1 week old yellowing


Active Member
two of my six plants have yellowing bottom leaves . I dont know if its from the heat or i used tap water and the water here is super chlorinated or it might be over watering?? help?



Active Member
What are u feeding it n how offent? What kind of lights and how high is it? Right to me it looks like over watering


Well-Known Member
i believe those are the coly something.. forgot what they called. they are supposed to yellow and die off, i heard you can start to give them a little bit of nutes. research up on it. im sure someone more expert, as im am a newbie, will chime in.


Active Member
I feed them 6 times a day for 10 to 15 mins and i just put nute rite now but they were like this a couple of days ago and i had fruit flies which i killed. I have a 400 watt hps


Active Member
there called cotyledons or embryonic leaves . I know there suppose to turn yellow but at 3 weeks its bearly week 1 is that ok?


Active Member
1st of all u been over watering ur babies second u're also using nutes too early..
i see u have rockwool, i'm using sponges which holds less water and i only hand water with once a day...so stop with the nutes and wait until ur rockwool is dry then hand water them with just ph adjusted water..NO NUTES for the 1st few weeks. they get better in a week or so. check the link below.



Active Member
lol, at first I was like wtf where have i been where this can go a couple posts and someone didnt say "and they are still alive?"

Not experienced with rock wool but definitely in any case your watering way to much its good to keep it wet at all times during the first couple weeks in its "seedling" stage to a certain extent. As far as the nutrients wayyyyyyyy to early, give that a couple weeks til your root system is well developed. You can tell it will be a different plant more sturdy and stem is turnin more green. then slowly introduce nutes. GOOD LUCK!


Active Member
thx i will stop over watering them and just stoped adding nutes an im gona set the timer to 5 mins 6 times a day . i kinda freaked out so i added two teaspoons of nutes in my 10 gallon bubbler i fixed my heat problem i just added a utility fan facing out and it takes the heat out


Active Member
thx i will stop over watering them and just stoped adding nutes an im gona set the timer to 5 mins 6 times a day . i kinda freaked out so i added two teaspoons of nutes in my 10 gallon bubbler i fixed my heat problem i just added a utility fan facing out and it takes the heat out

lol dude, once a day is enough. make sure ur light are high and lower it as they get older. seedling are every sensitive.


Well-Known Member
You are over watering HUGE. Like even 3 times during the lights on cycle should be more than good for now. Don't put ANY nutes in your res! don't nute them for another week at least... and check your dosage too, more isn't a good thing trust me on that one.

Also, PH is important, get a little digital testor and some PH up and Down so you can maintain 5.5ish in your res.
Tap water isn't the greatest choice, I have to use it too, but make sure you let it sit out overnight before you use so chlorine can off gas from the water. Once you start adding nutes again, start really light and increase it as the plants need it and grow.

Just tryin to offer some learned input.


Active Member
alrite no watering only manually once a day and no nutes lol i just gate to anxios i do keep the ph at 5.6 an i keep the lights at 3 feet away


Well-Known Member
keep your eye on them as you are doing to make sure they are getting enough water too. Good luck with it!


Well-Known Member
keep your eye on them as you are doing to make sure they are getting enough water too. Good luck with it!

yeah overnuting is a big problem.. better to be under a lot less nutes.

id say if learning try a small small dosage and increment up like 50 or 100 ppm at a time. once you see its too much lower the ppm.. maybe 200 or so. and you maybe good to go. i think im gonna lower even more than that just to be safe. im way scared of overnuting as it really did my plants in.