whats the easiest way to force flower?


Active Member
i have a pure gold plant outdoors thats about 2'3" right now, what would be the easiest way to force flower it right now without dragging it inside all the time?


Active Member
you could put a black trash bag over it, or a big bucket maybe? or make something like wood frame and cover it with a breathable material that wont let in light. you cant have any light leaking in


Active Member
you could put a black trash bag over it, or a big bucket maybe? or make something like wood frame and cover it with a breathable material that wont let in light. you cant have any light leaking in
i was thinking about using a trash bag but i thought it might get way to hot


Well-Known Member
you dont have a closet you could put it in for a few hours a day? untill its dark out. then in a few weeks you can just leave it outside all the time


Well-Known Member
what would i do about ventilation without light getting in?
I wouldn't think ventilation would be all that impaired, assuming you'd be covering this in the evening and removing it in the morning. The ground breathes.
I don't recall ever hearing of anyone suffocating in a cardboard box, sealed or not?