Snow White Clones Infected - Please Help


Well-Known Member
These six girls are growing on my bedroom terrace just out of site from my neighbors.

What is this and how do I stop it?

It's spreading




Well-Known Member
Not sure of what it is.
Are you useing a good soil
are you useing Nutes
Last, I would flush and then if not useing a good soil I would transplant a day after the flush in good soil Fox farm/ roots organic
I would use some veg nutes


Well-Known Member
These six girls are growing on my bedroom terrace just out of site from my neighbors.

What is this and how do I stop it?

It's spreading

Try to give as much info as possible. It could be nute burn, heat stress, bugs etc. Try going with the most obvious things and rule them out one at a time. It doesn't look that bad so I wouldn't worry too much. The burn spots aside, your plants look pretty healthy. Good luck my friend.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Guys,

These clones only had one feeding, so a deficency is possible....but...

The obvious problem could be heat. It probably gets well over 95 on my terrace in the CO July

But doesn't the one photo look like bugs?


Well-Known Member
could be heat stress.

Did you mist them by any chance? did so on my seedlings and that burnt the hell outta the leaves.