Hermie? or NOT.. Please HELP..


New Member
ok, i have three plants left outta six. i was sure that the last three were females. well i noticed the other day that one of my girls had these strange lil balls on her.

im assuming its a HERMIE. i hate to think that but the pix will tell all.

lemme know what ya'll think. also what do i do with it??

thankx everyone fer ur help..:peace:



Well-Known Member
at first glance it looks like the calyxs which is normal but i normally only see 1 in any 1 place not a bunch like u gt there, there shud be hairs sticking out soon if not then may be hermie, i grw wit feminised seeds so couldnt say 4 sure but i thought male prefloers wer more banana shape, if it is hermie then seperate it from other plants and grow elsewhere if u want seeds of the strain 4 future if not slit her throat wait 4 a few more posts though first m8 i may be wrong


Well-Known Member
Cmon man no one has to tell you that is a hermie. Why you need a second opinion I don't know but that is a herm.


New Member
shit that fuckin sux.. it has such beautiful bud sites forming.. can i still bud it out? but the only thing is that i have no where to put the damn thing...fuck it


Well-Known Member
shit that fuckin sux.. it has such beautiful bud sites forming.. can i still bud it out? but the only thing is that i have no where to put the damn thing...fuck it

Yea you can just isolate it in another room. Can't go outside cause it will reveg. You gonna get a whole bunch of "feminized" seeds though and the bud will get you sleepy. It's the kind of bud that makes you feel drunk and makes you think the craziest shit lol. Fuck I'm not fuckin with Herms man :peace:


Well-Known Member
I was having the same problem with hermie's so i talked to a guy at the hydro store and he said to use "Reverse" from Dutch Master and "penetrator" from Dutch Master. The "Reverse" actually puts a stop to hermie's. You can read more about it at www.dutchmaster.com.au . I havent actually used it yet so i dont know if it works or not. I will be spraying tomorrow.


New Member
all the love n attention then the bitch hermies on me..why???????? damn it anyway...lol.... its bagseed so what can i expect but shes so purdy...

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I have been using feminised seeds and have never had a hermie,I have had them from reguler seeds.Dont believe all that shit about fem seeds being no good.I will go one step further and say I have bread fem seeds back with reg seeds with astounding results on potency and female ratio being 75%.I have found that light stess will hermie any seed


So, the hermie produces seeds on the buds, the bud is still a good enough smoke, a decent high, and you also get "feminized seeds" sell them to your dumbass friend and make a damn good price.