To spray or not to spray... That is the question.


Active Member
I have been spraying my plants on the weekends but not through the week. I am never home during the work week to spray every night during lights off. Luda seems quite sure it doesnt matter and would like to see what everyone thinks and reasons why. I did it to help ward-off any pesky critters.

Pro's and Con's would be nice.


Well-Known Member
spraying with water? why? i just had a convo. with someone who told me that plant leaves are very "dirty" and need to be misted. lol. i dont get it. you'll burn leaves if you spray with lights on, i assume you know that as you mentioned "during lights off" - but what do you stand to gain from spraying your plant? it'll do nothing to keep insects off, unless your using pesticide of course..... CONS- burns plant. wastes time. uneccessary. stresses plant, as oils in our hands are not good for them. pros- none. none that i care of at least. :) look at my avatar, the result of leavin shit alone and lettin it grow. just my 2 cents.......


Well-Known Member
I personally don't ever foliage feed or spray with water ever. Maybe in veg if you really want, i personally don't think its doing anything unless your adding nutrients for a foliar feed. If you want preventive bug matience get Ortho's Eco Sense, don't spray plants unless necessary, just spray on floors, pots, walls. Be careful to never spray water on foliage when in flower, that is unless you like moldy buds.


Active Member
spraying with water? why? i just had a convo. with someone who told me that plant leaves are very "dirty" and need to be misted. lol. i dont get it. you'll burn leaves if you spray with lights on, i assume you know that as you mentioned "during lights off" - but what do you stand to gain from spraying your plant? it'll do nothing to keep insects off, unless your using pesticide of course..... CONS- burns plant. wastes time. uneccessary. stresses plant, as oils in our hands are not good for them. pros- none. none that i care of at least. :) look at my avatar, the result of leavin shit alone and lettin it grow. just my 2 cents.......

Interesting... I thought it would be like morining dew.... I would never do with lights on.


Well-Known Member
spraying with water? why? i just had a convo. with someone who told me that plant leaves are very "dirty" and need to be misted. lol. i dont get it. you'll burn leaves if you spray with lights on, i assume you know that as you mentioned "during lights off" - but what do you stand to gain from spraying your plant? it'll do nothing to keep insects off, unless your using pesticide of course..... CONS- burns plant. wastes time. uneccessary. stresses plant, as oils in our hands are not good for them. pros- none. none that i care of at least. :) look at my avatar, the result of leavin shit alone and lettin it grow. just my 2 cents.......
your 2 sense makes NO sense. you won't burn your plants if your spraying them with ph'd water.


Well-Known Member
Interesting... I thought it would be like morining dew.... I would never do with lights on.
If your so inclined, DO with lights on, doesn't matter when you mist them with water. Just don't mist your light, or POP! Doesn't matter if lights on or off, not sure where the other guy got his info, but he is incorrect!? :wall:


Active Member
If your so inclined, DO with lights on, doesn't matter when you mist them with water. Just don't mist your light, or POP! Doesn't matter if lights on or off, not sure where the other guy got his info, but he is incorrect!? :wall:

1 question?
Do you not mist your plant when the light on because?

I hear the water mist over the leafs while the lights are ON because they become little magnifying glasses and burn the leafs, so is this the reason you dont mist while light on:-P?


Well-Known Member
1 question?
Do you not mist your plant when the light on because?

I hear the water mist over the leafs while the lights are ON because they become little magnifying glasses and burn the leafs, so is this the reason you dont mist while light on:-P?
If that was the case I would of seen a lot of burned plants. My first grow I misted the fuck out of all 12 of them lights on almost daily in veg. Never had an issue. :confused:


Well-Known Member
In fact, usually dry in less than 15 minutes with all the fans and ventilation.


Well-Known Member
dude i spray my plants anywhere from 3 to 6 times a day they look better than they did before i started it so i dont see the problem with when or how much ,all it does is gives the plant a lil drink jus like when it rains and raises humidity alil bit when it evaporates

but if your feeding them you have to do it during the early hours of light and sparingly at that


Active Member
In fact, usually dry in less than 15 minutes with all the fans and ventilation.

