Yeh,er,considering alcohol kills living cells,er,not the best idea to do germination in,it IS a really really stupid question,i think it would destroy the root tap when it comes or,they wont germ at all.
the first lot i did in a cup of water,dark cupboard,100 % germ of 10 sensi seeds limited edition 'early skunk' females,same method at same time,100 % germ of 5 g13 labs thai super skunk
second lot,5 lowlife auto ak47's,direct into plagrons best quality soil(royalty mix,which apparently,has all the flower feed in it too),100% germination rate.
water is the best,really,nothing more is needed,i have had 100% germ rate,with no fiddling,no ph adjusting,nothing,just rain water(you can use tap,but leave it out for a day for chlorine etc to evaporate!!!!!!!this is usually overlooked and can produce horrible germ rates.
ive either got green fingers,hehehehehe the irony of it,or people are just fucking their shit up and dont know what theyre doing,no offence to anyone,i know you can get bad seeds and all.My auto ak seeds looked horrific,half pale with surface 'cracks' (more like pale coloured lines),but they have all come up perfectly and are doing super well,encrusted with trichomes even in teh garden!!!!
couple of tips for 100% germ
1.rain water,rain water,rain water,i cannot emphasise that enough
2.Decent soil,i dont mean focus home brand,or some walmart crap,get proper spoil for growing this damn plant-plagron is rated the best,but bio bizz do a very respectable job at a cheaper price,just get some dutch shit and your on the right track
3.dont fiddle,leave em alone,they will come,have faith Ja will light em up!!!!