The Benzo Thread


Well-Known Member
Ok yeah figured you were talking about sizzurp. You can try it if you'd like. Its good.

I made it the right way I believe.

1 bottle of Robitussin with Codeine (not sure what the exact name is)
and Jolly Ranchers.

Your not supposed to chug it either..I like to take like 3 nice swigs then casually sip the rest. Fucks you up.


Ok yeah figured you were talking about sizzurp. You can try it if you'd like. Its good.

I made it the right way I believe.

1 bottle of Robitussin with Codeine (not sure what the exact name is)
and Jolly Ranchers.

Your not supposed to chug it either..I like to take like 3 nice swigs then casually sip the rest. Fucks you up.

just snort a bump the size of a pencil tip of columbian white heron and you'll be really fucked up. lol narcotics come with a price.


Well-Known Member
"just snort a bump the size of a pencil tip of columbian white heron and you'll be really fucked up. lol narcotics come with a price."

What does that have to do with syrup?? And yes codeine and promenth is the fucking Shit. If you can buy the whole bottle from him!


Well-Known Member
Yeah people dont always get addicted doing something once. Thats where strong minded people can use and not become addicted. NOT recreationally.


i was being sarcastic. codeaine is a opiate and is real addicting to. fuck all that shit.


Well-Known Member
"just snort a bump the size of a pencil tip of columbian white heron and you'll be really fucked up. lol narcotics come with a price."

What does that have to do with syrup?? And yes codeine and promenth is the fucking Shit. If you can buy the whole bottle from him!
Yeah but 2 people without a tolerance to opiates should be able to share a full sizzurp and be nice =D.


yeah i drink on weekends sometimes a lil more not usually. and maybe like 3 times a year or less ill snort some lines of good uncut coke. i will turn coke down if its now raw. i usully feel like a scumbag after snorting it so i dont fuck with it much


Yeah but 2 people without a tolerance to opiates should be able to share a full sizzurp and be nice =D.

lol a feind who bangs 10 or more bags of heron a day will get moved at all by some sizzurp prolly wont even take the sickness away


Well-Known Member
Exactly I said someone with NO tolerance to opiates..Was directed to fried. I didnt think heroin was a topic in this thread. But your deep hatred comes out as usual =P.


Well-Known Member
I had a bunch of DXM yesterday. Very interesting day, smoked a bunch of dro and was in the woods for the most part. At one point we were just sitting on a side walk for over an hour, not doing anything really. But never was bored. It was a good trip. Nothing crazy really happened. This time mwahahah.


Exactly I said someone with NO tolerance to opiates..Was directed to fried. I didnt think heroin was a topic in this thread. But your deep hatred comes out as usual =P.

my bad the afghooey fucked my eyes up i read that wrong. and i dont hate you


Active Member
Benzos are tight. Xanax bars are my shit bang one or two before you to a party and your officially in there. You will wake up and not know what the fuck you did but you'll feel awesome especially when everyone tells you all the ignorant shit you did.What do coke and heroin have to do with this?:joint:


were are past that i read something wrong cuzz i was too high