what strain is bagseed?


Active Member
not necessarily .... think about the concept of supply and demand, if you can handle it.

the less of a supply they have with a large demand, the MORE MONEY THEY CAN CHARGE. Ever hear the saying of the golden rule?, " he who holds the gold makes the rules?" well in this instance its green instead of gold. But since we are talking about bag seed, there should be no doubt that they are just growing it purely to produce revenue, not for the highest THC content, not for taste, for money. That being said, i would put my money on the possibility that they dont even know what strain it is that they are growing.


Active Member
you moron, they don't sell by the lb they sell tons. They also sell harder drugs that make them a lot more money, so potent marijuana isn't their main source of income.

i grow for quality and i know you do as well but if you wanted to grow to sale and you were gona sale it by the ton what would a mexican drug cartel grow?


Active Member
not necessarily .... think about the concept of supply and demand, if you can handle it.

the less of a supply they have with a large demand, the MORE MONEY THEY CAN CHARGE. Ever hear the saying of the golden rule?, " he who holds the gold makes the rules?" well in this instance its green instead of gold. But since we are talking about bag seed, there should be no doubt that they are just growing it purely to produce revenue, not for the highest THC content, not for taste, for money. That being said, i would put my money on the possibility that they dont even know what strain it is that they are growing.
so all plants produce the same weight? well then which one produces the biggest buds


Active Member
i grow for quality and i know you do as well but if you wanted to grow to sale and you were gona sale it by the ton what would a mexican drug cartel grow?

First, id need to get a bigger garage, then id worry about genetics and names, but if you grow tons you call it whatever you want. Unless it sucks then its "The Fish"


Active Member
LOL everyday swhaggg has a name u think the growers pick the lowest thc slow growing plant?

haha..take it easy guys..

Hey fish.. the seeds you got from the bag was it haze or sum type of good weed or was it regulars? if its regulars..then i agree with evrywun..but if its sum type of haze... then most common is some type of indica...


Active Member
First, id need to get a bigger garage, then id worry about genetics and names, but if you grow tons you call it whatever you want. Unless it sucks then its "The Fish"
Always remember back to Super Troopers, the weed there was from Johnny Chimpo. Makes you wonder huh?


Well-Known Member
haha..take it easy guys..

Hey fish.. the seeds you got from the bag was it haze or sum type of good weed or was it regulars? if its regulars..then i agree with evrywun..but if its sum type of haze... then most common is some type of indica...
Haze is a Sativa~


Active Member
Im also having a great time, i should be making something for church potluck tomorrow, but im having too much fun here.


Well-Known Member
your questions was funny
think about it. i am running a marijuana business wouldnt it be buisness like to grow something that produced big bud and increase my proffit?

just because none of you know the name of it you are getting all pissy at me
sure some cartels grow differant strains
according to thier location and if they dont then there must not be much of a differance on how much each strain can produce.. i mean they are in it for the money and they make money by saleling pounds of it so dont you think they would grow the strain that produces the most????????????????
I would think that you could make some basic assumptions based off of the needs of Mexican growers. They would likely look for strains that would fulfill characteristics like:
1. large production (high yield)
2. higher levels of canabinoids (potent ass f*ck)
3. quick finishers
4. resilient to higher temperatures
5. generally low maintenance
When researching strains, keep characteristics like those in your head and you might find what you're looking for. :mrgreen:


Active Member
I would think that you could make some basic assumptions based off of the needs of Mexican growers. They would likely look for strains that would fulfill characteristics like:
1. large production (high yield)
2. higher levels of canabinoids (potent ass f*ck)
3. quick finishers
4. resilient to higher temperatures
5. generally low maintenance
When researching strains, keep characteristics like those in your head and you might find what you're looking for. :mrgreen:
thanks i will look for those characteristics


Well-Known Member
this is the funniest damn thread i've read in RIU to date... I laughed so hard and then I showed it to my friends who laughed even harder... it should be stickied! lol

ok so I agree with whoever said (too stoned to look back at the name of who wrote it) that the green that the mexicans grow is very hermified green thats constantly being reseeded... take a look at that shit its full of sticks and half of it wieghs out in seeds.

I think at one time it used to be the Big Bud strain or perhaps a form of ruderalis... but I remember seeing all the huge farms on TV that would get busted in the early 90s and the plants seemed to be around 10ft+ with the huge ass buds that big bud makes... just my assumption...

and then over time because they care about quantity not quality they keep putting the hermie seeds back to work making the disgustin bull that we have today...

I mean it doesnt necessarily have to be big bud if you do that with any strain you'll end up with something hideous in the long run... or if you throw other strains in the mix constantly and they keep crossing... u end up with an inbred alabama child... no offense to my bama buddies! haha


Active Member
I think at one time it used to be the Big Bud strain or perhaps a form of ruderalis... but I remember seeing all the huge farms on TV that would get busted in the early 90s and the plants seemed to be around 10ft+ with the huge ass buds that big bud makes...

so maybe big bud strain ok another good answer I will look that one up, Thanks



Well-Known Member
I'm trying really hard not to be rude, because others have been so patient with me when I'VE said something retarded.

1) You asked 'what strain is bagseed?' Did it not occur to you that bagseed may be seeds from your bag? (of weed?)
2) Many people gave you a clear and concise answer, but you ignored them until one was rephrased with more articulate vocabulary. I wonder if you even read what they all said or you just responded to the one that sounded the most intelligent.
3) You asked what strain is grown commercially. Were you under the impression that all weed you ever bought was the same strain because it was 'commercial?'
4) You then asked Which strain to grow, once you realised there is more than one kind of weed in the world. Well, what are YOUR requirements?

Google 'strains of marijuana', read about them and just pick one that sounds good to you.

You can ask the guy at the counter what he thinks when you go to buy seeds.

I understand there are regional trends and preferences (like London having every kind of Cheese), but all you have to do is take a look around.

Honestly, I am not trying to be rude, but I'm a little girl with learning disabilities who can say and do THE MOST STUPID things, but I'm still astounded by this thread. All you had to ask was 'which strains are most economically viable to grow commercially under x conditions', then explain your demographic, setup and experience. There's no shame in picking a hardier strain because you are inexperienced or simply lack the free time to baby your plants. As aforementioned, if you want to cultivate and sell anything for profit you OBVIOUSLY want low input->high yield, but is appealing. What weed do YOU like to smoke? You want to sell something you wouldn't mind sampling yourself.

But I'll say it again, I'm really not trying to be a total bitch, it's nothing personal. I love the bible quote by the way.