I've tried some drugs they say are addictive, and I've never gotten hooked. I use adderall about twice a month, I'm prescribed a daily dose,but I don't take it like that. I use it when I really need energy....like when I want to do a good house cleaning, or I need to get a lot of shit done.It just keeps me focused on the work, makes it more tolerable.
I've always been terrified of losing control, so I keep a firm grip on myself and my recreational drug use.My bills are paid, my responsibilities are taken care of,before any of the fun stuff can happen. I look at hallucinogens, and even weed, as spiritual and even sacred....not to be abused or taken lightly. Adderall is a tool for me that helps me to do things I put off,like cleaning or rearranging...allowing me to get these things done,and thereby improving the quality of my life.Drugs are not a way to escape,they are not a bandaid for your wounds.I look at them as a nice little reward for doing what I'm supposed to do.
I'm always on the lookout for changes in my behavior,or "cravings" for a substance...so far, the only thing I crave is pepsi,lol.
I don't do drugs just because other folks are doing them, or because I need to forget my problems...that never helps anyway.
There are certain drugs I'm not interested in trying,as well...just can't see the benefit of heroin or coke when compared to other recreational substances.
I've been lucky so far, I try to keep a level head about things and go in with my eyes open. I think anyone can summon up the strength to do the same,but sometimes you really have to dig.
So good job, op,on breaking your addiction,and good luck to all the others who are struggling.
Here's to realizing,also, that not all drug use is abuse.