers buried a half inch deep. They usually emerge within 24 hrs and do everything a new healthy seedling does. I feed them 6.2 tap water until the true leaves start to grow and it can use a small dose of fertilizer but lately I cant seem to make it to that stage.
I'll be disinfecting my seedling/clone area before the seedlings go in. I'll buy a fogger and make sure there are absolutely no pests even though I got a full bottle of azatrol. Anyone got a good method besides maby pinesol or bleach? Nither of those sound good. I literally have not deep cleaned that space since I started using it. Dont really know what to use as a cleaner. I know bleach leaves behind residues.

Sorry messycan I hope Im not hijacking your thread.
Nah not a problem at all...I encourage discussion in my journals. What you can do to speed up germination is put your seeds inbetween moist paper towels inside a dvd movie case...then place it on top of your cable box. I was having trouble germinating...and within 12 hours of placing them in a warmer enviroment they cracked.

I place the seeds directly into soil once they crack and I can see a tiny tap root...I don't like to wait until it gets longer because it might dry up. Maybe try using distilled/purified water...tap might be doing the harm.

Good luck...


Well-Known Member
Awsome start Messycan!
I'm gonna stay tuned for this one, Jack Herer is one of my favourite smokes (In Amsterdam), I hope to give it a grow in the future, when I have more experience with indoor growing!
Good luck dude!

RedEyeJedi 8)
Ya I couldnt resist not growing this strain...can't wait for the smoke report.



Well-Known Member
Room Temperature: 73 - 85 Degrees
Humidity: 55%

Jack Herer
Day 13 since sprouting

Two weeks old tomorrow! I am starting to count my "veg" weeks starting they are 1 day into the vegetative stage. They look healthy, but I have a dwarf in there which you can see in the pictures. Its the one on the bottom right. All the new growth has been more deformed leaves!

Growth between the inter nodes is also coming in...almost time for LST ;)

Power Kush
Day 10 since sprouting....she is one strong lady! She is growing out beautifully and I can't wait to see her bud. She is the one in the middle.

I am transplanting them on the 5th of August into 3 gallon pots which will be their final home. All of the Jacks will be LST for about 3 weeks then 12/12 will be started. We expect about 2 - 3 females from Jacks, and hopefully a nice yield with the LST.

I am also going to start nutrients when I transplant as well (Full strength Big Bloom, 1/4 strength Grow Big).



Well-Known Member
Wanted to add another picture I took today...they are starting to grow really fast now. The Power Kush is in the middle. You can also see the runt/dwarf in there are well.

I will update once I transplant them next week. Enjoy :joint:



Well-Known Member
Room Temperature: 73 - 83 Degrees
Humidity: 57%

Jack Herer
Day 19 since sprouting
Day 7 of veg

These are probably the last pictures of the Jacks looking "normal". I am transplanting today and starting LST. A few of the jacks started to get severe N deficiency and slowed growth down to a halt. I didn't have the resources to go grab nutrients, so I gave them some N the old fashion way: 10 parts water 1 part urine. It has worked great and solved the N deficiency. Fox Farm Grow Big and Big Bloom is going to be purchased today and 1/4 Grow Big and a full dosage of Big Bloom will be given once they are transplanted.

I can see the Sativa trait in most of them...they are getting tall and have skinny/long leaves coming out.

Power Kush
She is massive and has obviously out grown the other ones...very large and getting bushy.

White Widow
We decided to grow a White Widow from Dinafem since we are impressed with the Dinafem Kush...seed germinated in about 10 hours and put into soil. As you can see from the picture she sprouted overnight. I am not going to transplant her any time soon.

You can see the Power Kush on the bottom left, and the strongest Jack is in the middle. I will post pictures of them in bigger pots/LST later today.

Enjoy :joint:



Well-Known Member
I transplanted them into 3-gallon pots. The reason why I chose fatter pots over longer was because of the diameter. Since I am doing LST, I want to make sure I have enough room. Tomorrow LST will start.

I transplanted the dwarf into a smaller pot, and the White Widow is still in a cup. Power Kush is on the middle left.

Nutrients: 1 tsp Grow Big and 2 TSP Big Bloom. I will update it with pictures tomorrow after LST is started.



Well-Known Member
some very beautiful examples, well tended for. JH is on my list of Grows to Do.....thanks for the updates. Walk On!!~~~~


Well-Known Member
Room Temperature: 73 - 83 Degrees
Humidity: 57%

Jack Herer
Day 20 since sprouting
Day 8 of veg

LST was performed today...I'll let the auxins take it from here. The Power Kush is the one on the bottom middle. One of the Jacks didn't get any LST because of its size. I also have a WW seedling in there somewhere.



Well-Known Member
Room Temperature: 76 - 82 Degrees
Humidity: 53%

Nutrients will be given in a few days.

Side branching is shooting up...and I accidentally broke off one of the tops while trying to tighten down new growth...I guess its now topped...

LST looks messy and its driving me insane, but I guess you have to give up something to gain something. I plan on flowering on the 20th (in 10 days), and I doubt that they will make a complete circle around the pot before that time....but I am pretty sure it will fill up nicely during the initial flowering stretch...what to you guys think?

Here goes a couple of pictures...the Kush is on the middle left.


Well-Known Member
messy whats good my dude i just noticed the jack link in your sig (wit my blind ass lol) im here now and they look like a start of something great:weed:


Well-Known Member
very beautiful ... thanks for sharing. They look great .... I have always been tempted to try this but still have not. I will some day, and in the meantime watch this .... walk on!!~~~~:weed:
Room Temperature: 76 - 82 Degrees
Humidity: 53%

Nutrients will be given in a few days.

Side branching is shooting up...and I accidentally broke off one of the tops while trying to tighten down new growth...I guess its now topped...

LST looks messy and its driving me insane, but I guess you have to give up something to gain something. I plan on flowering on the 20th (in 10 days), and I doubt that they will make a complete circle around the pot before that time....but I am pretty sure it will fill up nicely during the initial flowering stretch...what to you guys think?

Here goes a couple of pictures...the Kush is on the middle left.


Well-Known Member
Mine are growing very slow just like I predicted, they look like theyre going to stretch, fullu turn yellow and stop growing. But they are lightly discolored but growing very slow. Yours look fantastic.