Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
aloha all. hey maui, long time never see you in here. good to hear from you. those stupid planes were flying again this morning. then a new helicopter, black with a white belly. punks. Jah don't sleep, He knows the rightous.
Aloha Punatic, welcome to our Lanai, pull up a chair. roll one up, get ready for a great ride!!!


Howzit, all! New to the forum. More details in the good Dr's thread, mentioned earlier. Just beginning to cultivate here in HI. Had some experience in the late '70s indoor in Oregon, but here I'll grow outside.


I have it, from a very reliable source, that there have been only 2 flys on the BI this year, and that Bennie has declined both State and Fed money for MJ suppression. He's apparently also instructing the popo's to concentrate on real drugs. Obama's policy of not having the feds intervene on state matters will bring up an interesting situation if CA goes ahead and legalizes the herb. Invade CA to inforce fed law or write off the Fed efforts to suppress seem to be his only choice at that time.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
I have it, from a very reliable source, that there have been only 2 flys on the BI this year, and that Bennie has declined both State and Fed money for MJ suppression. He's apparently also instructing the popo's to concentrate on real drugs. Obama's policy of not having the feds intervene on state matters will bring up an interesting situation if CA goes ahead and legalizes the herb. Invade CA to inforce fed law or write off the Fed efforts to suppress seem to be his only choice at that time.

Are we talking "house", or "fruit" flies? Cause I know you're not talking about 'Op Green Harvest, or any state or '. They fly at least twice weekly in Puna looking for Pakalolo patches. Perhaps they have only flown twice in Waikaloa? I've been an observer,and or a victim, plus countless times an unwilling particpant of 'Op Green Harvest' since about 1974!!!! They have been flying almost daily here in Puna since the end of June! I promise you, I'm more reliable than your "reliable source",though!
Listen, of all the islands in this state, we get the most exposure here on the Big Island. Rightfully so too. I mean spock out all the land on this island alone! Sure there is a lot of it, and not of of it is volcanic either!!! The district of Puna alone is bigger than all of Oahu put together. I always expect more heat on this island.
When I heard that the latest issue of 'Hightimes', had an article about Hawaii I was excited! I wanted to get that issue right away. Well it had an article about Hawaii alright! The Big Island Hawaii that is! Not the Hawaiian Islands, but the Big Island!!! Wooops, I'm getting way off topic..later!


Well-Known Member
wonder how many of those flights r tourist rides ? i kno when i was there in 03 i went on several and honestly i dont no how someone cood spot a patch with all the lush vegitation . cant wait 2 come back and try the waves

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Tour copters and planes don't hover around and circle your house all day.... Unless your house is part of the tours.... You can even see the asshats looking out the chopper straring at you,,, I talk through experience:joint:


Dr Greenhorn, I tried to find those pics in your journal - regarding the copters but I didn't wanna go through 155 pages what page is it on? Thanks!! Finally got my card, the doc said that you can only legally grow indoors with the card now? is that true/false?


Dr Greenhorn, I tried to find those pics in your journal - regarding the copters but I didn't wanna go through 155 pages what page is it on? Thanks!! Finally got my card, the doc said that you can only legally grow indoors with the card now? is that true/false?
Let me jump in here. False. If you have a card, you can grow 7 plants and have 3oz cured weed. You can grow anyplace you want indoors or out, but it has to be registered. For instance, my daughter's card says she grows at my place, and I am registered as her caregiver.

That being said, welcome to the site! Obtaining clones requires that you have a grower who trusts you. Seeds likewise, or they can be ordered online, or found in your bag of weed, etc. Have fun!


Let me jump in here. False. If you have a card, you can grow 7 plants and have 3oz cured weed. You can grow anyplace you want indoors or out, but it has to be registered. For instance, my daughter's card says she grows at my place, and I am registered as her caregiver.

That being said, welcome to the site! Obtaining clones requires that you have a grower who trusts you. Seeds likewise, or they can be ordered online, or found in your bag of weed, etc. Have fun!
Hey smokn! Thanks for the fast reply! didn't know id find a site with so many active hawaii residents ;) I just moved here from Boston. I ordered some seeds online and the dog ate one of my sprouts and 1 didn't grow and I am down to my last seed so lets hope this goes okay! its a lowryder x ak47. Not having very good luck and hate wasting $$ The bud here is absolutely incredible compared to the stuff back home, luckily I have a friend from back home who is hawaiian and is currently living here - but never any seeds in this delicious stuff :)