I have social anxiety. Here is an example of mine. I had jury duty about a week ago. They sent 30 of us in this room to be selected. The state attorney asked us all our names, jobs, where we lives, etc etc. As i was waiting my turn to do what they all had done.. All i could do was sit and shake, i had to hold my teeth shut tight or they would chatter, I couldnt sit still, my heart was racing and i was getting hot. I was sitting here thinking, wtf is wrong with me? Knowing it was irrational, but couldnt do anything about it. The reason for all of this was because i knew i had to answer personal information to a huge group of strangers.
I tried breathing techniques while sitting there, and nothing worked. I was under the influence, but it was one measly bowl (scraps) an hour before and i was no where near buzzed or high. Ive had this same sequence of events (shakes, heart racing, muscle spasms, etc) several times in my life. Never any panic attacks or anything more or less than what ive described. Its weird as hell.