Glenn Beck on Section 440 of the House Health Care Bill ...


New Member

Perhaps support for the 1,000-plus page health care bill is eroding because people are finally getting around to finding things buried deep within. You know, stuff like Section 440 of the House bill that reads:

"Home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children, would provide grants to states to establish home visitation programs to educate parents on child behavior and parenting skills."

The "well-trained and competent staff" will:

"Provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive language, social, emotional and motor domains... modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices, skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate development."

But Glenn! It's completely voluntary!

Sure… until we have too many little fatties in grade school who are increasing the cost of our health care. Then they'd have no choice. They wouldn't want to sent the fat police, but they'd have to because you're hurting the collective, the greater good.

But it's completely voluntary and totally random. If you want it, you got it — unless there's a specific problem area to target, like the one identified on page 840 of the bill:

"The state shall identify and prioritize serving communities that are in high need of such services... especially communities with a high proportion of low-income families or a high incidence of child maltreatment."

This doesn't scare me! No way. Just the crazies like Winston Smith — you know, the main character from "1984."

When did we go from being a nation that believed in hard work and picking yourself up by the bootstraps, to a nation that wants government to control everything from our light bulbs to our parenting techniques?

This bill has to be stopped.

If there are any Republicans supporting this thing, don't you forget their names. If they don't get it now and they don't get it in Washington, they are either out of their minds or part of the problem.
Either way, I want them out.


New Member
Perhaps support for the 1,000-plus page health care bill is eroding because people are finally getting around to finding things buried deep within. You know, stuff like Section 440 of the House bill that reads:

"Home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children, would provide grants to states to establish home visitation programs to educate parents on child behavior and parenting skills."

The "well-trained and competent staff" will:

"Provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive language, social, emotional and motor domains... modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices, skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate development."

But Glenn! It's completely voluntary!

Sure… until we have too many little fatties in grade school who are increasing the cost of our health care. Then they'd have no choice. They wouldn't want to sent the fat police, but they'd have to because you're hurting the collective, the greater good. Glenn Becks take

But it's completely voluntary and totally random. If you want it, you got it — unless there's a specific problem area to target, like the one identified on page 840 of the bill:

"The state shall identify and prioritize serving communities that are in high need of such services... especially communities with a high proportion of low-income families or a high incidence of child maltreatment."

This doesn't scare me! No way. Just the crazies like Winston Smith — you know, the main character from "1984."

When did we go from being a nation that believed in hard work and picking yourself up by the bootstraps, to a nation that wants government to control everything from our light bulbs to our parenting techniques?

This bill has to be stopped. Becks getting paid!

If there are any Republicans supporting this thing, don't you forget their names. If they don't get it now and they don't get it in Washington, they are either out of their minds or part of the problem.
Either way, I want them out.
And the insurance companies win again. Glenn Beck for idiot of the year.


New Member
And your thoughts on Section 440 of the bill are???

It's one section of a multi faceted bill that would insure millions of un-insured and put the fear of god into the insurance companies. If you read any government bill you'd be sure to find some outrageous sounding rhetoric, but overall, the end result justifies the means. BTW, It is all in how one reads it. I'm pretty sure there are quite a few folks that could use some help with child rearing, the prison population should confirm that. I believe the intent was voluntary, No? You righties are soooooo paranoid.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
It's one section of a multi faceted bill that would insure millions of un-insured and put the fear of god into the insurance companies. If you read any government bill you'd be sure to find some outrageous sounding rhetoric, but overall, the end result justifies the means. BTW, It is all in how one reads it. I'm pretty sure there are quite a few folks that could use some help with child rearing, the prison population should confirm that. I believe the intent was voluntary, No? You righties are soooooo paranoid.
It scares me when anyone believes the state knows how to raise our children better than parents do.

The public school system is a mess and the government is squarely to blame, but lets ban home schooling. That's just one example


Well-Known Member
It scares me when anyone believes the state knows how to raise our children better than parents do.

The public school system is a mess and the government is squarely to blame, but lets ban home schooling. That's just one example
Exactly. How about ending the pilot program in DC, too. The one where parents of impoverished children got a voucher to send there kids to any school they wanted, public or private. Letting parents decide where there children can go to school is WAY to much freedom, I guess. Especially when they ALL choose the private schooling option.


Well-Known Member
Like you said, its voluntary. The idea that it will become mandatory seems like nothing more than paranoid conjecture to me.

That said, I do not support it.


New Member
It scares me when anyone believes the state knows how to raise our children better than parents do.

