Please don't let me be disappointed


Active Member
Hi guys,
I know a mate...

This mate, he's growing some plants in a greenhouse in his garden and these plants are coming on just fine. However, they look nothing like the pictures seen in the world wide.
They have large healthy normal looking leaves, but do not seem to have the 'hair' like growth on the stalk. Should he be doing somthing that isn't being done?
he has recently started the covering process for thirteen hours a night, and shoots have started to appear on the stalks, but he is kind of hoping the process won't last that long.
Should my mate be doing something to these plants to encourage them to 'bud', or is he doing ok for now and continue to cover the greenhouse nightly.
He has watched various grow guides, and read countless info on the www, but all the info is based on grow rooms, lights and foreign countries.
My mate is in england, the green house is small but big enough and the temperature is... well.. a back garden in the UK!
he really wants to smoke some home grown, and is starting to get a bit impatient.
Please help, feel free to ask questions.



Well-Known Member
You dont see hairs until about 2 weeks into the flowering stage. And I suggest a 12 hours on 12 hours off. For it is more natural.
And I just checked the UK's sunrise sunset times. He doesnt need to cover them at night. You guys are currently in a state of flowering.

And watch out for male and hermie plants.


Active Member
Hi guys,
I know a mate...

This mate, he's growing some plants in a greenhouse in his garden and these plants are coming on just fine. However, they look nothing like the pictures seen in the world wide.
They have large healthy normal looking leaves, but do not seem to have the 'hair' like growth on the stalk.Please help, feel free to ask questions.


hello.. well first thing that came to me was , Where are the seeds from?..... good seed stock?.. where the seeds are from, will be very important..and also some strains take alot longer to really bud,.. do you know the strain?


Active Member
hello folks

"first thing that came to me was , Where are the seeds from?..... good seed stock?.. where the seeds are from"

(I don't know how to do that quote thing, one day I'll learn, eh?)

he has produced some plants in the past using seeds obtained from an awful quarter he once bought. They say that weed is the worlds most popular and easy to get hold of drug, so it always suprises me that 1) how bloody difficult it is to get it, and 2) how utterly shit the quality is when it arrives!
Anyway, those plants didn't last beyond the propergator stage, but the current batch of three plants were taken from stems. They look really healthy, and smell amazing.
People are referring to 'Budding', but me being an utter novice, i don't know what this is suppose to look like. The web told me that he should be removing some of the lower branches to encourage growth of the bud, but this is something that he hasn't done as yet.
The stems are starting to produce what can only be described as chilli like things growing from the stems of the leaves: is this the bud?

He has been covering religously for about two weeks at a rate of 12.5hrs a night. Any help is great help, ask if I'm not saying the needed info...



Active Member
People are referring to 'Budding', but me being an utter novice, i don't know what this is suppose to look like. The web told me that he should be removing some of the lower branches to encourage growth of the bud, but this is something that he hasn't done as yet.
The stems are starting to produce what can only be described as chilli like things growing from the stems of the leaves: is this the bud?
well budding is the female pant going into flower,.only the female will make buds.. and of coarse buds are the the whole reason we grow the plants,.. from the sounds of things you have a male in there ..(maybe a few),.. those little chilli looking things ,.. well those are pollen sacks ,.. REMOVE ANY PLANT WITH THOSE CHILLI LOOKING THINGS NOW!!!.. do not wait it/they will ruin the females and then they will only make seed ,NO BUD.. and that may have already happened,... have you noticed if those little pollen sacks are dropping a little yellowish powder ?.. make sure you remove the males BEFORE the male drops the powder/pollen that pollen is what will ruin the females.. and a males should (not always) show sex first.. the males have those lil pollen sacks and the females will have tiny white hairs.. if you leave the males in there and the pollen sacks open .. then the females will become seeded early into flowwering... then you will never see the same type of thing you see when you look on the web .. because we grow seedless females (buds)..and most pictures you will see are of the seedless buds (the female)... good luck .. try to find the extra time so you and your friend can read up on growing .. there is so much good info in the GrowFAQ and on the web.. good luck