Rhino's in the wild & scrogged indoors


Well-Known Member
I'll bring the cookies, nice garden you have going there, will pop in time to time..:peace: +rep

Thanks Hodge, I could not have made any of this happen without RIU. I have and read many books on cannabis even before taking the plunge. I have learned much since my first time back in oct of last year, but being able to come on here and ask very intricate questions and get answers from guys who have been there before makes it soo much easier to be successful. Thanks 4 the rep... of 2 class


Well-Known Member
Yesss I am... drank skim milk everyday for 19 years and then we didn't have any one day so I tried the soy and really liked it. Have been drinking it ever since. Now if I try to drink reg milk it makes me sick....no special connection. If the gov is really paying people to spy on all of us in real time then we are way more screwed on this budget than I originally thought. Anyway.. there are so many people posting and are more obvious about their location... I just pay it no mind


Well-Known Member
Hey boulder,

Thought I would drop in. Looks like things are comming along. Good summer to ya! Look forward to fall~



Well-Known Member
Hey boulder,

Thought I would drop in. Looks like things are comming along. Good summer to ya! Look forward to fall~

Thanks woodsman...things are coming along. I have learned much from this scrog attempt. Also, even though I was sucessful in the past anyone can over fert and loose precious bud density if they aren't paying attention. Reinforces the need for having a calendar that has everything already spelled out for the entire season. Oh well, some lessons must be learned the hard way. Cheers to you and your wonderful scrog. Dem carolinas are some beautys!!


Well-Known Member
The smaller patch has now become the medium patch, and the larger patch has become a jungle. I know white rhino is supposed to be indica dominant....but I got tops nearing 7 feet and they have even been trained and topped... Wonder what woulda happened if no topping or training..The flower stretch might require the use of a step ladder to keep everything in check:hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys!!! yeah I am pumped for flowering to begin in the new few weeks. I am gonna have to start looking for some heavy duty supports for when September rolls around if all goes as planned.

Doc..I have been gettin the same message for you everytime I try 2 rep you, don't worry tho, we both know we are repping each other.

Thanks for the comments, and glad you guys stopped by.


Active Member
Yesss I am... drank skim milk everyday for 19 years and then we didn't have any one day so I tried the soy and really liked it. Have been drinking it ever since. Now if I try to drink reg milk it makes me sick....no special connection. If the gov is really paying people to spy on all of us in real time then we are way more screwed on this budget than I originally thought. Anyway.. there are so many people posting and are more obvious about their location... I just pay it no mind
Thanks I have been freaked out about it for a while. They did say that the DEA spends 10 billion a year on pot growers alone. If you ask me thats just fucking ridiculous, it is a plant that grows from the earth, If everyone believes in the gods so much why don't they believe in the things the spirit put here. There are so many powers in this one plant to help everyone out. I am sure everyone here feels the same as I. LEGALIZE IT. Makes me :spew: Great thread thanks for answering my question's. looking foward to seeing more..:peace:


Well-Known Member
It won't harm them, it is going to force them into flowering stage of life. As long as your plants are ready to have the light schedule changed you should either see male or female reproductive parts in the next 2 weeks. How big are your plants. Feel free to post pics in here