The public school system is a mess and the government is squarely to blame, but lets ban home schooling. That's just one example
I'm not for compulsive anything with government, but if parents need and want help with rearing their child from psychologists that just happen to work for the government, WTF. Don't you think there would be much less criminal activity from teernagers that live in the inner city if the government provided some kind of help to the parents? Maybe financial help would be the most productive, but why not some psychological help. There are a lot of fucked up people. The Bill specifically states this would be voluntary, unlike Becks take on it. The right has this phobia that anything left of Atilla the Hun makes one a genuine commie.


New Member
It's one section of a multi faceted bill that would insure millions of un-insured and put the fear of god into the insurance companies. If you read any government bill you'd be sure to find some outrageous sounding rhetoric, but overall, the end result justifies the means. BTW, It is all in how one reads it. I'm pretty sure there are quite a few folks that could use some help with child rearing, the prison population should confirm that. I believe the intent was voluntary, No? You righties are soooooo paranoid.
That says volumes, Med. :-?



Well-Known Member
I'm not for compulsive anything with government, but if parents need and want help with rearing their child from psychologists that just happen to work for the government, WTF. Don't you think there would be much less criminal activity from teernagers that live in the inner city if the government provided some kind of help to the parents? Maybe financial help would be the most productive, but why not some psychological help. There are a lot of fucked up people. The Bill specifically states this would be voluntary, unlike Becks take on it. The right has this phobia that anything left of Atilla the Hun makes one a genuine commie.
Don't you think there would be much less criminal activity from teernagers that live in the inner city if the government provided some kind of help to the parents? Maybe financial help would be the most productive, but why not some psychological help.

Yeah, welfare sure did the trick, didn't it?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I'm not for compulsive anything with government, but if parents need and want help with rearing their child from psychologists that just happen to work for the government, WTF. Don't you think there would be much less criminal activity from teernagers that live in the inner city if the government provided some kind of help to the parents? Maybe financial help would be the most productive, but why not some psychological help. There are a lot of fucked up people. The Bill specifically states this would be voluntary, unlike Becks take on it. The right has this phobia that anything left of Atilla the Hun makes one a genuine commie.
I think social services has proven itself to be a failure in the past 40 years. Dismantle the whole program if it doesn't work. The free market always finds a product to fill a demand; government does a lousy job.


New Member
Don't you think there would be much less criminal activity from teernagers that live in the inner city if the government provided some kind of help to the parents? Maybe financial help would be the most productive, but why not some psychological help.

Yeah, welfare sure did the trick, didn't it?
You may owe your life to welfare. Without it, a gang of rampant teens may have cut off your ugly head by now,~LOL~.


New Member
You regard taxation as evil, but you also support it as a necessity. How do you reconcile supporting evil. I'd take it, it has something to do with the ends justifying the
I don't see taxation as "evil" at all, I've never said that I want to eliminate taxes. What I DO consider evil, is the government's METHOD of tax collection.

Do you think the current income tax is the tax of free men, or the tax of subjects?

And by the way ... any thoughts on Section 440 of the Health Care Bill?



Well-Known Member
I don't see taxation as "evil" at all, I've never said that I want to eliminate taxes. What I DO consider evil, is the government's METHOD of tax collection.

Do you think the current income tax is the tax of free men, or the tax of subjects?

And by the way ... any thoughts on Section 440 of the Health Care Bill?

My bad, I was referring to your post from the 'How do you form your political beliefs' thread, but you did not say taxation is evil, you said We realize that SOME government is necessary, albeit, a necessary evil. The question remains the same though, how do you reconcile supporting evil? And the implications remains the same, that you do so because the ends justify the means.

It's not important, I was just commenting on you saying med's comment speaks volumes about him.

I already offered my thoughts on sec 440 on the first page.


Well-Known Member

Madison rejected Paine's overstatement that government was itself evil, but recognized that it was needed precisely because of the existence of evil. In his "Advice to My Country" in 1835, Madison wrote:

It has been said that all Government is an evil. It would be more proper to say that the necessity of any Government is a misfortune. This necessity however exists; and the problem to be solved is, not what form of Government is perfect, but which of the forms is least imperfect.​


Wake Up America!!!! Prostitution is legal in Nevada and the most successfull Whorehouse in the US....THE MUSTANG RANCH, was siezed by the Feds for tax evasion and the Government decided to run it since it was legal. Well guess what!! The Mustang Ranch went broke under Government control. If the Government can't run a whorehouse why do you think they could run a health care program. :spew:


Well-Known Member
HAHA damn right, TommyToker!!!
Government couldn't run a Whorehouse, LOL!

This bill is loaded with this sort of bullshit.
But what did you expect.
I was hoping and praying Obama would have just been another Bill Clinton.
I would much rather have another 4 years of Bill Clinton then this doofus.
Me=not big fan of Bill but hell when he was done we had a budget surplus.

The main problem I have with this is
I bet once its in place it will be damn near imposable to dislodge it.
Even if everyone hates it, it will be an institution.