does anyone else think guns should be banned?

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Well-Known Member
been in this house over 15 years:

had a guy in the back one day when my wife's mom was still married. her hubby caught him in the driveway. dude was going thru the old mans cars. he ran him out of here.

i was harvesting a few years back. i came around the corner of the backyard and a dude was peeking in my sister-in-laws bathroom window. she stayed here in a side unit. i had a bouquet of colas in my hand so dude caught me off guard and freaked me out. he looked spun on meth and up to no good. he was wearing a simple back sweatshirt and sweat pants. running shoes laced TIGHT. i asked what he was doing? it was 7am and he said he was tired and looking for somewhere to sleep. i told him to GO. he strolled away hella slow. all i wanted to do was tear the fuckers head off. if i had a gun i would have shot him. he wasn't moving fast enough.
i yell for my wife. dude is still kicking rocks down the driveway. i tell her this dude won't scoot, call the cops. took 3 minutes to get 6 cars and a helicopter here. dude started hopping fences once the fist cop approached him. they never caught him.

i sleep with my doors unlocked.


how many intruders have YOU had?

None. No one has ever broken into a home i've lived in.


Well-Known Member
sure, lets ban guns, beer, fast cars, cigarettes, fatty foods. what else can the goverment take away from us to keep us safe? back in 1937 we had something taken from us to keep us safe. think about it.


Well-Known Member
sure, lets ban guns, beer, fast cars, cigarettes, fatty foods. what else can the goverment take away from us to keep us safe? back in 1937 we had something taken from us to keep us safe. think about it.
1913 too

California was the first state to prohibit marijuana


Well-Known Member
protection from what? :shock:

if my house catches on fire i'll call 911. i really don't think anyone is coming to get me. if they do i guess i let fate decide.

i sleep like a baby with BOTH eyes closed.
With all due respect, mod, I don't think it too wise of you to post pics of your large crops, only to follow up with statements like "I don't own a gun" and "I sleep like a baby"

Sure, maybe they don't know where you live, but maybe they do or will find out.

Your nonchalant attitude could end up costing you one day. Let's hope not.

Just an observation...


Well-Known Member
With all due respect, mod, I don't think it too wise of you to post pics of your large crops, only to follow up with statements like "I don't own a gun" and "I sleep like a baby"

Sure, maybe they don't know where you live, but maybe they do or will find out.

Your nonchalant attitude could end up costing you one day. Let's hope not.

Just an observation...

are you threatening me? :shock:

where i live i don't need a gun to protect my grow. just because i don't own a gun doesn't mean you can rob me. i'm kinda confused. so if someone comes to steal my weed i should shoot them? i'd go to jail. i can simply call the POLICE. i'm legal, the law here is on my side. it has been thru the courts. this is THE reason guns are looked down upon while being a medical patient. i can't really claim medical when i'm playing cowboy.

i sleep in my yard during harvest season. are you going to kill me for my weed? good luck getting away with it. :roll:

wtf does me being a mod have to do with anything? or was that just a stab?


Well-Known Member
are you threatening me? :shock:

where i live i don't need a gun to protect my grow. just because i don't own a gun doesn't mean you can rob me. i'm kinda confused. so if someone comes to steal my weed i should shoot them? i'd go to jail. i can simply call the POLICE. i'm legal, the law here is on my side. it has been thru the courts. this is THE reason guns are looked down upon while being a medical patient. i can't really claim medical when i'm playing cowboy.

i sleep in my yard during harvest season. are you going to kill me for my weed? good luck getting away with it. :roll:

wtf does me being a mod have to do with anything? or was that just a stab?
Please explain to me how opening a statement with "With all due respect, mod" and ending it with "Just an observation" is a threat in any way, shape or form. "Mod" is what you are, and I was showing respect to the mod. I will now address you as fdd from now on since mod offends you.

To help clear any confusion on your part, you are correct, just because you don't own a gun does not mean anyone can rob you. All it means is that you don't own a gun. A thug would read that as an "easy target".

If someone comes to steal your weed, no, you should not shoot them, but if you or your familys well being becomes jeopardized in the proccess, well I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out my point here.

But you're sleeping like a baby when they came in, you didn't have a chance to get to the phone... The truth is, thugs do not give a rats ass whether your grow is legal or not, they just see it's huge, and see dollar signs and free buzzes.

To ease your mind, no, I'm not going to kill you for your weed, I am a law abiding citizen, who, by the way, lives thousands of miles from you.

