germinating seeds with alcohol?


Well-Known Member
is it possible. imean has any body tried mixing water with alcohol and tried the germination process? dnt awnser if ur just gonna b stupid about it
What kind of alcohol? I would think alcohol would kill the seed. Especially rubbing alcohol that would probably just destroy it unless it was really diluted. It kills the plants if you put it on them to strong. might work to sterilize, not sure. Bag seed try would be okay with a diluted mix. Any ideas on what to try 2:1 ratio? 3:1 ratio? I'm gonna guess you aren't talking rum, vodka, wine beer. I think those are a bad idea for a seed, but again I've never tried so I can't say for sure.
no offence but why would anyone even care??? water works right??? So why try something that might not work or only kill the seed?? I mean i guess if you like failure. It just doesn't seem smart to do things that might not work when there is already something that is proven to work the best. We've been using water for hundreds of years why change it now??
no offence but why would anyone even care??? water works right??? So why try something that might not work or only kill the seed?? I mean i guess if you like failure. It just doesn't seem smart to do things that might not work when there is already something that is proven to work the best. We've been using water for hundreds of years why change it now??

because the invention of new ideas that might work better than what you have. We had soil to grow in for thousands of years now we grow indoors. We had candle light, why invent light bulbs candles worked. It might not seem smart to do things that might not work, but look at all the things around us, cars, phones, microwaves, etc. All of these things are things that might not have worked and they did. When the car was made or the computer should we have stopped there? They worked, but we didn't and they were improved. If there is some bag seed lying around, what is the problem with trying it? if it dies no one cares. If it worked and produced healthy plants then what's the big deal? If no one tried new things then everything always stays the same. Should we write to the people trying to better LED lighting and tell them we don't need it because MH and HPS are perfect? Things can always be improved and people that might fail have to try to find out. Those afraid to try will never change.
you should use a meatball for your rooting cube.. maybe some french bread for a medium.. then when your done you can just eat it all... i think ill try a coconut/peanut sauce for the thai seeds im getting....

That's a good idea....:lol: mmmeatballz. I'm going to try Blue cheese later this year. Naturally I'll be using a salad medium.

Seriously, all kidding aside from Simpson (throws him under the bus), weed seeds only need water. I can see if this plant was difficult to germinate, but it's not. It's actually incredibly fast and one of the easiest on the planet, much to the consternation of LEO.

No I have germinated many many different kinds of plants in my day, and have had to scarify and refrigerate and treat with acids, and maintain soil conditions with so many different variables it would make your head spin. Sometimes knowing that a 20% germ rate would be fantastic after all the hard work.

Healthy weed seed germ usually within a week and at rates of 75%+. I almost always get 9/10 or 10/10.

In the end....what's to gain?
That's a good idea....:lol: mmmeatballz. I'm going to try Blue cheese later this year. Naturally I'll be using a salad medium.

Seriously, all kidding aside from Simpson (throws him under the bus), weed seeds only need water. I can see if this plant was difficult to germinate, but it's not. It's actually incredibly fast and one of the easiest on the planet, much to the consternation of LEO.

No I have germinated many many different kinds of plants in my day, and have had to scarify and refrigerate and treat with acids, and maintain soil conditions with so many different variables it would make your head spin. Sometimes knowing that a 20% germ rate would be fantastic after all the hard work.

Healthy weed seed germ usually within a week and at rates of 75%+. I almost always get 9/10 or 10/10.

In the end....what's to gain?

(from under the bus) he's right.. water works and works best... no point in trying something new that wont work.. and since its so early on in their life there isnt much of a reason to try anything new.. they are fragile and delicate... why risk killing them..

trying something new isnt a bad thing.. just not all ideas are as soild as others...

oh.. and make sure its caesar salad... ice berg will turn brown too quick..
I have never used alchohol but have used peroxide when ov er nighht soak does not work next day i dump water replace with peroxide do another over night soak and walla peroxide mainly air let me know a bout the alchohol
(from under the bus) he's right.. water works and works best... no point in trying something new that wont work.. and since its so early on in their life there isnt much of a reason to try anything new.. they are fragile and delicate... why risk killing them..

trying something new isnt a bad thing.. just not all ideas are as soild as others...

oh.. and make sure its caesar salad... ice berg will turn brown too quick..

Somebody back the bus up a bit for me? Thanx....

I think this is the Benny Hill thread....

try tomato soup next time cj works a treat.

(hope all is good for you mate).

I use SP sauce because it has tomato seed in it. This makes the lone weed seed feel inferior, so it tries to mimic the tomato plant. Sounds crazy, but it works...:wink:

Everything is just ducky here...:wink: but that's another story....
Somebody back the bus up a bit for me? Thanx....

I think this is the Benny Hill thread....

I use SP sauce because it has tomato seed in it. This makes the lone weed seed feel inferior, so it tries to mimic the tomato plant. Sounds crazy, but it works...:wink:

Everything is just ducky here...:wink: but that's another story....

good idea mate next grow i am just going to use a tomato as my jiffy.
pop my seed into the tomato and use a bolognese sauce as my medium.
