light bills!?


Active Member
just out of curiosity what is a usually light bill cost with a grow box running around 8 23 watt cfls

just trying to think of how bad this is gonna hit me when it comes

i didnt take lights into consideration
is it as bad as i think it is gonna be?


Active Member
what they said. (for reference your PC will use more electricity in 1 hour than your lights do in 10)

If you want to be exact there is a sticky thread that tells you how to wok out the cost exactly.


Active Member
was just wondering because when i moved in i took over the utility bill
the first one was 142
i set my box up 2 or 3 weeks before the new bill came and when it did
it was 274
so i was just wondering
they said that was the highest it has ever been

anyone know what could be the problem?


Well-Known Member
Definitly not from the cfls. You need to find out how much your electric company charges per kilowatt hour then you can see exactly how much they cost per month. I run a 400 watt HPS for flowering (12/12) and I spend roughly 20 dollars extra a month. You on the other hand are running 8 23 watt cfls 6700k if I'm not wrong, so thats a total of 184 watts. So lets say your running 216 watts at the highest 26Cents per kwh and your vegging for 18/6 and for 30 days this will increase your bill by $14.60 Something else is drawing way to much energy from your home Plasma tv, old refridgerator washer or dryer ect ect....

I calculated 216 watts for 18/6 X 30 days at 26C per kwh your bill would be slightly leass at abou $12 per month...... Hope this helped, peace and keep growin....


Well-Known Member
I got 2-1000 hps and 1 600 Mh and 125 watt cfl and my total bill is right around 130 a month
you got something drawing a lot of power and it is not your box


Well-Known Member
if ur in an apartment persay maybe ur paying for someone elses electric also.. that happened to me year ago in an apt i had,, fuckin sux..good luck
Yes, infact this happens all the damn time due to old wiring or your neighbors tapping into you electric...... Very Good Point +rep for the guy above me.....


Active Member
well with the air conditioner be on more while it gets hotter might be an effect
we also have a small swimming pool with a small pump that messes up so the one person who touches it thinks its off when its not

but like i said i just started paying this bill and didnt think it would double like that
i dont want to believe its the lights because i dont want to stop growing
i dont live in an apartment so i know im good there good thinking tho, props
was just looking for thoughts
i appreciate the replys


Well-Known Member
just out of curiosity what is a usually light bill cost with a grow box running around 8 23 watt cfls

just trying to think of how bad this is gonna hit me when it comes

i didnt take lights into consideration
is it as bad as i think it is gonna be?
ok all those lights equal 184w now you have to run thos for 8 hours to equal 1 kwh and if its 11 cents times that by 30 and figure that out


Active Member
Things that increase your utility bill: Computers that run 24/7, AC unit that you keep on 70 because you want to live in a freezer, your fridge surprisingly enough, does consume juice. your 1000 watt grow light and 10 plant hydroponic system.
Things that don't raise your utility bill: your weed growing with CFLs, wife's plugin vibrator.

CFLs are designed to be an energy conserving light. You would need twenty 20 watt CFLs to equal the power consumption of a single 400 watt HID fixture, and fifty 20 watt CFLs to equal a 1000 watt HID.


Well-Known Member
8x23=184 x12 2208 or 2.2 Kw per day so about 30 cents a day. Same o feed a starving child in the late 90's. Now you got to help and they put you on the girls gone wild plan.

Anyways 30 cents a day times 30 days is about 9.00 a month so figure in veg about 15 a month.


Well-Known Member
One other thing to consider is this: Being that you just moved in and took over the bill. Sometimes power companies estimate useage from the previous years average. They do not actually come out and read the meter every month. Maybe they skipped a month or two reading your meter so you are just paying the overage from last years average vs. what you have actually used. Maybe in a month or so thing will all even out as they learn your power useage. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
I remember when I moved into my house I actually paid for 1 1/2 months power. Because I was 2 weeks into there billing cycle so they put those 2 weeks on to the nexts months bill. So I paid for a month and a 1/2. It was higher and I was suprised and called. Thats how I found that out.

ETA: Also there was connection fees and a bunch of other BS that they slap on the first bill as well.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
well with the air conditioner be on more while it gets hotter might be an effect
we also have a small swimming pool with a small pump that messes up so the one person who touches it thinks its off when its not

but like i said i just started paying this bill and didnt think it would double like that
i dont want to believe its the lights because i dont want to stop growing
i dont live in an apartment so i know im good there good thinking tho, props
was just looking for thoughts
i appreciate the replys
You can expect it to - more then - double again in the next few years, thanks to the US Congress:

The Obama budget proposes the largest excise tax in history—in disguise—the cap-and-trade energy tax. Speaking to The San Francisco Chronicle last year, Obama said: “Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket… they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers.”
An analysis commissioned by the American Council on Capital Formation and the National Association of Manufacturers projected the economic impact of last year’s bill by 2030: 3 to 4 million fewer jobs, $4,022 to $6,752 in lower annual disposable income per household, an annual hit to GDP of between $631 billion and $669 billion, and much higher energy prices — 60 percent to 144 percent higher for gasoline and 77 percent to 129 percent higher for electricity."

$17 a months sounds cheap now huh?