Short Plant


If I grow my plants 24/7 light schedule for 2 weeks then veg on 18/6 for 3 weeks, then 12/12 for the rest.... will this make the plant flower faster or make it grow shorter?


New Member
If I grow my plants 24/7 light schedule for 2 weeks then veg on 18/6 for 3 weeks, then 12/12 for the rest.... will this make the plant flower faster or make it grow shorter?
it will speed up the growing if you go 24/0(in vegg) and will lead to shorter/bushier plants.
i do 24/0 for 2 weeks(for fast busy growth) and 18/6(to get some stretch as that 6 hrs dark causes the plants to stretch looking for light) for 2 weeks then flip to 12/12 for flowering till the end.


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
there really isnt a fastest way. That should turn out normal.
The faster flowering depends on the strain or the genetics of the plant.



New Member
there really isnt a fastest way. That should turn out normal.
The faster flowering depends on the strain or the genetics of the plant.

24/0 causes much faster bushy growth than vegging at 18/6.
(i have done 18/6 and 24/0 from vegg).
and 24/0 produces much faster/bushier growth with tightly spaced nodes and switching to 18/6 causes the plants to stretch for the 6hrs of darkness so you can continue vegging the plants to a height at when you want to start your 12/12.
the use of this method does not speed up flowering in any way thats down to strain as you said but 24/0 for 2 weeks and 18/6 for another 2 weeks works very well and has given me the best results possible.


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
24/0 causes much faster bushy growth than vegging at 18/6.
(i have done 18/6 and 24/0 from vegg).
and 24/0 produces much faster/bushier growth with tightly spaced nodes and switching to 18/6 causes the plants to stretch for the 6hrs of darkness so you can continue vegging the plants to a height at when you want to start your 12/12.
the use of this method does not speed up flowering in any way thats down to strain as you said but 24/0 for 2 weeks and 18/6 for another 2 weeks works very well and has given me the best results possible.


I start the same way too,
and exactly, you may have bushier growth and less stretch but if you are dialed in like your suppose to, finishing time is still up to genetics.

If Ghomes is growing a sativa dominant 24/0, 18/6, or whatever schedule he grows wont make it finish in less time unless he compromises his finished product.

whatever he's growing all depends on how much yield or grow/ height he can handle.

veg for no time/ 2 weeks/ or two months

So sure you can have a finished product in exactly 60 days of 12/12 no matter what, but is it done?? depends on the strain and the quality you expect.



New Member
I start the same way too,
and exactly, you may have bushier growth and less stretch but if you are dialed in like your suppose to, finishing time is still up to genetics.

If Ghomes is growing a sativa dominant 24/0, 18/6, or whatever schedule he grows wont make it finish in less time unless he compromises his finished product.

whatever he's growing all depends on how much yield or grow/ height he can handle.

veg for no time/ 2 weeks/ or two months

So sure you can have a finished product in exactly 60 days of 12/12 no matter what, but is it done?? depends on the strain and the quality you expect.

I start the same way too,
and exactly, you may have bushier growth and less stretch but if you are dialed in like your suppose to, finishing time is still up to genetics.

who said it would finish earlier and what the fuck do you mean by dialed in like i am supposed to or a 60 day harvest and a 12/12 from start.
go back and read what i said :dunce:.
lay of the weed mate as you make no sence at all.


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
I start the same way too,
and exactly, you may have bushier growth and less stretch but if you are dialed in like your suppose to, finishing time is still up to genetics.

who said it would finish earlier and what the fuck do you mean by dialed in like i am supposed to or a 60 day harvest and a 12/12 from start.
go back and read what i said :dunce:.
lay of the weed mate as you make no sence at all.


The whole point of him asking: changing the light schedule for vegging will make his plant flower faster.

The answer is still no.

About being dialed in is : is his set up dialed in.
I mean shit if he's flowering with 2x cfl lights it may take him forever . or he has 15 cfl 10 feet away all are relevant to being Dialed in.

And if he chooses to finish at a minimum of 60 days LIKE MOST noobs on here want. he could harvest but it may not be finished. Too many people are tied to a Predetermined finish date.

Everyone needs to chill the fuck out. Growing pot is not so fucking compl8cated. Give it lots of light feed them lightly and it will finish when she's ready.

Doesn't matter Ghomes hasn't given any info about his setup so it doesn't matter.
I'm not going to argue about trivial semantics.
and jack his thread. Sorry Ghomes. Good Luck :joint::joint:
Ive seen you around here and you have good info Luda.
So I agree with ya.


The whole point of him asking: changing the light schedule for vegging will make his plant flower faster.

The answer is still no.

About being dialed in is : is his set up dialed in.
I mean shit if he's flowering with 2x cfl lights it may take him forever . or he has 15 cfl 10 feet away all are relevant to being Dialed in.

And if he chooses to finish at a minimum of 60 days LIKE MOST noobs on here want. he could harvest but it may not be finished. Too many people are tied to a Predetermined finish date.

Everyone needs to chill the fuck out. Growing pot is not so fucking compl8cated. Give it lots of light feed them lightly and it will finish when she's ready.

Doesn't matter Ghomes hasn't given any info about his setup so it doesn't matter.
I'm not going to argue about trivial semantics.
and jack his thread. Sorry Ghomes. Good Luck :joint::joint:
Ive seen you around here and you have good info Luda.
So I agree with ya.

I have a closest bout 4 feet by 3 feet by 8 feet high, fan for ventilation, and 8--42 Watt Cfls and 4 13W Cfls, with potting soil, and peat moss, and perlite as my mediums, and Schultz as my fertilizer


New Member
Extractor fan? I have a fan or 2 I'm going to use to blow are out of the room to keep it cool thats all, and why no peat moss? One more ques what strain is that pic of.... cause that looks fucking nice man
as i said there is no need for peat moss but if you want to use it thats up to you. i do it the easy way with no complications.
and you will need an extraction system as well as fans for the best growroom environment as you need air intake and extraction.
and my plant is super skunk(100% sinsemilla).



as i said there is no need for peat moss but if you want to use it thats up to you. i do it the easy way with no complications.
and you will need an extraction system as well as fans for the best growroom environment as you need air intake and extraction.
and my plant is super skunk(100% sinsemilla).


KK, thank you for the help, and quick question on your plants that you grow, do you just grow them regular, or do you top your plants at all?