top 20 mysticclown150 quotes

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Well-Known Member
i love this guy mysticclown150. has anyone seen ali g? they must be related! lol. im looking for this guys top 20 quotes. because every time he posts i nearly wet myself!!!!
why is this stupid? i admire mysticclown150 and think i could make really good book using quotes from him.
"haha you guys play world of wackcracft? cant really fuck with that game if you guys wanna get the girls" - Mysticlown150
"i'm seriously telling you that you couldnt beat me up. I fight very quick my man. Hit one dude 3 times before he threw a punch. But I dont get into that i just be cool with it nowadays" - mysticclown150
thanks slikwill13 i like that one. top ten stuff! when we get 20 quotes we will vote on the best and compile the top 20 mysticclown quotes- your guide to a better life.
Awesome! I was talking last night about how we need this exact thread!

I'll see what I can find in a little bit.
"I'd bang in the streets if i wasnt postin on these boards. runnin up in peoples houses is what I use to do. seriously I could beat your ass in a fight so i dont trip when you bubble heads try to fuck with me. this is gettin stupid so ima go outside and get me these girls. :peace: and :joint: "

thats the full post from earlier.
Not sure if it has been posted but check the Sig.

Edit: It has nto been posted, I dont think there is a quote more hardcore than the one in my sig, I mean can you be much more gangster than tupac?
Haha yeah as soon as I saw him p ost that in whatever thread, I had to instantly put it as my quote, he actually had like 3 other goodies in one post, but couldnt fit them in with the 3 line limit
Not sure if it has been posted but check the Sig.

Edit: It has nto been posted, I dont think there is a quote more hardcore than the one in my sig, I mean can you be much more gangster than tupac?

im just gonna throw this out there because i hate false info.

tupac WAS NOT A GANGSTER. "thug life" came to be about after he was a backup dancer for digital underground(Humpty Hump and the Humpty Dance). tupac was and epic poet, but a gangster he was not, he started out carrying fucking record crates like a DJ bitch.:twisted:
Here's one of my new fav's ...not because it was directed at me:

I chalked a win in my book of wins and now you want to go again? I'm like mike tyson of this shit in his prime, knockin these youngins out of these forums. Let this thread die. You guys know who the real winners were. Yo happyface pour out liquor for these lames.

He has a "book of wins". I'll add that to the list: virgin, Warcraft aficionado, wannabe thief, lives in his parents basement, looks like a thugged out version of the dude from the movie "Powder" wearing Back to the Future 2 shoes, has a book of wins. :peace:
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