does anyone else think guns should be banned?

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Well-Known Member
Well even aside from the fact that a gun can be used to defend your family what about hunting? I dont personally hunt but my entire family does. Guns feed people to ya know.
Kill it with your bare hands like ted nugent


Well-Known Member
is there anyone in america who thinks guns are bad? lol.
I don't like the idea of anyone having a gun but the fact of the matter is, guns are here to stay and outlawing them will inevitably put money in the hands of criminals and gangs just like illegal drugs did.

It's true that guns don't kill people, people do but guns make it a lot fucking easier. All crime comes from bad parenting, there's waaaaaaaay too many unfit parents in the world these days.


I don't think Guns should be banned at all, If anything I think we should be allowed more access to them. I'm sure someone already said it so here it goes, Criminal's will always find a way to get guns. Why? Because they can be used as a quick easy killing device and it strikes fear into people when guns are drawn. So if you ban guns that just keeps guns out of the hands of people that are good law abiding citizens. The criminal's won't give up their guns. So if you ban guns the amount of chaos that would happen is unbelievable. The only reason why nobody has attacked America directly is because everyone owns a gun and if you don't then your neighbor owns one and will let you use it in the case of a national emergency. The only reason why we don't have more killings like the mall shootout in Utah is because people are allowed to carry concealed weps. Banning guns is completely pointless and actually makes the situation worse.
Check and mate.
Time to smoke:joint:


Well-Known Member
the only reason no one has attacked us is our military and the fact if u fucked with america the un or nato or league of nations or whatever its called now days would at the least impose sanctions and cut off supplies or if serious enough even ground troops from our allies cuz you know its gonna start a world war most likely...and our nuclear weapons as a last resort. lol
i think gun training should be mandatory in school, like sex-ed, . lol


Well-Known Member
I don't know about banning guns, but I certainly would like to see guns removed from the hands of law enforcement officers. I shouldn't have to worry that a police officer will mistake my 4-year-old son's TOY gun for a real gun and shoot him dead.


Well-Known Member
i started this thread as i was asked to stop posting in the gun enthusiast thread. it seems to me for a stoner website theres a hell of a lot of people who like to shoot things! lol.

heres my reasons why i think guns should be banned.
1. in 2006 there were 60.000 fatal incidents involving guns in the us. compare that tt the 4.237 that have been killed in iraq in FIVE years it shows if you want to be safe join the army!
2. america has the highest suicide rates in the world. fact. this even includes switzerland where it is legal for assisted suicide. (for this reason many people from over europe go there for a dignified end.)
3. if people have access to guns they shoot if they dont they cant!
4. only 0.8 percent of fatal shootings in america are in self defenc. this makes a mockery of the claim that fire arms are essential for personal safety.

any way this is all my opinion. if anyone else has any reasons feel free to post!
You're surprised that a bunch of people that are constantly undr threat of violence and prison because we smoke a little pot don't want another of there rights taken away?


Well-Known Member
I don't know about banning guns, but I certainly would like to see guns removed from the hands of law enforcement officers. I shouldn't have to worry that a police officer will mistake my 4-year-old son's TOY gun for a real gun and shoot him dead.
Removing guns from law enforcement when gangs already have guns is stupid. Britain has good gun control laws and their cops don't carry guns but they still have higher crime rates than us.


Well-Known Member
yes, give up your second ammendment right to bear arms. brilliant. then the ZOG machine government will just keep taking more of our rights away. give them an inch and they will take a mile. GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE! guns are only dangerous when stupid people have them. keep them out of the hands of stupid, ignorant, careless people, and the problem is solved. i am a responsible gun owner. but if someone were to enter my home unlawfully, they would be in a world of shit. and those of you who want guns banned, if and or when your houses are broken into or your lives are in danger due to someone having a gun and using it against you, what are you going to do? you are completely helpless against an attacker with a firearm. you can sit and watch as your wives or daughters are raped or beaten, or your kids kidnapped, or home destrtoyed. call the police? lmao. give em' 10-15 minutes to respond and see how much damage can be done in that time..... the shitheads of the world will still have guns if they are banned. gun control does nothing. look at the states with concealed carry laws! their crime rates have gone down! wake up and grow a set of balls and realize that protecting yourself and your family is a personal responsibility, not something to be left in the careless hands of the government!!!


Well-Known Member
Ban guns and you wont have one, but the guy that breaks into your house to rob and rape your family will still have one.

'Nuff said.


Well-Known Member
exactly. the only people who will follow the gun ban are the law abiding citizens who dont harm anyone with guns! DUH!! how do people not realize that?!? and why are they so willing to give up MORE of their rights?!?!? DUH !!


Well-Known Member
exactly. the only people who will follow the gun ban are the law abiding citizens who dont harm anyone with guns! DUH!! how do people not realize that?!? and why are they so willing to give up MORE of their rights?!?!? DUH !!
i know, its so obvious but they refuse to see anything but what they want to see.


Rerun. It's all been lets say it again!
Guns cause crime like flies cause shit.
I'm all for gun control...I'd like to get my grouping a little tighter.
I'll stab anyone that tries to take my wait. That can't be right.
I would like to see background checks to determine mental health...before voting.


Well-Known Member
I didn't read anything but the first post and the last page soooo...yea fuck a gun ban you wanna have no defense against the gangsters that'll rob your ass with an illegally bought gun?


Well-Known Member
If you wanna ban guns, either way, the criminals that actually use them in the wrong way now, will get there hands on them. Then how will you defend yourself when come to rape your family. lol


Well-Known Member
does RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS , mean anything?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Well-Known Member
apparently it does not. at least not to the weak minded individuals who are so willing to give up that right! and any other rights the government may or may not decide to take away. mindless lemmings!! lol
Oh Canada, my home and native land.

I have a rifle. I shoot one moose, once a year for tradition and food.

No body I know owns a handgun.

"Armed Robbery" where I live is a baseball bat or a steak knife.

We don't need guns cause the people who want to rob us don't have them... then again no body I know has ever been really confronted and robbed.

I have never seen a semi auto/ auto gun in my life.

I have only heard of a hand full of murders, all of them in the city over gang shit.

Its too late for the States, you have had guns for too long and are all caught up in this amendment stuff, too many people own guns to ban them now. Ban them and all the people who wish to use them for ill intent will have the upper hand.

The true north strong and free
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