Hello everybody. I started this thread to talk about god. I wanna know how everyone perceves god. This is not a thread on religion. This is a spiritual thread. I really don't wanna hear quotes from the bible, or the koran or any of that bullshit. Regardless of what your beliefs are if you believe in A god I wanna hear about it. This is not an argument forum because every person is entitled to their beliefs. I would like to hear only possitive messages that relay you thoughts on god.
It was really hard for me to find god at first. And when I use the word god, I use it as an acronym. (G.O.D.) To me it stands for Good Orderly Direction. What ever it is that keeps you on your toes and moving foward in the possitive dirrection is your G.O.D. It was hard at first because I was born into a Roman Catholic family. I was baptised catholic as a child, I went through first communion and confirmation. Those are the first 3 steps to become a devote catholic. After a while I started to question the religion. With so many other religions out there how do I know which is really the right one. I had lost my faith.
Just shortly after I lost my faith I started using drugs pretty heavily. (Of course now I smoke pot but that's about it) I got caught up and arrested when I was 17. I cleaned up for 2 1/2 years. No drugs, pot or alchohol. I got straight A's and I turned my life around. I was finally able to step out of the existance that I was so strongly attatched to. I found me with the help of a program and the rooms. Shortly after I found my G.O.D. I realized that he'd been there the whole time. I had my faith back. Not the way it was before. Not the way I was told to have faith but the way I wanted to have faith. I had renounced the Catholic faith and decided to use all of my experiences, bad and good, in life to shape MY faith.
Faith is about believing in something. Anything. Not about knowing. I left the church because I wanted to "Know." I didn't want to believe anymore. But now I do belive. My G.O.D. is not the one of myth and lore, with the big white beard and white hair. No, my G.O.D. is something else. Everyones G.O.D. is something else. It has to be. If we were all supposed to precieve and see everthing the exact same way, then we'd all be sharing the same eyes and brain. But we don't and that's why we have so many different religions.
If you're a person out there who belives that your house plant makes you a better person, then good for you. And that without it you would be nothing, and your reasoning leads you to believe that everything good you do is in the name of our plant. You're house plant has just become your G.O.D. I know that sounds a little nuts but it's just an analogy. You can replace the house plant with whatever you please. A man? An inanimate object? An animal? And whatever it may be I'm sure people will fight about in the future and probably kill in it's name.
My vision of G.O.D. has come through a collection of different religious ideals, books and experiences on my personal journey. I have talked to many people about G.O.D. and their imput has definetly attributed to my beliefs. Please let me know how you percieve G.O.D. so you might help to enlighten me. And once again this NOT a thread for religious talk or bashing. This purely spiritual and if that bothers you then please don't post. I wanna hear a possitive message from someone because Lately I've been hearing alot of negativity. And it's really starting to affect me. To the point where I have been sucked into the negaive energy and lowered myself to think on a lower plain. So only possitive post will fly in this domain. If you wanna talk about fire and brimstone then there are certainly other threads to post on. Let's hear some sanity in this insane world.
It was really hard for me to find god at first. And when I use the word god, I use it as an acronym. (G.O.D.) To me it stands for Good Orderly Direction. What ever it is that keeps you on your toes and moving foward in the possitive dirrection is your G.O.D. It was hard at first because I was born into a Roman Catholic family. I was baptised catholic as a child, I went through first communion and confirmation. Those are the first 3 steps to become a devote catholic. After a while I started to question the religion. With so many other religions out there how do I know which is really the right one. I had lost my faith.
Just shortly after I lost my faith I started using drugs pretty heavily. (Of course now I smoke pot but that's about it) I got caught up and arrested when I was 17. I cleaned up for 2 1/2 years. No drugs, pot or alchohol. I got straight A's and I turned my life around. I was finally able to step out of the existance that I was so strongly attatched to. I found me with the help of a program and the rooms. Shortly after I found my G.O.D. I realized that he'd been there the whole time. I had my faith back. Not the way it was before. Not the way I was told to have faith but the way I wanted to have faith. I had renounced the Catholic faith and decided to use all of my experiences, bad and good, in life to shape MY faith.
Faith is about believing in something. Anything. Not about knowing. I left the church because I wanted to "Know." I didn't want to believe anymore. But now I do belive. My G.O.D. is not the one of myth and lore, with the big white beard and white hair. No, my G.O.D. is something else. Everyones G.O.D. is something else. It has to be. If we were all supposed to precieve and see everthing the exact same way, then we'd all be sharing the same eyes and brain. But we don't and that's why we have so many different religions.
If you're a person out there who belives that your house plant makes you a better person, then good for you. And that without it you would be nothing, and your reasoning leads you to believe that everything good you do is in the name of our plant. You're house plant has just become your G.O.D. I know that sounds a little nuts but it's just an analogy. You can replace the house plant with whatever you please. A man? An inanimate object? An animal? And whatever it may be I'm sure people will fight about in the future and probably kill in it's name.
My vision of G.O.D. has come through a collection of different religious ideals, books and experiences on my personal journey. I have talked to many people about G.O.D. and their imput has definetly attributed to my beliefs. Please let me know how you percieve G.O.D. so you might help to enlighten me. And once again this NOT a thread for religious talk or bashing. This purely spiritual and if that bothers you then please don't post. I wanna hear a possitive message from someone because Lately I've been hearing alot of negativity. And it's really starting to affect me. To the point where I have been sucked into the negaive energy and lowered myself to think on a lower plain. So only possitive post will fly in this domain. If you wanna talk about fire and brimstone then there are certainly other threads to post on. Let's hear some sanity in this insane world.