Ever been addicted to a drug?


Well-Known Member
I've stayed up for 6-7 days on adderall before, with little food or water. it was crazy, and I will never abuse myself like that again! :hug:
i was speakin on a sexual point of veiw..
you can fuck for ever on that shit..
take one and you will :hump: all day long...:lol::lol:....
you must have been popin them back to back to stay up like that..


Well-Known Member
i was addicted to oxy and roxys a few years ago.
my sister and her husband had alot to do with it hahaha they sold everything!!
coke, heroin, XxX, acid, weed, every damn pill you can think of.
plus they were addicted to oxys and roxys as well and they were always offering me lines of it so i just fuck it. low and behold i was addicted! not that long tho... prolly only 6 months but it was a bitch gettin it under control.
now i dont even want to touch pills...
shrooms and weed is all i need!


Well-Known Member
i was addicted to oxy and roxys a few years ago.
my sister and her husband had alot to do with it hahaha they sold everything!!
coke, heroin, XxX, acid, weed, every damn pill you can think of.
plus they were addicted to oxys and roxys as well and they were always offering me lines of it so i just fuck it. low and behold i was addicted! not that long tho... prolly only 6 months but it was a bitch gettin it under control.
now i dont even want to touch pills...
shrooms and weed is all i need!
i thought weed wasnt addictive..
coke, heroin, XxX, acid, weed, every damn pill you can think of. .:lol::lol:...im just kiddin..im pretty :eyesmoke::eyesmoke: from the bongsmiliebongsmilie........:peace:


Well-Known Member
i was speakin on a sexual point of veiw..
you can fuck for ever on that shit..
take one and you will :hump: all day long...:lol::lol:....
you must have been popin them back to back to stay up like that..
haha oh, I missed the connotation on the :hump: when I read it. yeah, adderall will give you the ability to draw out your sexual experiences. and it will leave you sore and raw the next morning.. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I wonder if there are any Opiate or Amphetamine based websites out there, where on the forums they talk about how "they used to smoke weed back in the day... but dont do that stupid shit no more"


Well-Known Member
haha, i was kind of just kidding. speaking on the topic of other drugs...

how many of you use to/still visit Erowid.com? their drug vault is impressive, i've been a fan for 6 or 7 years :peace:


Well-Known Member
haha, i was kind of just kidding. speaking on the topic of other drugs...

how many of you use to/still visit Erowid.com? their drug vault is impressive, i've been a fan for 6 or 7 years :peace:
i googled that shit for you for nothin....:lol::lol:.....


Active Member
i was addicted to coke for about 3 years (15-17). i had a huge habit(more then half a ball on the weekdays and the weekend would be about a ball a day ). to feed that habit i sold coke. i thought i was the king ! i would hustal and hustal just to get some powder. i would always put my self in danger servin up the crack heads or selling my powder to the people who cooked. i met some very very bad people that i wish i would never have....
my own so called "best friend" jumped me for an ounce and left me in BUTT F**** egypt. it was when i was arested that set me straight! after getting charged with possession with int to distribute and going away for some time i woke up and kicked the habit.

after all that took place i then became addicted to my biggest monster ever !!!!!!! benzo's and oxy's! i would take xanax or any other benzo i could find all day!!! even at work, there was times i would wake up in my car the next day clueless how i even got there. i was thrown out of countless place's for acting up or destroying things( on bezos and oxy's) that lasted up untill 3 months ago, when i OD on about 10mg(5-gg249's) of xanax and 80 mg of oxy's, spent a week in the hosptial, no one visted me once (i had pushed every one away), got my 2 car's repo'ed. lost my place,job ect. (had nothing to my name left ). since then i have cleaned up my act and have bin clean for about 2 and 1/2 months except for my true love MJ lol
sry for the long post !


Well-Known Member
i was addicted to coke for about 3 years (15-17). i had a huge habit(more then half a ball on the weekdays and the weekend would be about a ball a day ). to feed that habit i sold coke. i thought i was the king ! i would hustal and hustal just to get some powder. i would always put my self in danger servin up the crack heads or selling my powder to the people who cooked. i met some very very bad people that i wish i would never have....
my own so called "best friend" jumped me for an ounce and left me in BUTT F**** egypt. it was when i was arested that set me straight! after getting charged with possession with int to distribute and going away for some time i woke up and kicked the habit.

after all that took place i then became addicted to my biggest monster ever !!!!!!! benzo's and oxy's! i would take xanax or any other benzo i could find all day!!! even at work, there was times i would wake up in my car the next day clueless how i even got there. i was thrown out of countless place's for acting up or destroying things( on bezos and oxy's) that lasted up untill 3 months ago, when i OD on about 10mg(5-gg249's) of xanax and 80 mg of oxy's, spent a week in the hosptial, no one visted me once (i had pushed every one away), got my 2 car's repo'ed. lost my place,job ect. (had nothing to my name left ). since then i have cleaned up my act and have bin clean for about 2 and 1/2 months except for my true love MJ lol
sry for the long post !
damn.. that's a sad story. so it has been 2½ months? how is your life going? whenever you hit the 1 year mark, that 2½ months will seem like nothing. even though it is probably the hardest months of the struggle of addiction..:peace:


Well-Known Member
I don't think I can become addicted to anything.. I have the least addictive personality possible, quit cigs on the drop of a hat, and recently quit chewing on the dime. The worst for me was tramadol, I used to eat those shits like skittles. My grandparents had a script of like 300 a month, a ridiculous scrip that took a hold of me. the withdrawal probably took about 4 days, just felt like shit, sweating perfusely, awful time.


Well-Known Member
i hope everyone finds there way and only needs weed!
thats all anyone needs man!
...and maybe some shrooms once in a while =)


Well-Known Member
drugs... and a-cohol... have ruuuiined my life....
nice one tyrone biggums

I don't think I can become addicted to anything.. I have the least addictive personality possible, quit cigs on the drop of a hat, and recently quit chewing on the dime. The worst for me was tramadol, I used to eat those shits like skittles. My grandparents had a script of like 300 a month, a ridiculous scrip that took a hold of me. the withdrawal probably took about 4 days, just felt like shit, sweating perfusely, awful time.
do OCs or dope or ecstasy, a real drug, not tramadol, a stupid muscle relaxer, and tell me you cant get addicted to a drug


Well-Known Member

took it three times. puked once and passed out and stopped breathing the other time.

i guess its a bad idea to mix year old expired pills with a bottle of scotch