New Grower


Well-Known Member
i love bud and i finally am going to start growing!!!
does anyone want to get me in the right direction????
it depends on how you are going to grow..
soil or hydro
what type of lights or you going to use
cfl`s or hids ( mh/hps )..


Well-Known Member
well help you out, but you need to do your home work.

best advise i can give you is read read READ.

if you want ill throw up a few links to useful information

for a first time grower, id suggest soil and cfls


Well-Known Member
Yeah, drink a redbull, burn a fattie, and read as much of that F.A.Q. section as you can before passing out! READ, READ , READ! not saying you haven't, but that's the best advice anyone can give you. Don't start with your best seeds cause chances are you may have issues your first grow. Start with some bag seeds, tweak your setup as you go and learn how the plant responds to watering, light, temp., things like that. and You'll start to see, the plant itself can tell you what she does or doesn't need, gotta learn how to read it. If you've got a birthday coming up, get Jorge Cervantes indoor/outdoor horticultural bible, great photos, and great information, promise you will learn a lot from it and love the pictures as well. Goodluck!


Well-Known Member
OK man if you have never grown ANYTHING, you've got a lot to learn. But plants grow relatively slowly so you can in fact learn on the fly. But you do need a base of info to start with. There are many good books and reading any one of them could REALLY save you alot of time and money. But all the info you need to grow is right here on RIU. Be careful. There is also a LOT of very bad advise here. Take your advise from people who have a good reputation. Geez...I may not qualify LOL. anyway......
Read the growFAQ. All of it. There is a lot of hidden info in there.
I recommend you grow 2 plants to start. This will double your chances of getting one female to bud. It will be easy to manage , doesn't have to cost hardly a thing, AND you will always have one plant to compare the other one to.
So read read read and remember its just a plant. Given the right conditions to start with, plants grow. Thats what plants do. YOU do not have to grow THEM. People NEED plants. Plants don't need people. I'm telling you this because a very large # of people literally kill their plants trying to hard to grow them, instead of just letting the damn plant grow on its own! That, and I'm really high on killer chit i grew myself!
Yee Haw!
You can post a grow journal and get help every step of the way.
My 1st grow is in my signature. I only grew about half a pound tho LOL.
Good luck and happy growing!