The Benzo Thread


Well-Known Member
Whats poppin with the benzo thread? I had a nice little Xanax cruise going this evening. I'm going to eat a couple Ambien (not a benzo but it will wreck you) and go to bed soon so peace.


Well-Known Member
Isnt Ambien referred to in "Role Models" as they take three and try to stay away to Hallucinate. Ive taken 4-5 at a time and was seeing curvatures and swaying of still objects. Lots of colors in almost like droplets blocking ceiling lights, but seemed like I was were goggles with a bunch of paint on the outside. I would often try taking them off and wiping the paint from them. My mothers cat was a kitten but looked more like a mountain lion cub. Pretty crazy. Also in my mothers living room she used to have this huge fake tree. This tree looked like a giant tree from a movie. I couldnt think what it was but automatically felt like I was in the Lion King. I found it harder to walk..more trudging around..then I finally ended up waking up inthe morning in the bed, not remembering how Igot there.

Good night I would say though.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
how much ambien u take?
i popped 2 propoxyphene i think 100mgs with acetaminophen
dont feel anything just got major heartburn


Well-Known Member
That was the second time I used them..the first time was to actually fall asleep. I took 2 to sleep and noticed the movement of still objects. So then I actually just took 4-5 Not sure what mg was either. I know they were stronger ones though since the mg dosage had increased with SWIM's insomnia.


you got alotta post for one month jack. already mr. ganja huh

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
still havent shown sex yet and my cameras too blurry to take a pic of newgrowth
i wana use my girlfriends camera but apparanty we couldent find it