Rubber band on wrist for munchies?


Well-Known Member
Could someone put a rubber band on their wrist and snap it whenever they think about food? Or would that just make someone never want to eat? What's a good way to kill the munchies(I already know about juice...shit maybe I'll try that tonight). Oh ya and I know about just not eating!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Could someone put a rubber band on their wrist and snap it whenever they think about food? Or would that just make someone never want to eat? What's a good way to kill the munchies(I already know about juice...shit maybe I'll try that tonight). Oh ya and I know about just not eating!:weed:
What happens when you get so hungry you have to eat the rubber band? :lol:


Well-Known Member
why do it at all..
we all know you get the munchies after we bongsmiliebongsmilie
so lets embrace it and just make sure we got the most wounderfull tastein foods around for after we bongsmiliebongsmilie......:lol::lol:.....:peace:


Active Member
Just find something that fills you up with little of the food :)
Or embrace it, and eat half of the house. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
I just try to stock my fridge and pantry with healthy options like yogurt and fruit. I get the munchies worse than anyone I know. 2 hits and I'm STARVING! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Just munch the fuck outa celary..its cruncy and your basically eating nothing..
Someone told me that eating celery actually burns more calories than you get from it...we were pretty stoned, so it may have been just some @ss talk.

I used to drink a good amount of water right before I would smoke and it seemed to help with the munchies. Otherwise, we would sit around and eat everything in the house.


Active Member
just microwave some mixed veggies and chow down before you smoke. best i can suggest.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Someone told me that eating celery actually burns more calories than you get from it...we were pretty stoned, so it may have been just some @ss talk.

I used to drink a good amount of water right before I would smoke and it seemed to help with the munchies. Otherwise, we would sit around and eat everything in the house.
Celery it self doesnt burn calories..the chewing does :hump:


New Member
i found that the only time i get hungary is when i get high. ive been smokin for 12 years now and my body/mind doesnt tell im hungary untill i smoke.