The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls


Well-Known Member
Sow if you figure an ounce per plant then that would be simple math. Not sure what light set up you have so just figure 1/2 oz per plant. The cups I use are like Randy uses, clear cups surrounded by a cup to sleeve them in. Since you can see the roots that way it is easy to see when it is time to transplant. I use 2 litre coke bottles myself after transplanting from the solo cups.

Randy had a 430 hps that produced @ 1oz per plant if that gives you some idea. This is my first try at it so not sure what to expect with a 1000hps and a vertical grow.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
sow look at it this way if u dont go 12-12 from seed u would most likely be vegging for like a month aleast so take that time away from the 10-11 weeks and u still have a quicker turnaround. plus finish times have alot to do with strain, most guys are growing indica sativa cross with a lot of sativa in them so that will push the finish date back further than your straight indica. atleast this is my assumption of what trend your talking about.


Well-Known Member
Sow if you figure an ounce per plant then that would be simple math. Not sure what light set up you have so just figure 1/2 oz per plant. The cups I use are like Randy uses, clear cups surrounded by a cup to sleeve them in. Since you can see the roots that way it is easy to see when it is time to transplant. I use 2 litre coke bottles myself after transplanting from the solo cups.

Randy had a 430 hps that produced @ 1oz per plant if that gives you some idea. This is my first try at it so not sure what to expect with a 1000hps and a vertical grow.
I guess im gonna try to do about 500 watts using cfls and see how that works out. thanks for all the suggestions. keep us updated on how ur grow goes


Well-Known Member
Well sadly out of five clones I only have 4, one just would not root :-? ??? The pictures included are the clones 11 days into 12\12... Not as good as i was hoping for, but i think its just how i have my lights setup. Also could someone point me to a real good CFL post. I am very interested but i want more info



Well-Known Member
I dont know if anyone else will feel the same but i think this is wierd. The clones i am using are from two different pants and i have 2 clones from each left, but the wierd thing is is one of the clones went straight to flowering by day 11 but the other clone from the same plant is still veggin whats the deal i know this is not bad but is it normal? Sorry the pictures are crappy the lighting from the HPS makes it hard to get a clear pic



Well-Known Member
Are your clones from a female mother plant I assume? It isn't weird for them to start at different times, even though they came from the same mother plant.


Well-Known Member
I guess im gonna try to do about 500 watts using cfls and see how that works out. thanks for all the suggestions. keep us updated on how ur grow goes
I think I have shocked mine or stunted them or something. They are at a standstill at the moment after transplanting them. I cut the roots up the side of them in three places but I think I went up too high with them. Also didn't have the Fox Farms soil since I have to go out of town to get it and didn't go.

They are drinking their nutrients but just not growing any now. Unfortunately they are at a seperate location than me so I don't live with them. But fortunately I have back ups. :hump:




Hi, happy to have found this thread! I started doing the 12/12 from cutting thing on my current grow. I just was not having any luck getting clones rooted and (out of frustration) I said screw it, lets just stick 'em directly on the table and let them root there. No veg time given, but I was amazed at how fast they rooted and shot up. Anyways, I'm subscribed. Good growing to ya.



Well-Known Member
Also guitarabuser if you are still interested in producing clones and having success at it, follow this video. It is the most complete cloning video you will ever see in my opinion. I went through at least 60 cuttings before I saw this video. Now there is a 90% - 100% success rate. I like rapid rooters over anything else to place the clones in. Also I just use superthrive and hydrodgen peroxide and no seaweed like they suggest. Works great. If you remove the top of the dome and just sit there and watch them with it off for a bit, you will see them fall over. They have to have the humidity at the beginning. 7-14 days and sometimes less than 7 but not normally, you will see roots. No need to even check them until 7-10 days. Just make sure enough water is in the bottom tray to just barely touch the rapid rooters and I am positive you will have success. Three of my friends had a hard time cloning before and now they do it with ease after seeing this video as well.

Remove the dome once a day and spray the cuttings lightly, then replace the dome after only a couple of minutes. Once a day is all you need.


Thanks! Today is the first day of week 4. Its Purple Lady from G13 Labs. A freebie seed that saved my butt when my other plans fell apart. This is the other table I have. They are Diesel Ryders at day 28 from seed (12/12 as well). I'm curious to see how the autos do under a flowering schedule from day 1.

Here is the whole grow.


Hey, thanks for the video link. I'll check it out. I was trying to use a bubble cloner (which I have not given up on yet) and finally learned (thanks to searching this site) that my water temps were too high. I have a chiller now, but have not tried it yet. I think my next batch of clones I'm going to try using the bubbler, the more traditional method of putting them in a dome, AND direct to table to see what I get. A side by side comparison.


Well-Known Member
Ok. I'm doing something wrong here then if those larger ones you have are 1st day of 4th week. I must have shocked them transplanting them. Here is second week, third week and fourth week( right side plants) under a 1000hps.




That's a cool setup! Those four tall girls of mine were actually rooted in the bubbler. They were placed directly into hydroton and shot up inches per day. The shorties are the ones I stuck directly in the table. Sorry if that was misleading!


Well-Known Member
Ah ok. It is still nice. Once the flower room is finished it will hold 36 clones or seedlings. Need to build more shelves. It has a gutter below the bases of the 2 litre bottles that is set at a slight angle so when it is watered it all drains into a gallon jug. The ones that have not shown sex yet and fed veg nutes are on the left and the flowering females are on the right. The other side of the room holds two moms, a place for two clone domes up top, an area for clones to take root in soil for two weeks or start up seedlings and storage. It is a work in progress. I saw heaths grow set up and wanted to have a flower room like he had. Here is the other side of that room.




Excellent use of space! I like the drain setup. A space for moms and clones is something I fought. I ended up building a cabinet for them.


Well-Known Member
LST is the answer! Even with 12/12 from seed grows you can do it. Keep on pulling the tops down, right into mid flowering to spread the budsights as you would with a screen (scrog).

Heres a shot of a 12/12 grown plant using lots of LST to stop that stretching :-)

Hope this helps, dont be afraid to tie them down!!

Sorry to sound thick - what is LST?



Active Member
Sorry to sound thick - what is LST?

Starsailor, you don't sound 'thick' at all, just asking a question :-)

LST is Low Stress Training but basically its using string or pins etc to pull or tie down the most vigorous growing shoots to encourage lower growth to catch up and to give the plant shape. Theres a thread running here on it somewhere.

In a 12/12 grow from seed you can still use LST to get the plant into the bushy shape you want. Heres one of mine just taken today and you can see the strings which are holding the shape of the plant.

Its just another method really and I do it because my cabinet is just 1metre high so I have to keep my plants below 18" tall. It also has the advantage of keeping all the bud sights up there right under the lights so they develop more evenly:-)

Bit brief but hope it helps.