Even if you owned a gun, I would not recommend you "playing cowboy" as that would be just as foolish.

I really don't know how I can break it down in any simpler terms than I have done here.

I wish you nothing but the best.


Well-Known Member
are you threatening me? :shock:

I dont know if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed or what.....
But nobody is attacking you here.

re-read his post. He did say "with all due respect", and also "lets hope not"

And btw. Last year when my truck was broken into, it took the cops over an hour to show up.

And a few years ago when my home alarm was triggered the security company called me. I was at work so nobody was home. I told the security company to called the cops.
I leave work and get home about 30 minutes later....... still no cops :confused:
It took them 45 minutes to show up :evil:

Im glad in California there is a cop on every corner sitting around doing nothing and waiting for calls.
However, where I live you cannot rely on cops to save you. By the time they get there, its already over.



Well-Known Member
And how does owning a gun make you all cowboy.
And how does being on medical matter.
That makes no since at all.


Yesterday the board of pardons & paroles turned lose the man who murdered my uncle 14 years ago. He was sentenced to 18, convicted of only manslaughter. They were best friends, nobody knows why it happened. It was my uncles sawed off, and it was the first time he was trying it out. My uncle would never have ran from this man, gun or not, still confusing to this day. But he was running, and was shot in the back.

I have 5 rifles & two shotguns in my room at any given moment, I have a pistol in my purse at all times. We deserve the tight to bear arms! If my circumstances don't deter my decision, nothing will. If there had been two guns that night, I'd still have my uncle. Word is it was over a lbs.. .I call Bs.


Well-Known Member
I would also like to add that the police do not rank you, "medicinal grower", much higher than thugs that could hurt you.


Well-Known Member
Please explain to me how opening a statement with "With all due respect, mod" and ending it with "Just an observation" is a threat in any way, shape or form. "Mod" is what you are, and I was showing respect to the mod. I will now address you as fdd from now on since mod offends you.

To help clear any confusion on your part, you are correct, just because you don't own a gun does not mean anyone can rob you. All it means is that you don't own a gun. A thug would read that as an "easy target".

If someone comes to steal your weed, no, you should not shoot them, but if you or your familys well being becomes jeopardized in the proccess, well I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out my point here.

But you're sleeping like a baby when they came in, you didn't have a chance to get to the phone... The truth is, thugs do not give a rats ass whether your grow is legal or not, they just see it's huge, and see dollar signs and free buzzes.

To ease your mind, no, I'm not going to kill you for your weed, I am a law abiding citizen, who, by the way, lives thousands of miles from you.

Even if you owned a gun, I would not recommend you "playing cowboy" as that would be just as foolish.

I really don't know how I can break it down in any simpler terms than I have done here.

I wish you nothing but the best.
can't get to the phone but my gun is right there? :roll:

the threatening thing was a joke. kinda like this whole argument. a gun is NOT the only way to protect myself. sheesh. :peace::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
See, this is just fucked up. Period.

That has been our right since day fucking number 1!

It's been here since it was written,
"Tho shall have the right to bear arms"

is one of our (our - being us as nationally born in the United State of America) rights

It's going to cause nothing but more crimes... in every way you could think of!! Do you people not understand how BAD the consaquinces will if they take this right of ours away? It's ignorant.. and if the Gov. does this.. it's just showing other countries how ignorant our government really is.

It's simple! If it's not broke, don't fix it!!! Leave it be!


Well-Known Member
I dont know if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed or what.....
But nobody is attacking you here.

re-read his post. He did say "with all due respect", and also "lets hope not"

And btw. Last year when my truck was broken into, it took the cops over an hour to show up.

And a few years ago when my home alarm was triggered the security company called me. I was at work so nobody was home. I told the security company to called the cops.
I leave work and get home about 30 minutes later....... still no cops :confused:
It took them 45 minutes to show up :evil:

Im glad in California there is a cop on every corner sitting around doing nothing and waiting for calls.
However, where I live you cannot rely on cops to save you. By the time they get there, its already over.

so you'd need a gun if someone broke into your truck?

come on. :roll:

i'm playing around. none of you seem to get it. hahahhahahahhahahaha


Well-Known Member
I would also like to add that the police do not rank you, "medicinal grower", much higher than thugs that could hurt you.
shall i start pulling newspaper clippings of all the times the cops have come to the AID of medical growers?

guess you'd have to live in my shoes to fully understand.

sensitive group we have here today. :-|
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