That make sense,
dude i spray my plants anywhere from 3 to 6 times a day they look better than they did before i started it so i dont see the problem with when or how much ,all it does is gives the plant a lil drink jus like when it rains and raises humidity alil bit when it evaporates

but if your feeding them you have to do it during the early hours of light and sparingly at that
Wow thank you : )


Well-Known Member
my info? my info comes from numerous credible sources, and a published author. when you mist your plants with the lights on, you CAN, not will, burn the leaves of the plant. why? because when water droplets are left on the leaves, they act as little magnifying glasses. they intensify the light your giving the plant, and thus burn the leaves. i've never misted in my life, thus, i've never had this problem. why dont you try looking through the newbie central once in a while and take a look at all the burnt plants of people who thought it'd be a good idea to "mist". ph'd or not, you mist with lights on, you run a good chance of burning the leaves of the plant. look around this site a little more and you may have seen that.....


Well-Known Member
My outdoor plants got full of dirt from mud splashing up on the leaves so i misted them til they were clean in the evenings
and also i spray 3 in 1 garden safe spray and neem oil sometimes or a mix of neem oil garden safe spray and soap water and i had some type of small infestation of i think thrips? little black spots on the leafs so i started spraying a few times a week and then i even turned the hose on high and misted the clones with the leafs in my hands with the mist on high to knock off the pests and black spots and then i keep spray ing and the problem is going away


Well-Known Member
water for the plant goes into the soil. it's very simple. the only reason to mist plant is to foilar feed, and that's normally done when trama has happened to plant. so why would you mist plants daily, weekly, or monthly? what are the benefits? i've listed the cons I know of, though i'm sure there are more.... because the air in your house is so "dirty" ? because you want leaves to be shiny? lol water the soil, pay attention to nutes, and lights and ph and temp and humidity, and all the other IMPORTANT things in gardening. misting the plant.... find something better to do with your time.


Well-Known Member
water for the plant goes into the soil. it's very simple. the only reason to mist plant is to foilar feed, and that's normally done when trama has happened to plant. so why would you mist plants daily, weekly, or monthly? what are the benefits? i've listed the cons I know of, though i'm sure their are more.... because the air in your house is so "dirty" ? because you want leaves to be shiny? lol water the soil, pay attention to nutes, and lights and ph and temp and humidity, and all the other IMPORTANT things in gardening. misting the plant.... find something better to do with your time.
hahah i do like the shiny look u get after using neem oil

also i foilar fed this one plant tha got messed up during a transplant from the ground to another spot with more light and it is doing way better and will be back to normal within a few days or about 1 week since i moved it and it seriously almost looked dead when i first dug it up i lost a little bit of roots

yeah just spraying water on a plant dosnt seem like it would do any good tho but foilar feeding seems cool and it just seems good to me to wet the plants before spraying bug spray so there not all dry and absorb the bad stuff and get hurt


Well-Known Member
thank you. my point exactly. something tramatic happened to your plant. (transplant shock?) thus, you foilar feed to recover the plant. and foilar feeding is not misting/spraying. foilar feeding has a purpose. simply mist the plant with water WHETHER PH'D OR NOT is retarded. retarded things are for retards. theres no point to doing it. other than the negative side effects i've already mentioned....


Well-Known Member
thats cool man that you dont do it , i do never burnt my plants and the reason i started was heat stress from the temps that were 106 for 14 days straight outside so they get misted and i keep doin it now that there inside and haven't seen any adverse affects

hell you read that its bad thats someones opinion. hell i read alot of things and you have to take things with a grain of salt and find out what works for you,


Well-Known Member
cool.... since i read it somewhere other than this site, and i took the time to investigate this site... why dont you nay-sayers stroll through the rarely visited FAQ section and see what it says in there. unless of course 303, knows better than the FAQ. lol focus really hard on the part where it says to TURN YOUR LIGHTS OFF TO AVOIDING BURNING LEAVES. lol also read the 3 reasons why you should foilar feed. not why you should randomly start sprayin shit cause you have nothing to do.....


Well-Known Member
dude i do alot of reasearch and yes ive read that prolly the same shit you have yes ive read the FAQS on this site as well as many others, one i had a reason to start spraying mine , second it does raise humidity , all im saying is calm down and quit acting like your the badass and jus cus you read somewhere on the factful internet LMAO that its completly horrible to do so ..... In my opinion theres nothing wrong with it( its not hurting my grow) , u said youve never done it besides a foliar feed which yes is helpful when recovering, so what your preaching about is something you read or heard no matter if its true or not so calm down and go smoke a j dude